marry a noble wife

Chapter 282 Competition

Chapter 282 Competition (5)
Someone replied loudly: "Of course it's time for Third Young Mistress Fu, Third Young Mistress Fu, your poems were so good before, can you show us other skills now?"

Someone answered, and immediately someone made a fuss. Fu Qingyan called his servant, Yi Zhi, and said this to him, and Yi Zhi immediately went to the female guests' table.When she got to Jiuya's side, she whispered in her ear: "Third Mistress, just go up, even if she doesn't know how to play musical instruments, she won't be at the bottom, Shizi please rest assured."

Jiuya looked up at Fu Qingyan, he toasted her and smiled leisurely, Jiuya was grateful and nodded slightly.

The voices of the booing people became louder and louder, and Jiuya stood up, extremely confused: "I never liked these qin and melodies, but it is difficult to ask me to perform these things all of a sudden... "

Xueqing waited until now and did not see Tuoba Ye, she was already extremely disappointed, and her mood was extremely bad, she immediately sneered and said: "If the third sister-in-law can't do it, then let's end now and dance for everyone with that dancer girl, I must dance Just look closely."

A lady next to her also echoed: "That's right, I already knew that Eighth Younger Sister has no chance to touch such things because she is a concubine, so don't waste any more time, dance for everyone first, and join in the fun."

Jiu Ya took a closer look at this young lady, she knew from all her ears that she was Mrs. Xiao's daughter Xiao Songzhi, and she was indeed the same as Mrs. Xiao.

Seeing that she was silent all the time, An Huiran, who had been fascinated by Fu Qingyan's piano sound for a long time and didn't know the past and the past, also came back to her senses at this time, and sneered: "Eighth sister, it's up to you to say whether you will end or not. If you can't, see Seeing so many people waiting, and looking at the dancer over there, you are very welcome to go up and dance with her. My sister is glamorous, so I think she will look good when she dances. Come on, everyone Applause, cheer for the Eighth Sister."

Her words were the most exaggerated, and she couldn't wait to see Jiu Ya make a fool of herself in front of everyone.

Everyone was waiting for her to dance with the dancer at this time, with a look of gloating over the excitement, seeing that these people were almost amused, Jiuya suddenly changed her pitiful expression and stood up abruptly.Everyone thought she was really going to dance off stage, and immediately booed.

Jiu Ya didn't care about their booing, with a chuckle on her face, the corners of her mouth raised into a seductive arc, and she walked straight to the open space in the middle with a graceful posture.

All the people on the field stood up, some made the dancer go, some shouted, some clapped their hands, all kinds of expressions were displayed.

At this moment, a hoarse voice that was neither high nor low suddenly came from the sky, "Lady."

Jiu Ya, who was walking halfway, was startled suddenly, paused for a moment, then turned around sharply, rubbed her eyes, and looked in disbelief at the young man in scarlet clothes who came slowly towards her from the crowd.

His eyebrows are slightly raised, pressing on the shining eyes, like the blush among the flowers, a flamboyant yet restrained existence, when he smiles, raises his eyebrows and turns his eyes, the noisy voices in the world are all for him Frightened by the bright and fragrant face, there was a moment of silence.

Only half a month later, the young man seemed to have grown into a glamorous and flirtatious man who was completely different from his original one. Jiu Ya's breath was stagnant, and she called softly: "Mr. Xiang..."

Fu Yu strode over and pulled her into his arms with open arms, Jiu Ya greedily took a deep breath that belonged to him.Fu Yu hugged her tightly and said in a low voice, "Miss, you miss me to death."

Jiu Ya chuckled, "You're finally back, I've been looking forward to you every day."

Fu Yu pushed her away, "Is it true? Did you lie to me?"

Jiu Ya laughed, "Of course it's true, I lied to you as a puppy."

The two of them talked as if no one was there, and finally, the boos from all around immediately awakened Jiuya, she quickly took two steps back, raised her face and smiled, "Didn't you see? Everyone is waiting for me to make a fool of myself. "

Fu Yu blinked, "Really?"

Jiuya giggled, "Exactly."

Someone in the men's table shouted: "Fu Sanshao, don't think that you can stop your wife from dancing just because you're here. If you're afraid that she won't be able to, it's good for you to accompany her."

The sudden appearance of Fu Yu made Yuechan, who had been waiting for a long time, stand up immediately. She called out "Brother Yu," but the voice was so loud that the other party didn't hear it at all, and instead went over and took the woman into her arms.She was so anxious that tears almost fell out. How could he ignore her and embrace other women after she had been waiting for him for a long time?

Fu Yubai took a look at the person who shouted, and laughed loudly: "You bitch, as long as I'm not here, you're just waiting to bully my wife, are you begging for itching?"

Seeing that Jiuya was about to make a fool of herself, she didn't expect that Fu Yu would rush over at this time. Aunt Xiao and Fu Jingwen were annoyed, Aunt Xiao immediately shouted: "Yu'er, do you still have any rules? Swear words , there are so many elders here, how can it be decent?"

Fu Yu raised his eyebrows, ignored her at all, and said loudly to those familiar young masters: "Say! What were you planning to do just now?"

A son-in-law said loudly: "If your wife doesn't know how to play a musical instrument, she will be at the bottom of the competition. Now there is a rule that the person at the bottom must learn how to dance with the dancer in public. I heard that your wife has never learned these things since she was a child. It must be her, so everyone is now waiting to see her dance."

Fu Yu looked down at Jiuya, she clearly had teasing eyes, how could she intend to dance in public?
Fu Jingwen over there started to speak at the same time: "Third brother, come quickly, these are all fun and fun things for everyone in Yibo, so don't interrupt there, let her act according to the rules."

Some ladies and wives here with ulterior motives got a little impatient waiting for Jiuya to dance, so they urged: "Don't waste time, hurry up and dance."

Jiu Ya secretly shook Fu Yu's hand to reassure him.At the same time, he sighed and said: "Actually, I really want to dance for everyone, but, sorry, I happen to know a little bit of instrumental music, such as this guzheng, I can barely play it."

"What?" Mrs. Xiao couldn't hear her words the most, and immediately reprimanded: "Uncle and niece, don't think this is a child's play, if you know it, you can, if you don't, you won't, the guzheng is not in your hands My red girl, you can do whatever you want, and you should stop wishful thinking."

(End of this chapter)

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