marry a noble wife

Chapter 295 Serving the Divine Doctor

Chapter 295 Serving the Divine Doctor (3)
She spoke righteously and sternly, with awe-inspiring righteousness, Fu Yu nodded from behind.Tuoba Yue sneered, "What did I say? At the beginning we agreed that you would leave after my father-in-law recovers from his illness, but now you want to leave without even saying a word? I'm not the one who insists , since you have no intention of intersecting with me and others, you will go away when the time comes, but if it is not for you to give the needle, I will never let you go!"

Jiuya was speechless, this person meant that she wanted her to give the needle in person, but would Fu Yu allow her to come out again?She couldn't help but secretly looked up at the person on the wall, Fu Yu squinted slightly, gritted his teeth secretly, and could only take a step back and said, "Genius doctor, my brother-in-law doesn't have any other intentions, I just don't trust others to give needles, such things are understandable , so after ten days, you should come over to give the needles, ahem, this is just a compromise suggestion of mine, I hope the genius doctor will consider it."

Jiu Ya seemed to hear the sound of his grinding teeth, but at least she agreed, so she could only sigh and said, "Since Your Highness is so worried, it's okay, I'll come back in ten days."

Then, as soon as she bowed, she wanted to run away.Tuoba Yue's words came back coldly, "It's past noon now, I haven't eaten yet, so Xiao Jiu will have a meal with me before leaving."

After finishing speaking, he walked outside first, leaving a few people looking at each other in blank dismay, is this person finished?

Knowing that he couldn't escape, Jiu Ya had no choice but to bravely follow behind him with the lid of the pot on. How could Fu Yu leave her and face Tuoba Yue alone? With a thick skin, he also followed him and said haha: "It's just right." I didn't have lunch either, why don't I go eat with the genius doctor too."

Tuoba Yue frowned when he heard that, he walked all the way to the gate of the Hou Mansion, and when the two people who came out side by side came out, he didn't say anything, and didn't let a carriage be called, just walked straight beside Jiuya.Jiuya's face is dark, on the left is a noble and serious man, on the right is a man who is laughing and talking Yanyan, and in the middle is her, a short masked man. Walking on the street with such a trio, the entire streets of the capital city Shocked?
Fortunately, Fu Yu didn't put too much pressure on her, he just talked about which restaurant had the best food and wine, and at the same time he kept saying hello to the acquaintances who passed by, and those people were the young masters who often wandered the streets. , Seeing such a strange threesome, everyone was surprised.

These are the four greasy-faced young men who just came from the opposite side. After greeting Fu Yu, they pointed to Jiuya in the middle and said in surprise: "Third Young Master, who is this masked man? We don't seem to have seen it before. Can't you introduce me?"

Fu Yu put his arms around Jiuya's shoulders, and said with a smile, "Is this this? It's a genius doctor, Young Master Chen. If you meet this genius doctor somewhere in the future, you should respect him, you know?"

Tuoba Yue saw him hooking up with Jiuya, but Jiuya didn't resist, as if he was very close to his little brother-in-law, it was very enjoyable, and he felt extremely unhappy.

He also embraced Jiuya's shoulders, and said poignantly with no expression on his face: "Xiao Jiu is weak, don't knock him down, I'll support you on the side."

Fu Yu raised his eyebrows and wanted to beat someone up.In the end, Jiu Ya secretly pinched her and held back.Humming and chirping: "His Royal Highness, you'd better put that hand down, I won't pull her, let her go by herself."

He let go first, Tuoba Yue took two steps before letting go, and Fu Yu was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

Jiuya finally got back free from the pull from both sides.

And the fact that Jiuya was close to Fu Yu made Tuoba Yue feel very uncomfortable.When he arrived at the restaurant, Hei ordered food with a sullen face, then sat next to Jiuya and said coldly: "Aren't you going to take off your veil? How will you eat later?"

Jiuya smiled slightly, it turned out that the purpose of this guy to invite her to dinner was to let her take off her veil to see her true face, there is no way.

She fearlessly said: "Your Highness, just rest assured, if you don't take off the veil, it won't hinder me from eating at all."

Tuoba Yue looked at her sideways, and really didn't know what she had to rely on, but she was not afraid of his aura.But the more this happened, the more he had the urge to get close to her. If he let her go this time, would she disappear forever after seeing her next time?
In fact, in his mind, Fu Jiu was a person who had nothing to do with interests, but a doctor. If he wanted to keep him, he had to stay.If it was someone else, he would first think of the benefits behind him, but Fu Jiu was different, he was alone and could let him get whatever he wanted, it would be better if there was no brother-in-law in the middle.

The food was served, and it was very rich. Jiu Ya put the food in front of the table and took the chopsticks. Fu Yu and Tuoba Yue stared at her to see how she would eat without taking the veil.

Jiuya was secretly amused, she slightly touched the veil with her left hand, then picked up food with chopsticks and ate the food from the slightly opened place under the veil.Fu Yu clapped his hands and laughed, "Great doctor, you are so clever. If I hadn't wanted to respect you, I would have taken off your boring cover long ago, according to my temper."

Jiu Ya rolled his eyes at him, while Tuoba Yue vaguely saw her sharp chin from the side, and was slightly dazed.Then, seeing her staring at the crystal dumpling in the middle, he went to pick it up for her. Unexpectedly, Fu Yu was faster than him. He quickly picked one up and put it in the Jiuya bowl, "Please eat well, genius doctor."

Jiuya pretended to be polite and said, "Thank you."

Fu Yu blinked, "I feel very honored to be able to serve the miracle doctor without any effort."

With him around, the atmosphere wouldn't be too dull, and he was also very cunning, he didn't eat at all, whenever he saw Tuobaye wanted to pick up food for Jiu Ya, he would quickly grab it first, and he didn't care Jiuya's bowl has been piled high.

Tuobaye didn't say a word, and he didn't snatch it from him. He just took a bowl, slowly scooped up Babaoshan Chicken Soup from the stove, blew it, and put it in front of Jiuya, saying: "Look at Xiao Jiu. It's almost finished, let's have another bowl of soup."

Think of his majestic grandson, how often has he served others well?If it wasn't for Fu Yu's repeated troubles today, he would just pick up a chopstick and show it to Jiuya. Now, in order to find a little balance in his heart, he ladled soup to demonstrate, hoping that Fu Yu would learn something.

Jiu Ya did eat about the same amount, and the soup was cold enough, so she was not polite, took a spoon and drank it slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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