marry a noble wife

Chapter 294 Serving the Divine Doctor

Chapter 294 Serving the Divine Doctor (2)
Fu Qingyan and Fu Changting were also overjoyed to hear it, and they couldn't stop expressing their gratitude.

Tuoba Yue frowned, "What do you have to go elsewhere? If you don't come in person, who knows if your friend can administer the needle well?"

Jiuya turned to prescribe the medicine, and said calmly: "Your Highness, don't worry, my friend's medical skills are better than mine. If he has problems, every doctor in the world will have problems."

She used her left hand to write, and Tuoba Yue forcefully approached her, held her hand holding the pen, and said coldly: "No matter what, what I hope to see in ten days is that you come to give acupuncture to my father-in-law in person. If other people come, I will never accept it!"

Jiuya looked at the little hand held by his big palm, her face was embarrassed, she didn't know what to do, Fu Yu already had a cold look in his eyes, but he walked over with a playful smile on his face, he took Jiuya Pulling her wrist, she said to Tuoba Yue: "Brother-in-law, what's the matter today? Now the doctor is prescribing medicine, and you grab her hand, how can she prescribe it?"

Tuoba Yue was holding Jiu Yarou's boneless hand again, and his heart was shaking with countless shocks, because what he thought about day and night was this feeling, and now it was in his hands, he could hardly control himself.

In a blink of an eye, he saw that Fu Yu was also holding that wrist. Even though he was separated by his robe, he felt as if his property had been violated by an outsider.He suppressed his anger, and gloomyly pushed Fu Yu's hand away with the other hand, "I'm just discussing the details of treating my father-in-law with him, please don't interfere with my third brother."

He spoke so brightly, and even pushed his hand away, Fu Yu knew something was wrong out of the man's sixth intuition.Immediately, he was furious, but he also held back, and did not let go of his hands, he said with a smile: "Since it is a discussion, how can you discuss it if you hold the doctor's hand? The purpose of the discussion is to be calm. If the doctor is annoyed, she will not No matter how hard you try to heal, don’t you have to waste all your previous efforts?”

Tuoba Yue lowered his eyes, looked at Fu Yu, Fu Yu said Yan Yan with a smile, and looked at him without hesitation.The flowing air froze instantly, and the two unknown factors seemed to be colliding under some kind of reaction, striking out lightning and sparks.Jiuya raised her eyes depressedly, and the two men in front of her, one with a frowning brow, with a chilling aura swirling between her brows, and one with a firm smile, stared at each other gently.However, no matter whether they were solemn or smiling, the expressions of the two of them never loosened because of each other's insistence.

The atmosphere among the few people was too weird, which alarmed Fu Qingyan and Fu Changting who didn't know why, and the cold voice of Hou Anping suddenly came over, "What are you doing? Shouldn't the doctor prescribe the prescription right away?"

It was only then that Tuoba Yue and Fu Yu came to their senses. Tuoba Yue realized that the persistence was not in line with his identity at this moment, and Fu Yu also realized that this was an unreasonable confrontation.Fearing that someone would become suspicious, he had to let Jiuya go first, Tuoba Yue also let go and took two steps back, but a look of shock flashed in the eyes of both of them at the same time, could it be that he also fell in love with her?

The tense atmosphere finally relaxed, Jiuya secretly breathed a sigh of relief, not daring to delay, brushed up and wrote out a prescription, then threw away the brush and quickly retreated to Anpinghou's side, saying in a rough voice: "Today's prescription is waiting for you!" I will serve it for another ten days, and I will send someone over after ten days, please wait patiently."

An Pinghou nodded, "It's been a long time, I won't be in a hurry for ten days, I just need to trouble the doctor."

"Where is that, Lord Hou is polite." Jiuya bid farewell with fists in her hands, and fled outside the house in a panic, Tuoba Yue also said: "Father-in-law, please take care of me, I must ask him to give his father-in-law the needle , let me say goodbye first."

An Pinghou said: "You go, if he doesn't want to, don't force him."

Tuoba Yue came out in response, and Fu Yu was so angry that the veins on his forehead were throbbing, he didn't care about explaining anything, so he followed him out.

In the yard, Jiuya didn't have time to say hello to the old lady, so she hurried outside like a dog in mourning. The old lady and Aunt Xiao scolded her for being rude.

But Jiu Ya and Tsing Yi Phantom had just walked to the gate of the Moon Cave, and Tuoba Yue said coldly from behind: "Xiao Jiu left in such a hurry, is it to avoid me? But you Hua Chuntang, you can really avoid people like that ?”

Jiu Ya was stunned, yes, she could run away and the monk could not run away from the temple, and if Master Hou's illness was not cured, he would not let the people of Hua Chun Tang go.It's useless for her to run now, such a courageous thing was all caused by seeing Fu Yu's stalemate with him, causing her to panic and completely lost her sense of proportion.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but sighed, and slowly turned around with helplessness in her eyes: "Your Highness, we agreed at the beginning that as long as the illness of the Hou Ye can be cured, you suddenly asked me to come and give the acupuncture treatment for the Hou Ye in person." , I really can’t come, I really have a last resort.”

Tuoba Yue approached her slowly with a cold face, ignoring the anger of the Phantom in Tsing Yi, he lifted her chin through the green veil, "Is there a problem? What problem? Tell me, and I will solve it for you."

Jiuya hurriedly stopped talking, took two steps back and said, "Why do you bother to make things difficult for me, Your Highness?"

As soon as she retreated, she almost leaned against the wall, but before Tuoba Yue could speak, there was a person on the wall shaking his feet and laughing: "Genius doctor, my brother-in-law is worried, afraid that your friend is not capable of killing me. Dad is cured. Well, let me think of a compromise for the two of you. The genius doctor will write a letter of guarantee that will ensure nothing goes wrong, and sign it. My brother-in-law will also write a letter of guarantee that once my father’s illness is cured, he will How about not embarrassing the people of Hua Chuntang anymore? This is a good idea, right?"

Jiuya really thinks this idea is good, Tuoba Yue nodded and said: "The third brother's idea is indeed good, but there is another reason, that is, I think we get along better with Xiaojiu, I hope I can keep Xiaojiu to live in my house for a few days My God, by the way, help me see a doctor or talk about it at night by candlelight, just make him a bosom friend."

Fu Yu was so shocked by his words that he almost fell off the wall, Xiao Jiu?How many days do you want to live in his house?Help him see a doctor?Talking at night by candlelight?
What's wrong with him?She usually looks so serious, is she insane?
Jiu Ya almost choked on a mouthful of saliva, he wants to invite her to live in the Prince's Mansion?It would be quicker to kill her.

She flatly refused and said: "Your Highness, even if you want to make friends, you still need to be willing. To be honest, I have been hiding because I don't want to associate with the dignitaries in the capital. Now Your Highness not only forced me to show up, but also Forcibly staying together, I really can't agree with His Highness's approach. Please take your Highness back, let's leave it alone, and we can leave a good impression in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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