marry a noble wife

Chapter 284 The climax after another

Chapter 284 The climax after another (1)
Dejectedly, he cast his gaze around, but in the end, he still couldn't see the figure that moved his heart.

An Huiran and Mrs. Xiao's wife, Mrs. An, were completely stunned. They never believed what would happen, and it would happen again and again today. Is there anything more outrageous than this?People who have never touched these things can suddenly surprise the audience with their skills. Isn't this ghost possession?Is there anything more absurd?

They looked angrily and resentfully at the laughing and laughing woman who was joking with the ten judges, wishing they could scratch her face all at once.Mrs. Xiao remembered that she had repeatedly denigrated her like that before, but at this moment, her behavior was really like a clown, which seemed so ridiculous.

At this time, Xue Qing's eyes had already cast on the lazy figure who came in with Fu Yu just now. He was leaning on a willow tree, and his figure was as tall as a willow. He had the face of a god exiled like a fairy, and the sea of ​​stars. Her eyes fell loosely and casually towards the lively scene in the field, feminine and cold, just this casual look and expression made her feel dizzy and unable to control herself.

She bit her lower lip tightly and stared at him without blinking. If it wasn't for such an occasion and she was afraid of the usual etiquette, she would have rushed to his side right now, begging for his mercy, and giving her some tenderness .

But what Wen Caihe was looking at was Fu Changting beside Tuobaye, this man who looked honest and honest at all times, because he was hiding in the dark at this time, what he saw in his eyes was like a wild wolf shine.

She looked at the young couple in the field who were so eye-catching, talking and laughing so happily, she didn't know where to pour out the bitterness in her heart, and looked back at Chunmei behind her, only to see her eyes staring at Fu Yu on the field, she The self-pity and self-sorrow in my heart suddenly turned into anger, and this anger desperately needed an outlet.

She suddenly sneered and said, "Chunmei, the second master has already returned, don't you go to greet him?"

Chunmei was startled suddenly, she looked away and asked, "Where is Second Master?"

Wen Caihe pouted her mouth, "Isn't the second master over there or who?"

As if falling from heaven to hell, Chunmei looked at the generous figure unwillingly, and said immediately, "Young servant, let's go."

Chunmei got off the table, walked up to Fu Changting, and called softly, "Second Master is back."

Fu Changting withdrew his gaze, looked at her, and said dully, "You're here, where is Second Mistress?"

Chunmei pointed to the female guests, "You're sitting over there, do you want the second master to go over?"

Fu Changting was busy in the world, and he didn't want to go there at first, but when he turned his eyes, he suddenly saw a beautiful figure, that masked woman who looked sickly... His body suddenly became alert, and he secretly said: "How much?" I haven't seen her in a day, so I should go over and say hello."

Chunmei lowered her head and turned around, and suddenly smelled his breath again, thinking of the feeling of being alone and lonely for half a month, and thinking of his strong, seemingly indefatigable male body, her face turned red, this master finally came back, she Although her tenderness could not be conveyed to the bright jade-like man in the field, the man behind him also gave her endless joy, and it is not bad to live like this.

Fu Changting arrived in front of Wen Caihe, and honestly talked to her about the things he had been away for half a month. At the same time, he kept glancing at Yuechan from the corner of his eyes. However, the princess's heart is all about that person in the field, even if he speaks, she will definitely not be able to hear him.

At this time, the hustle and bustle in the arena had passed, and Fu Yu was very popular among the young masters, so they invited him to the male guest table immediately, but Fu Yu was reluctant to part with Jiu Ya, so he let Jack Ya who came later After taking the prize that Jiuya put on the table here - the Nine Dragon Cup, he found a place to sit down with her.

The game continued again. As the host, Fu Jingwen couldn't withdraw from the midfield because of anger. She had to force a smile and continue to invite people to play.

After Wen Caihe played a tune on the flute, someone urged Jinxia to play.

Jinxia was neglected by An Zicheng, seeing him courting another beautiful woman, her heart felt as if it was suddenly torn into pieces.

Didn't he say he liked her?Didn't he say he wanted to marry her?Why do you want to embarrass her in front of so many people?
Thinking back to the joy when she snatched him from Bamei, all the things she did for him to assassinate Bamei, and the skin-to-skin kiss between the two of them that night, she gave him her whole body and mind, how could he Treat her like this?She really couldn't figure it out.

It was hard for her to clean up her emotions, and she didn't want to, but Jin Yun persuaded her that if she didn't play, she might be the one dancing in the arena, and it would be even more ugly.So she had no choice but to go up and play a sad song with tears in her eyes, her appearance was really pitiful and pitiful.Naturally, she never looked at An Zicheng from the beginning to the end. This man she loved so much seemed to be so far away from her all of a sudden, she couldn't understand what kind of person he was.

At the men's table, some young masters kept peeking at Jiuya, while chatting and laughing with Fu Yu. Jiuya couldn't even have a private conversation with Fu Yu. Fortunately, he was by his side, so she no longer felt so lonely. Already very at ease.She sat quietly, and from her side, she could see Fu Changting very clearly. He was quite eye-catching among a group of women, but on his simple and honest face, those small eyes were always squinting sideways. The person who caught her was clearly Yuechan.

She smiled slightly, mother, this guy is just pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, eating from a bowl, looking at the pot, and I don’t know how much money Fu Yu’s mother has robbed. Since I’m here today, I can’t help Go back after earning a little interest, you must make some trouble for this guy.

Everyone at the table had their own thoughts, Fu Yu was having a good time talking with the young masters, when a beautiful servant girl beside Yuechan suddenly came up to her and said respectfully, "Is it the third young master Fu?"

Fu Yu turned around and looked at her, "Who are you?"

The beautiful maid said softly: "It doesn't matter who the servant is, the important thing is, do you still remember Princess Yuechan?"

Jiuya was sitting beside watching the show, Fu Yu frowned, "Princess Yuechan?"

The beautiful servant girl smiled, showing her white teeth, and turned her eyes to the opposite side, "The princess arrived in the capital after the new year. Because of her poor health, she has not met the young master. Today, seeing the young master here, the princess is very happy." I am very happy, just now I saw the young master's melody playing beautifully, the princess wants to ask the young master to sing a song for her later, I wonder if the young master agrees?"

(End of this chapter)

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