marry a noble wife

Chapter 291 Expediency

Chapter 291 Expediency (3)
Jiuya was stunned, "He is so difficult? What should we do?"

Fu Yu continued: "If you cure my father's illness, it's okay, he won't bother you. If you don't cure it, it may be more difficult for you to get out. With the skills of Tsing Yi and Phantom, today I will The whole of his house was almost detected, but you know how many experts he has under his command. It is easier for him to crush you to death than to crush a small ant. Do you think he is as stupid as you think? Let you play around Got to go?"

Jiuya bit her lower lip, did Fu Yu scare her, or was Tuoba Yue really so scary?
She thought for a while, "I'll try my best to cure your father's illness."

Fu Yu couldn't bear it any longer, and patted her on the head, "It's true that your brain is not bright. Don't think that my father's illness can be cured with your acupuncture and medicine. If you don't have a deep internal force, Even if you are a god, don't let him stand up."

Jiuya covered her head and wailed, and said casually, "Why are you so clear? Could it be that you are responsible for the sealing of his meridians?"

Fu Yu's face changed drastically, and he stood there in a daze for a long time without speaking.

Seeing that he hadn't moved, Jiuya raised her eyes to sneak a peek at him, and said cautiously: "Master, tomorrow is the half-month consultation period I promised, do you think I should show up or not?"

Fu Yu regained his composure, pinched her face lightly, and his expression became calm, saying: "If you don't go, that fellow will not only hang Hua Chuntang and the others at the city gate to dry, but this The whole capital city will definitely be turned upside down by him. Forget it, leave this matter to me. You can deal with him tomorrow. Don’t worry about my father’s illness. You can delay it for another ten days at most, my father The disease will be cured, and the emperor grandson will not be able to say anything, you should take this opportunity to disband Hua Chuntang, and it will be fine if you don't show up again."

Seeing that he spoke so easily, Jiuya asked suspiciously, "Are you so sure that you can cure your father's illness?"

Fu Yu wrote lightly: "I will invite a master to come and treat him in your name. But I will take care of the mess this time, so don't cause such a disaster next time."

Jiuya was so moved that tears filled her eyes, she hugged him and said, "Master, you are so kind, I originally wanted to transfer that Huachuntang to another place and open it again, but now it seems that I should listen to you and stay at home." it is good."

Fu Yu showed a tricky smile on his face, patted her on the back and coaxed: "So, lady, you'd better not have any secrets from me, once you have secrets, accidents will easily happen, think about it yourself , is there anything you haven't had time to be honest with me?"

Jiuya naturally remembered the matter of planting the coffee tree, gritted her teeth, why not talk about it together when he is not in a bad mood today, so as not to be found out in the future and it will be even more difficult to explain.So she got up and found the land deed and contract that King Qi gave her back then, and honestly put them in front of him and said: "This thing was signed with your uncle before, and it is now being planted. I gave it to Xiu Caili, it will definitely be a good business to make money in the future, so I hope it can continue. What does your husband think?"

Fu Yu pretended to look at it twice, coughed twice, put those things into his arms, and said solemnly: "Let me take care of all these public affairs. I know the taste of coffee It’s really good, and it will be a profitable business in the future, so I will definitely help my wife manage it well, and I will definitely make these things achieve the highest economic benefits, and spend a lot of money on my wife.”

Seeing that he didn't get angry and helped her deal with the aftermath, Jiu Ya already felt that it was pretty good, and she let out a long sigh of relief.So he didn't mind that he accepted the land deed and the contract, but he said worriedly: "I spent a lot of effort on those coffee trees, my husband must be very careful in planting them. Also, wait for the coffee trees in that place in the future When it grows up, I still have to go and have a look, and talk about some things about making drinks, and maybe I need to give technical guidance, otherwise others will definitely not be able to make those delicious flavors."

Fu Yu said very kindly: "Don't worry, lady, if I can't do such a little thing, won't I make you look down upon me?"

Jiu Ya finally let go of her heart that had been mentioned for many days, but the pharmacy could not continue to open, which really made her feel distressed. To be honest, she didn't agree with the idea of ​​always sitting at home, taking care of her husband and raising children. People always have something that belongs to them.This pharmacy is closed, and I always think of a good business to make a living later on.

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered that he had gone out for half a month, and asked curiously again: "What kind of business are you going out with them this time?"

Fu Yu just smiled and didn't answer, he looked down at her curvy and thick eyelashes, trembling slightly under the light, very pitiful and cute.Thinking of holding all her secrets in the palm of his hand, there is a kind of satisfaction as if having all her.With a low sigh, he couldn't help holding her injured arm, which was already wrapped with gauze.

He gently stroked the skin around the gauze, whispered: "Jiuya."

His voice was like an invisible temptation, Jiuya's heart skipped a beat, she didn't dare to look into his bottomless eyes, stared at the dancing candles on the table, and hummed lightly.

Fu Yu gradually caressed her cheek from her arm, and finally his plump lips, whispered: "Do you know, I... really like you..."

Jiu Ya's face turned red, the seduction of the handsome man at such a close distance, and such a low-pitched confession made her a little at a loss for the first time.

Fu Yu took her hand and put it on his chest, and said in a low voice: "Here... this beating heart beats for you every day, every time I think of you, it seems to burst out of my chest... This feeling has been there since the first time I saw you, that time underwater, if I was not afraid of shocking you, when I was taking your jade pendant, I could not help but kiss you..."

Jiu Ya felt her face was about to burn, and pressed his chest, her tentacles were as hot as fire, and murmured: "That was the first time we could you have such an idea?"

Fu Yu chuckled, "Why can't you have that kind of thought? Don't think that I'm not the right person, and I'm not interested in giving me money. In fact, that day, when I heard outside the door that you and An Zicheng had a marriage contract At that time, I just wanted to destroy."

Jiuya raised her head, her eyes were blurred, "So you took out that piece of paper on purpose to make people think I'm frivolous?"

(End of this chapter)

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