marry a noble wife

Chapter 283 Competition

Chapter 283 Competition (6)
Jiu Ya looked at her with a smile, "Then Auntie just treat me as wishful thinking, I don't want to dance now, so what if I want to play a song?"

Contradicting her in public, Mrs. Xiao was furious, "Don't use your dirty hands to make strange noises to pollute people's ears, thinking that this is at home, can you do whatever you want?"

Fu Yu was also furious, and slapped his nose with his hand and said: "It stinks, it stinks, which old witch is farting here, it is so stinky, everyone hold your breath, don't be overwhelmed by her stench .”

It was so hurtful that some young masters fell back and forth laughing. Mrs. Xiao's face turned blue and red, and her body was trembling. When she was about to kneel down in front of the Crown Princess and ask her to do justice, Mrs. Rong Guo over there said leisurely: "If a person humiliates himself, he must humiliate himself. The elders are not like the elders, who blindly yell like a shrew here. The princess, I can't imagine that the officials and family members around the prince are so virtuous. It will not work if it continues like this."

The Crown Princess also felt that Mrs. Xiao was too much, and said coldly: "I think she thought she was training the juniors in her house. No matter what, Mrs. Xiao, you should also watch the occasion."

Mrs. Xiao was so speechless that she couldn't say a word, she was so suffocated that she stood there resentfully.

Fu Jingwen saw that the good things were going to be yellow, and she felt very depressed, and suddenly felt a little pain in her abdomen, and she didn't want to move when she sat there.

The ten judges only felt that today's flower viewing banquet was very lively, and one of them said with a smile: "Since the third young lady wants to play the piano, please do so."

Jiuya agreed, so she still chose Guzheng, and began to pick the sound of the zither twice.Seeing her serious face, Fu Yu didn't seem to be joking, so he stepped back to the side of the ten judges, and quietly admired her heroic appearance with his arms crossed.

An Zicheng over there also found it inconceivable. Judging by Jiu Ya's appearance, it seems that there is such a thing. Does she really understand this?how is this possible?

After two monotones, the audience fell silent. Everyone's eyes widened. They really wanted to see how an impossible thing could become possible. Among them, Chunmei and Mrs. An's eyes widened the most.

Finally, the sound of the qin gradually rose, flowing slowly like gurgling water. The sound of the qin was extremely melodious and smooth, sad and lingering. The artistic conception has all reached a level, hooking people's hearts and souls into the melody, and they cannot extricate themselves.

Everyone's faces gradually showed surprise. When the piece was played halfway, Fu Yu took out a purple shakuhachi from nowhere and played it along with her piece.For a time, the simple and deep rhyme of the guzheng and the desolation and vastness of the shakuhachi, the two timbres complement each other, and the mournful melody is played together to create another ethereal and tranquil artistic conception.

They have never seen such a combination of playing, from the melody they have never heard before to the seamless fusion of these two instruments, they feel like a fairy sound, making them so intoxicated that they no longer know where they are. .

Finally, after the last lingering part of the song, the sound of the piano slipped away, but the lingering sound was still lingering, as if it had the tendency to linger for three days.The audience was silent, and after the complete silence, a burst of thunderous applause suddenly sounded.

"Fu Sanshao, good, good, good playing."

"It's so nice. What kind of song is it? I've never heard it before. It's played so well..."

All kinds of applause were endless, and the ten judges stood up together, pulling Fu Yu and questioning him.

At this moment, Fu Jingwen felt her stomach hurt even more, and Aunt Xiao was gasping for breath. After all, she was cheated by that slut named Chunmei. They were here to humiliate Yu's daughter-in-law, they were clearly here to make her famous. Both mothers fell for it.

The tears of Yuechan over there finally flowed out, how could brother Yu combine with others without even looking at her?
The beautiful maidservant next to her hurriedly wiped away her tears and persuaded: "Princess Master, it's the third young master who hasn't seen you yet, so as soon as you come on stage, he won't rush to reconcile you? Wait until you two get it First, the snow lotus must be the princess."

Fu Qingyan at the banquet heard it very differently. He always boasted that he was familiar with all kinds of songs in the northern and southern styles, but this song by Jiu Ya was something he had never heard of. Bone marrow, did she compose this piece herself?
In other people's mouth, she is a person who doesn't even know what Qin Xiao is. Why can she not only play it suddenly, but also have this masterpiece?
This woman has so many peculiarities, I thought she was special before, and attracted her like a shining pearl in the night, but the result is that the more I get in touch with her, the more I can find her excellence.She is like a mystery, as if she has untapped potential, every time she is touched, she can give people extraordinary surprises.I wanted to hide her deep in my heart and let time gradually erase her figure, but how could he hide her so deeply for such a shining her, and how could time take her away from his life?
His heart was pounding, as if it was about to burst out of his chest. He pressed it tightly, gritted his teeth and told himself that he had missed the opportunity. We must forcibly restrain ourselves, he cannot be a morally corrupt person.

Therefore, he must use reason to suppress that unethical emotion!
An Zicheng next to him also had a look of disbelief. Could it be that Song Jiuya is a ghost and can play such a good song?It's all for her to play a good song, why can that dumb Third Young Master reconcile so wonderfully with her?When the two of them blew a bomb, almost everyone's hearts were captured. Did the limelight go too far?He moved his eyes to look at Yuechan who was facing him. The woman was delicate and charming, and his eyes were on Fu Sanshao who was in the field. His eyes were full of tears, and his slender body was crumbling.

His heart skipped a beat. Could it be that the dumb third young master she likes?
He shrank his fingers unwillingly, what's so good about being dumb?Is this Princess a demon?
If she is after the dumb third young master, then he must climb up to her and draw her heart to him!
Until now, when Tuoba Yue heard the Divine Comedy performed by this young couple, he was completely disappointed that Fu Jiu would not appear.Because with them in front, who can beat them again and win the snow lotus?Fu Jiu, Fu Jiu, which corner are you hiding in?Why don't you want to come out and meet me?

(End of this chapter)

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