marry a noble wife

Chapter 285 The climax after another

Chapter 285 The climax after another (2)
Hearing this, the son next to him immediately hissed. Fu Yu looked at Yuechan who was facing him.The corners of Fu Yu's mouth turned up slightly, and he said with a half-smile, "The princess's music is unparalleled in the world, how can I wait for the little people to get along with her, let her find someone else."

An Zicheng, who was not far away, heard his words, and a deep smile flashed across the corner of his mouth.

The beautiful maid's face turned pale, and she whispered: "My lord, the princess came to Beijing all the way, and you treat her like this? I haven't seen you for many years, shouldn't you go say hello to the princess?"

Fu Yu turned his face away, "I'm still waiting to receive the No.1 award. After I receive the award, I'll greet the princess later."

The beautiful servant girl glanced at Yuechan who looked forward to it, and almost pleaded: "If the son and the princess are playing together, the No. 1 must be the two. The princess is not in good health, and needs to be cured by the snow lotus." Sick, can't you accept the princess's invitation for the sake of love?"

Fu Yu became a little impatient, "My wife also wanted the snow lotus, and we finally won the applause of everyone with her. How can we push out the snow lotus that is about to be obtained now? Let your princess figure out a way, Anyway, I can't let my wife down."

He refused so categorically, the beautiful maid had nothing to say anymore, she looked at Fu Yu and Jiu Ya sadly, she was disappointed and disappointed, plus she couldn't bear to tell the princess the truth, she almost wished she could kneel down. it is good.

But the son next to him booed and said: "Third Young Master, there is no reason to refuse a beauty's request. Hurry up and comfort the beauty's heart. You can't let her princess down."

"Yes, Third Young Master, if someone sincerely invites you, it would be too unreasonable to refuse. I heard that you two are old friends. Third Young Master must not do such heartless and stupid things."

Fu Yu became even more impatient when he heard that, he pushed Jiuya in front of the crowd, and said loudly: "Look, my wife is also a beauty, and her heart also needs me to comfort her, if I hurt her for other beauties Her heart, who will comfort my wife?"

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, only then did they realize that it was too immoral to persuade Fu Yu to Princess Yuechan in front of the royal family, and it was too dark, not to mention that Mrs. Fu Sanshao was also a rare woman with both talent and beauty. Apart from her background, she is no worse than Princess Yuechan.So they shut up one after another.

And Jiu Ya has never expressed any opinion, just laughed to see how her little husband responded to the invitation of this former lover.

The beautiful maid came excitedly, but she didn't expect such a result, so she had to leave with hatred.When she tactfully told Yuechan what Fu Yu said, Yuechan opened her eyes wide in disbelief, and murmured: "How is it possible? How is it possible? Brother Yu likes me the most, how could he not want to give it to me?" Chorus?"

Then her tears fell, and the beautiful servant hurriedly persuaded her, and Tuobaye, who had seen the situation here, came over with a smile, stretched out his hand, and said with a smile: "Cousin, that heartless one won't help you, come on, Cousin will help you, you must kill that heartless jealousy."

Yuechan didn't move, and the two beautiful maidservants immediately persuaded her. Xueqing, who was sitting on the side, was very happy when she saw Tuobaye approaching in front of her. The third brother is an idiot, and since having the third sister-in-law, it's like a different person, you don't pay attention to him now, wait a while, I will lure my third sister-in-law away, and the third brother will definitely be happy to see you. Now Let’s go to the game first.”

With her persuasion, Yuechan held back her tears, turned her head and said softly, "Sister Xueqing, you must help me later."

Xueqing hastily promised, "Definitely."

Therefore, Yuechan's song was joined by Tuoba Ye, handsome men and beautiful women, which made everyone in the banquet look forward to it, hoping that they would be able to sing a masterpiece like Fu Sanshao and his young couple.Not only Xueqing thought so, but even Yuechan also thought so.She often heard that her cousin lingered in the flowers for many years, and he must be good at music theory, so she concentrated on it, and when she picked up her slender fingers, a beautiful piece of music flowed out from her fingers.

Fu Yu and other young masters who were familiar with Tuoba Ye were shocked to see him appearing on the stage, they were shocked and covered their ears, as if a big change was about to happen.

Jiuya was still baffled, and was concentrating on listening to Yuechan's qin music, but Tuobaye moved the long Xiao in his hand to his mouth very boldly, and suddenly there was a sharp and devilish voice piercing through his Xiao out.The voice was high-pitched into the sky and breathless, not only shocked the audience, it was estimated that such a strange sound could be heard from ten miles or eight miles away.

Yuechan, who was concentrating on playing the piano, was suddenly interrupted, she clutched her chest, panting heavily.

The magic sound was the closest to her, she was pale and almost fainted on the piano, but fortunately the two maidservants did their best and rushed over to support her, one was busy covering her ears, the other was busy feeding her. medicine.

The ten judges patted the table and hurriedly stopped, while Tuobaye blew loudly, without taking a breath, and blew happily.

Fu Jingwen, who was pregnant, was completely overwhelmed by his magic voice, someone came and hurriedly carried her into the inner house.The prince and concubine were furious, they stopped drinking immediately, Tuoba Ye was in high spirits, pretended not to hear it, until Tuoba Yue slashed at him with a big knife in his hand, split Xiao in two, and then pierced his magic voice Ear stop.

Holding two truncated Xiaos in his hands, Tuobaye stood up boldly without any shame, and laughed loudly: "How? My Xiao Yin should be ranked first, right? Do you agree?"

But at this moment, no one below dared to answer his words. After his baptism by Xiao Sheng, several people with bad hearts had already fallen on the table. The doctor hastened to treat him.

Tuoba's big knife slashed at his chest again, and said angrily: "You bastard, how dare you come to destroy the flower feast, watch me slash you!"

Tuobaye dodged with a big laugh, and said with a laugh as he retreated, "Brother is welcome to chop, there are many people here, I like to chop a few more."

At this time, he had retreated to the female guests' table, causing a commotion there.Tuoba Yue couldn't add to the chaos anymore, he snorted angrily, and then withdrew his knife.

After a long period of turmoil, the ten judges finally calmed down and voted No.1.Unsurprisingly, No.1 is Fu Yu and Jiu Ya.Being helped to the side to rest and calm her mind, Yuechan covered her chest and cried again. If she hadn't been tricked by that unscrupulous cousin, she would have a chance to win the first place. Now that Xuelian has fallen, why should she marry Fu Qingyan?That's impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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