marry a noble wife

Chapter 287 The climax after another

Chapter 287 The climax after another (4)
Jiuya was not afraid, and said calmly: "Auntie, don't talk nonsense without evidence. There were so many people before, how did you conclude that I pushed the princess and Chunmei?"

Mrs. Xiao who was next to her had been angry for a long time, and at this moment she finally saw Mrs. Rong Guo leaving, so she thought she wanted to vent her anger on her.Immediately reprimanded: "Just now Songzhi and your second sister-in-law saw that you pushed Yuechan, why do you still have the face to argue?"

Jiuya looked at Wen Caihe with a cold look in her eyes, "Second sister-in-law, did you see that I pushed the princess just now?" At that time, she had already fallen into the flowers to avoid being pushed by the people behind, Lian Yuechan's She didn't touch the front of her clothes, yet someone still said she pushed someone?As for Chunmei's collapse, on the contrary, she had every reason to suspect that Wen Caihe had something to do with it, because she had shown signs of it before.

Wen Caihe didn't dare to look directly at her at all, "I didn't see it too clearly, just because the third sister-in-law and the princess were standing closest at that time, so it was only right that the third sister-in-law bumped into her."

"Then, the second sister-in-law didn't see that I pushed the princess." Jiuya looked at Mrs. Xiao again, "The second sister-in-law only said it was a matter of course, but didn't say she saw it. As for Songzhi..."

She smiled, and looked at a young lady with yellowish skin next to her, "You were the one standing behind me just now, and you bumped into me, so how can you say that I bumped into the princess?"

Xiao Songzhi's face was as calm as water, "Someone hit me from behind, and I couldn't bear the force so I bumped into you. But the princess is a golden branch and jade leaf, even if I bumped into you, you shouldn't hit the princess. Now the princess In a coma, the child in Chunmei's womb seems to be lost, all the responsibility lies with you, not me."

This woman is as shameless as her mother, Jiuya smiled angrily, nodded and said: "Indeed, the princess is a golden branch and jade leaf, I know it better than anyone else, so when I found someone bumping into me, I Then she fell into the nearby flowers, and now there are still wounds from the thorns on her arms. Then, who can say that I hit the princess?"

Aunt Xiao suddenly interjected: "Don't use that injury as a prevarication, that can be added afterwards by you. Under the eyes of everyone, you dare to hurt the princess, what should you do?"

When meeting them, Jiuya felt that it would be an extremely stupid thing to reason with them. She laughed, and didn't want to argue a word at all, and sighed: "Call my husband, take responsibility or not, Let him figure it out."

Mrs. Xiao's face turned blue, and she was about to reprimand her. The Crown Princess stopped her, frowned and said, "Yu'er is discussing with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, so don't call him. If you say you didn't bump into the Princess, is there someone to prove it? As long as there is someone to prove it, won't you Are you all right?"

It seems that they will not call Fu Yu here anyway, and they are really impatient with their entanglement, Jiu Ya said: "When the incident happened, His Royal Highness rushed over immediately, so people can ask him about his situation at that time .”

As soon as Xiao Songzhi heard about the emperor's grandson, she became a little nervous. When the emperor's grandson rushed away, she was still lying on Princess Yuechan's feet and couldn't get up. If he told the truth, wouldn't she be responsible?It's only because Song Jiuya is too cunning. In such an emergency, she had the strength and time to roll aside. Otherwise, she would definitely not be the one who bumped into the princess.

At this time, the concubine had sent someone to call the grandson of the emperor, and everyone in the room was staring at Jiuya, as if they wanted to tear her in half immediately.

After a while, Tuoba Yue was indeed called, he looked displeased, first saluted in front of the Crown Princess, and then said: "I'm busy with something, what is the urgent need for me to come?"

The princess smiled and said: "Yuechan was hit by someone just now, and your second uncle, a pregnant maidservant, almost had a miscarriage. The real culprit is being investigated. I heard that you also saw the scene at that time, did you see who it was?" Hit Yuechan?"

Tuoba Yue's eyes swept over the ladies in the room one by one, and finally, he fixed his eyes on Xiao Songzhi's face. Mrs. Xiao was anxious, wouldn't the grandson of the emperor identify her as her daughter?He said: "At that time my daughter was standing behind Song Jiuya, she couldn't have bumped into the princess alone, Your Highness, please watch carefully."

Tuoba Yue raised his thick eyebrows, and then shifted his gaze to Jiuya, Jiuya still lowered his eyes, the wound that was stabbed before had not been treated, and some blood stains soaked on his clothes became even bigger, although he was a little embarrassed, but also Without compromising her elegance.

Tuoba Yue stared at her wound, his eyebrows involuntarily frowned even tighter, and he pursed his lips tightly and said, "It means that the third sister-in-law is more likely to bump into Yuechan, doesn't it?"

Jiuya held her fingers lightly. He had clearly seen her lying down among the flowers, and he could prove that she didn't hit anyone with just one sentence, but in the end he rambled about these words. What did they mean?Mom, this guy is the same as Fu Jingwen, how can he be expected to testify for her?
She sighed softly, finally raised her eyes, and said without expecting anything: "Even if I bump into the princess, I can't help it, you should track down the person who pushed people, why do you have to track down me, the victim? "

Finally forcing her to say this, Aunt Xiao sneered and said: "The person who pushes people will have to investigate, but you should know that even if you have a lot of body and can't help it, there is no reason to bump into the princess. The body of the princess It's not good at all, but being bumped by you, I don't know what kind of serious illness it caused, and maybe I will lie in bed for a long time, do you think Prince Rui will be as easy-talking as us? He still doesn't want to trouble you, a murderer? Chunmei, your second elder brother managed to have that heir, you obviously wanted to cut off his roots, what is your intention?"

By this time, I finally found a place to vent all the grievances of the day, Song Jiuya, you can't even think about getting out today.

Tuoba Yue was upset when he heard it, because he was afraid that King Qi would return in a big victory, which would be bad for him. Right now, his father is looking for Fu Yu to talk about getting his grandfather to express his support for this side, but these women are making such a fuss here, What a woman's opinion!
He had heard before that Fu Yu cared about his daughter-in-law. The matter with his father hadn't been settled yet, but Song Jiuya was going to make things difficult here. Fu Yu wouldn't agree to it.

Besides, Yuechan's illness requires Tianshan snow lotus to be used as medicine, and Fu Yu got a cheap one now. If these women insist that Song Jiuya pushed Yuechan, and if Yuechan offered to compensate with snow lotus, then wouldn't her marriage with Fu Qingyan be justified? finished?

(End of this chapter)

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