marry a noble wife

Chapter 292 Expediency

Chapter 292 Expediency (5)
Jiu Ya smiled and nodded, "That's fine, that girl has been with me for many years, and now I see that she has a good place to go, so I'm relieved." Then it's time for her to put such a time bomb on, Wen Caihe, Fu Changting, just wait.

After talking with the old lady for a while, Jiuya still didn't see the third lady coming, so she asked strangely, "Why didn't the third aunt come today?"

There was a strange expression on the old lady's face, and it took a long time before she said insincerely: "I guess there is some delay."

Jiuya became curious, could it be because of Xueqing?So how far did Tuobaye and Xueqing develop last night?Really just a kiss?If there is further action, it is a serious crime for a woman to lose her virginity before marriage. Thinking about Jin Zhi, even if she is carried back to the Prince Jin's mansion, life would definitely be worse than death. Without a man, being a widow alone, what is the point of living? mean?If Xueqing didn't feel ashamed, the consequences in this big family's house would definitely be much more serious than Jinzhi's.

After talking for a while, Jiuya came out from the old lady's room. Before she left, she saw Aunt Xiao looking at her coldly. There is a very bad feeling.

After returning from Rongfutang for dinner, it was almost Chen's hour, and Fu Yu hadn't woken up yet. Jiuya didn't dare to waste any more time, closed the door, and began to change into men's clothes.

Xiucai helped her comb her hair, Yudie helped her pull her robe, Xiucai whispered: "Young Mistress, did you tell my uncle about this?"

With a look of fear on her face, Jiu Ya chuckled lightly: "Don't worry, I've already told him, don't worry about anything today, Mr. Xiang has already agreed."

Xiucai and Yudie breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and Jiuya suddenly sighed again: "But after this time, the Huachun Hall may be closed, and those dignitaries are really something we can't afford to mess with. Even if we get away with it this time , I will definitely not be so lucky next time, so, Xiucai, you have everyone in Hua Chun Tang mentally prepare for it."

Xiucai was stunned, "Why do you have to close the door? Yesterday, the elder brother-in-law of the young mistress happened to transport the needed medicinal materials from Li Tang with great pains. Is that what counts?"

Jiuya raised her eyebrows, "Has the medicinal material arrived yet?"

"Yes, shopkeeper Ji paid the money yesterday, alas."

Jiuya also felt very reluctant, not only because of the money, but because she had paid a lot.

Xiucai arranged the hair and put on the hat for her. A handsome young man had passed away from the world.

Xiucai stared at her eyes, she held her chin in her hands and said, "Young Mistress, you should be like this from now on. You look like the lover of my dreams. You just like this. I am willing to serve you forever and never again. Think about others."

Yudie covered her mouth and smiled, Jiuya turned around, pinched Xiucai's chin, and said frivolously: "Little lady, let's go home with Master to farm."

Xiucai looked happy, "Young Master, the slave family is yours today."

The three of them laughed muffledly in the room, pushing Hua Chuntang's unhappiness of being locked up to the back of their minds.

This time when she was leaving the mansion, Jiuya was already familiar with the roads, and Tsing Yi and Phantom still carried her, wandered around the street twice, found a carriage, and slowly headed towards the waiting mansion.

Just as he was about to turn to Houfu Street, the carriage was stopped by a gorgeous carriage.Jiuya, who was wearing a green gauze cap, asked strangely, "Why didn't you leave?"

Tsing Yi and Phantom had already protected the carriage from left to right, and whispered: "It seems that the grandson of the emperor is here."

Jiu Ya took a look, and she saw Tuoba Yue, dressed in silk and brocade robe with phoenix dancing pattern, walking down from the carriage with clear eyes and sword eyebrows.She trembled, remembering what Fu Yu said about him last night, so she pulled herself together and said in a low voice, "Why did Your Highness stop the carriage in the middle of the road?"

Tuoba Yue's slender body slowly walked over with his hands behind his back, his eyes were like a volcano that had been dead for many years suddenly being hit by a moving continental plate, lightning flashed, lava rolled, and he stared at her without blinking.

Jiu Yadun felt that the air pressure around her suddenly dropped, and the flowing air seemed to slow down, and there was a turbulent cold air, which made her almost out of breath.

Tuoba Yue walked over step by step, there seemed to be wind and thunder gathering between eyebrows, heavy clouds piled up, Jiuya was inexplicable, and was afraid, and was about to shrink back into the carriage, but Tuoba Yue stretched out his arms and grabbed it, Phantom in Tsing Yi made a move at the same time, shouting: "Bold!"

Tuoba Yue sneered, and blocked it with one arm, "You guys also dare to attack me?"

Tsing Yi Phantom closed her move, Tsing Yi said in a deep voice: "As long as you don't get close to our one will do anything to His Highness."

The movement here immediately made the guards behind Tuoba Yue draw their swords at the same time, and surrounded them.

Tuoba Yue waved his hand, and they stopped their progress.

Jiu Ya sneered: "Is this the treatment His Highness asks me to treat patients?"

Tuoba Yue opened the curtain and stared at her, a kind of coercion belonging to a high-ranking person suddenly came to his face, Jiuya didn't know what kind of nerves this guy had lost today, and he treated her like this.Doesn't he want Anpinghou to recover from his illness?

Tuoba Yue stared into her eyes, and after a long while, he slowly uttered a few words, "Come down, I have something to tell you."

Jiuya didn't know what kind of trick he was going to play, but she believed that before Anping recovered from her illness, he would not dare to do anything to her, so she obeyed his wish and leaned against the wall to get off the car.After she landed, Tuoba Yue didn't do anything, but said to the Phantom in Tsing Yi, "Don't worry, I'll just walk with Fu Jiu."

Phantom in Tsing Yi exchanged a glance, but did not make a sound.

Tuoba Yue looked deeply at Jiuya, his gaze was only focused on her eyes, as if he wanted to see her inside clearly and carefully.Jiuya just let him see that people wearing veils always give people a feeling of mystery and want to spy, she understands.But she was still on guard, beware of Tuoba Yue suddenly taking her veil.

After a long time, Tuoba Yue said in a low voice: "Let's go, it's not far from Houfu, let's walk there."

Jiu Ya really didn't understand, what way would he go if he didn't take this nice carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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