marry a noble wife

Chapter 286 The climax after another

Chapter 286 The climax after another (3)
Such a climactic match was completely destroyed by Tuobaye, except for the prince and concubine and Tuobayue, no one dared to scold.But before he received the prize, Fu Yu was called away by the prince, and everyone got up one after another, starting to admire the flowers in the garden in groups of three or four.

Jiuya realized something, called the jackdaw to the hiding place, quickly took a poisonous needle from her wrist and handed it to him, and said in a low voice, "I'll find a chance to give this thing to the guard next to the prince. on..."

Han Ziya was picking it up, but said unwillingly: "Although I don't know what your intentions are, young mistress, I am the young master's attendant, not yours, why do you always ask me to do such things? You Don't you have two followers? Why don't you let them do it?"

Jiuya laughed dryly, "The two of them should keep their secrets. It's not appropriate to come out at this time. It's best for you to entrust this job to you."

Han Ziyao snorted heavily, curled his lips and said, "You young mistress is too unscrupulous."

Jiuya smiled without saying a word, and after he left, she went straight to the crowd of people admiring the flowers.After walking a few steps, I saw a group of women in costumes talking around Yuechan, Wen Caihe and Chunmei were also there.

Wen Caihe waved her hands from afar, "Third sister-in-law, come here quickly..."

Jiuya walked over in response, and at this moment Yuechan had regained her composure and was talking with a few young ladies.Xueqing, An Huiran and Xiao Songzhi surrounded her, seeming to be talking about Yuechan and Fu Qingyan.

Xueqing asked: "Sister Yuechan, I heard grandma say during the Chinese New Year that grandma once proposed marriage to you for the sake of elder brother, and your father also agreed, but now there seems to be no more content. What's going on?"

Yuechan didn't make a sound, and the beautiful maid next to her said instead: "The princess means that the person she was engaged to be married to was Third Young Master, but now it has suddenly changed, she can't accept it for a while, things need to be slowed down first."

An Huiran's eyes flickered, she pursed her lips and asked with a smile: "But the third young master is married now, and he didn't keep the engagement, what should we do?"

Another beautiful maid said: "What else can I do? The third young master doesn't keep his integrity, so the princess will naturally ask him to take responsibility..."

She just said this, Jiuya had already arrived in front of them, she stopped talking, and supported Yuechan with all her strength, as if she was afraid that she would fall to the ground if she couldn't bear any stimulation.

Jiu Ya bowed to her very politely, then asked Wen Caihe, "Why did you ask me to come here?"

Wen Caihe said affectionately: "We are sisters-in-law, shouldn't we enjoy the flowers together? What's more, Chunmei, who has served you before, is also here. She knows your habits best. Isn't it more casual for the few of us to talk together? "

Jiuya smiled, but said in her heart, there is nothing to show courteousness to, either adultery or robbery.

Seeing her, Yuechan's beautiful eyes darkened, coughed twice, and walked over, "If Brother Yu hadn't helped you today, you wouldn't have gotten that snow lotus. It can be seen that today's competition is extremely unfair , if Brother Yu helps me, I will be number one, do you understand?"

Jiuya looked at her with a smile, "Everyone can see it, and they all know that the Princess is talented, but I need my family's husband to help, that's only right and proper, and there is no reason for him to abandon me to help the Princess."

Yuechan's eyes turned red, and the beautiful maid behind scolded: "Don't be complacent, even if you get that snow lotus, Third Young Master will give it to the Princess!"

Jiuya glanced at her, "Really? I don't know why you are so sure?"

The beautiful maid sneered, "No reason, you just have to wait and see."

Jiuya smiled lightly and wanted to walk away, but she suddenly caught a glimpse of someone's clothes from behind, and someone couldn't bear the force and fell towards her. Yuechan stood in front of her, and Yuechan stood behind her. Chunmei, she was thinking about it, and someone behind her had already bumped into her. Because she was prepared, she was stabbed by the flower thorn next to her, and she rolled to the side with all her strength, and the people behind bumped into Yuechan. With Chan's exclamation, she bumped into Chunmei who hadn't reacted yet.

Exclamations and screams were heard endlessly, Chunmei was pushed down heavily, Yuechan also fell to the ground, and two young ladies also rolled down at the same time, Jiuya fell half of her body among the flowers, the thorns on the flowers went straight into her arms, excruciating pain She frowned.

The two maidservants screamed at Fu Yuechan, Yuechan had already passed out, and Chunmei, who was hit by her, curled up on the ground holding her belly and shouted, "My child..."

At this moment, Wen Caihe went to help her up anxiously, "Chunmei, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing that her face was pale, she yelled for help. When Fu Changting was in a hurry, seeing Chunmei's appearance, he quickly called his wife to carry her to the guest room.At the same time, Yuechan who fainted was also carried away.

Seeing that something serious happened, the young ladies hurriedly dispersed in horror. Jiuya reluctantly climbed up from the flowers, and Tuoba Yue, who heard the sound with Fu Changting, frowned and asked, "Does it matter?"

Jiu Ya covered her arms and shook her head, "It's fine."

Tuoba Yue glanced at her arm, there was obviously blood soaked on the sleeve, and he confirmed: "Is it really all right?"

Jiuya lowered her eyes and said, "I'm really fine, I don't know where my husband is? Can you tell him to come and take me home now?"

Tuoba Yue pursed his lips in displeasure, and said lightly: "He's with my father, you wait here for a while, I'll send someone to call him right away."

Jiu Ya hummed lightly, Tuoba Yue looked at her again, then turned and left, she heaved a long sigh of relief.

However, after waiting for a long time, Fu Yu did not come over. Seeing that it was getting dark, many people in the garden had already left one after another.She couldn't help but walked out of the garden, and another person came in front of her, it was Mama Sun.She looked gloomy, bowed slightly and said: "Third Mistress, hurry up and go with your servant."

Jiu Ya said calmly: "What's the matter?"

Mother Sun said: "The Crown Princess is looking for the third mistress everywhere. I have something to ask about what happened just now."

Jiuya knew it in her heart, but she was not afraid, so she said, "Lead the way."

She followed Mama Sun through the corridors and courtyards, and finally arrived at a brightly lit courtyard. When she entered, she saw the Crown Princess Aunt Xiao and Mrs. Xiao sitting upright, and Wen Caihe and the other young ladies who were talking together stood beside her.

When Aunt Xiao saw her, her face was longer than that of a horse, and she said sharply: "Say it quickly! But you pushed Princess Yuechan and Chunmei just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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