marry a noble wife

Chapter 293 Serving the Divine Doctor

Chapter 293 Serving the Divine Doctor (1)
The two walked side by side, Tuoba Yue kept his mouth shut and observed the person next to him, only to find that he was only up to his shoulders, and still looked like he hadn't grown up.Looking at the skin on his forehead, it is as smooth and clean as white jade, his eyebrows are drawn into his temples, and his eyes are radiant.It's just that I don't know what kind of face is under the green veil?
Vaguely, it seemed that he could still smell the faint fragrance of his body, and his whole heart moved accordingly.

Jiuya just felt depressed, she just wanted to hurry to the Hou Mansion so that she could complete the task and leave early. Tuoba Yue, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked in a low voice, "Where is Xiao Jiu from?"

Xiao Jiu?Jiuya felt a chill.

She coughed, and said in a huff: "My ancestors lived in Ningcheng, and later they were exiled in other places for some reason, and now they are wandering all over the world, without a fixed place." You can't even find it.

Tuoba Yue hummed, "Who does the medical skill belong to?"

Jiuya's eyes softened, "I learned a little from my grandfather."

"Judging from your medical skills, your grandfather's must be better, and he should be famous in Ningcheng." Tuoba Yue said casually.

Jiuya immediately became vigilant, this guy was very cunning, asked her about her ancestry, and then asked her about the source of her medical skills, could it be that she wanted to use this to find out her roots?It's a pity that her roots are in the previous life, the 21st century, you have the ability to check it.

She smiled and said: "Grandpa never practiced medicine because of his strange temper, and later he took me away from Ningcheng, and no one knows his name."

Tuoba Yue frowned, his words were impeccable, it seemed that it was extremely impossible to figure out his life experience from his words.Then he changed his strategy and said: "Since you are wandering all over the world and have no fixed place to live, have you ever thought about settling down?"

Jiuya smiled, "I like to be free, and I like the sea and the sky more. This kind of life without a fixed place is what I yearn for, and I never thought about it."

Tuoba Yue glanced at her, "You are still young, and you only want to enjoy the novelty and excitement, what if you are tired?"

Jiuya curled her lips secretly, "We'll talk about it at that time."

Tuoba Yue stopped and looked at her, and with an invitation, he said seductively: "After this incident, you might as well try to settle in the capital for a while, and try to make friends with people here. If you like to open a medicine store, I can help you open one." A bigger pharmacy. If you want to leave, as long as I have time, I will accompany you to travel all over the world, mountains and rivers, what do Xiao Jiu think of this proposal?"

Jiu Ya was slightly surprised, this emperor's grandson is not a reckless person, why did he say such words suddenly?To be so nice to a stranger with such a good face, it must be neither a traitor nor a thief.

She shook her head and said: "What Your Highness said is not what I want. Opening a medicine store is just because I want to do some good things for some people in the capital. I don't want to open a bigger one. Open it if you can. If you can't, I will It's just closed. I don't want to have any interaction with the people here, Your Highness is a high-ranking person, even if you have time, you can't leave your identity and responsibility to travel mountains and rivers, His Highness's proposal is unrealistic."

Tuoba Yue looked disappointed and stared at her deeply, "Then what will you do to stay? Let you be an official?"

Jiuya was even more funny, "That's even more impossible. I don't have that kind of heart, and I will accomplish nothing if I become an official. Oh, what's the matter, Your Highness? We agreed at the beginning. There will be nothing wrong with each other, Your Highness doesn't want to go back on his word, does he?"

Tuoba Yue pursed his lips tightly, his gaze was almost caught in her gorgeous pupils.

At this moment, Jiuya suddenly saw the meaning in his eyes, and her heart was shocked, no, now she is dressed as a man, could he see that she is dressed as a woman?
This guy is too powerful, right?

Thinking of this, how dare she walk with him at the same time, turned around and walked towards the Hou's mansion with big strides.

Tuoba Yue stared at her back, the corners of his mouth curled up in a vague way, he would not let him leave, whether he wanted to or not, he would break off his wings and stay by his side.

There were already people waiting at the gate of the Hou Mansion, and when they saw Jiu Ya and Tuoba Yue coming on foot, they hurriedly invited them inside.At the same time, I heard that today the mansion has invited a genius doctor to see Lord Hou, and the masters of the mansion are all waiting in Yilanju.When the people in the yard saw the mysterious and beautiful Jiu Ya in a Hu suit appearing in front of them, they all stared straight away. It is really rare to see such a charming and young genius doctor in the world.

The old lady, Aunt Xiao, and others all came over to inquire, Jiu Ya frowned displeasedly.Tuoba Yue seemed afraid of disturbing her, so he said to the old lady: "This genius doctor only sees patients, so please don't disturb him too much. What about father-in-law? Let the genius doctor show him first."

Being so disrespected by others, the old lady was a little unhappy, but the other party came to see a doctor, not to show respect to others, so she could only bear her anger and not care about it, and pointed to the room and said: "Inside, the three brothers are all inside to accompany you." on."

Tuoba Yue then took Jiuya to the wing room, and when he entered, he saw An Pinghou sitting in a wheelchair, Fu Qingyan, Fu Changting and Fu Yu were all around him, talking.

Tuoba Yue stepped forward and said: "Father-in-law, the doctor is here, let him see first."

Fu Qingyan and Fu Changting got up quickly, originally wanting to say hello to Jiuya, but when they saw her in such an attire, both of them were stunned. They had never seen such an eye-catching person who did not show her true face.

And Fu Yu, who was sitting behind Anping Hou, stared at her without moving, with a surprised smile flashing in his eyes.This turned out to be his little Jiuya?Dressing up like this is simply too eye-catching, but it's a pity that there are too many people staring at him now, otherwise... a wicked smile curled up at the corner of his mouth.

Jiuya's eyes quickly swept over his face, and she couldn't help but blush when she saw the lust in his eyes, this guy is really a big pervert.

Jiuya nodded slightly at Fu Qingyan and Fu Changting, then sat next to An Pinghou, took the pulse for a while, then asked him about his medicine, thought for a while, and said: "I'll take the medicine again." Prescribe the medicine for Lord Hou for ten days, after ten days because I have something to go elsewhere, I will send a friend to give Lord Hou an injection, after the injection, there is an [-]% chance that Lord Hou will be able to stand up and walk."

An Pinghou withdrew his hand, nodded and said: "If you can stand up and walk, then you are really thankful to the miracle doctor."

(End of this chapter)

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