marry a noble wife

Chapter 296 Serving the Divine Doctor

Chapter 296 Serving the Divine Doctor (4)
Fu Yu stared straight at it, Tuoba Yue finally won once, and felt much more comfortable.

Eating and drinking like this, no matter how reluctant Tuoba Yue was, the banquet would end at some point, and when Jiuya said goodbye again, Tuoba Yue had no choice but to let her go.When Jiuya came out of the restaurant, Tsing Yi Phantom immediately sent her to the carriage. They had already noticed that Tuoba Yue had set up tracking personnel around here, and they couldn't help but sneered. Afraid of his pursuit?
The carriage went straight to Huatangchun, and Xiucai who was waiting there hurriedly took Jiuya into the inner room and changed her into a woman's attire. The two of them brought two packs of medicine and walked out of Huatangchun's door openly and aboveboard.Then he stopped another carriage and went straight back to the Hou Mansion without any flaws.

After Tuoba Yue sent Jiuya away, he was extremely depressed, he only said hello to Fu Yulue and returned to the Prince's Mansion.As soon as he entered the door, the guard next to the prince immediately told him to go to the study, saying that the prince had something urgent to discuss.

When he arrived at the study room, he saw his father Tuoba Changji's face was gloomy, and there was a blue needle placed on a white cloth handkerchief on the desk.

Tuoba Yue sat down and asked, "Has the poisonous needle that killed the guards beside you been found out?"

Tuoba Changji raised his eyebrows and said: "When the guard was killed, I was talking with Fu Yu in the study. Killing the guard must have been eavesdropping, and he moved the needle because he was detected. Although I don't know who this person is, but Last night, I sent this needle to the palace and asked Doctor Hong to check its toxicity. He said that the poison was the poison of the dragon sea flower. Seeing blood seals the throat. It is absolutely not produced in our area, but there is a small amount in Daqin. It can be picked, but as a father, I just don't understand, who wants to eavesdrop when I talk to Fu Yu?"

Tuoba Yue thought about it: "The conversation between Father and Fu Yu, besides making King Qi the most nervous, which side wants to know the specific content?"

Tuoba Changji said: "Why do you exclude King Qi, don't you think he sent someone here?"

Tuoba Yue smiled deeply, "The first is that King Qi is too busy to take care of himself now, how can he have time to take care of the rear? Second, King Qi is not the kind who is so careful to eavesdrop. , some words, he has to guess one or two without eavesdropping, he won't bother so much. So I conclude that someone else did it. "

Tuoba Changji nodded, "That's right, your little uncle does have such a skill. If he said that he sent people to eavesdrop, he would look down on him. But who did this? Killing my guard this time , won’t he shoot the poisonous needle directly at me next time?”

At this time, Wu Jing who was following Tuoba Yue suddenly said: "I don't know if His Royal Highness still remembers, the last time the imperial concubine sent two nuns to the waiting mansion, but those two nuns also died of two roots and this Under the same poisonous needle, if you want to find out who is threatening His Highness the Crown Prince, why don't you go to the Hou Mansion to investigate carefully, maybe you can get some clues."

Tuoba Changji also thought of this at this time. His mother and concubine wanted to use Yang Shuxian's incident to kill Song Jiuya, but the two nuns who sent the poisoned wine died under the poisonous needle in the chaos , Yang Shuxian was also accidentally killed by Fu Changting's wife in that incident.Although the matter was nothing, but the death of those two nuns has always been a knot in his mother and concubine's heart.And from this, it can be roughly seen that the person who administered the poisonous needle was clearly aiming at the people of their faction.

After pondering for a while, he nodded and said: "Yue'er, go back to the waiting mansion and inquire carefully about the details of the killing of the two nuns at that time. The clues may be in this investigation. This potential crisis has been unearthed, which is really disturbing."

Tuoba Yue quickly responded.

Tuoba Changji flipped through another file and said: "I received a secret report today, and some city guards also handed in documents in twos and threes, saying that cholera was suddenly prevalent in several cities on the border between Wuyue and Daxia recently. I heard that Lian Lu There was also a case of cholera in the city, and many refugees had already flooded into the capital, but some of these people were also infected. The local officials were afraid of being held accountable, so they kept it secret and did not dare to report it to the court. Should the matter be stabbed in front of your imperial grandfather by your father?"

Tuoba Yue thought for a while, "If there is an infection even in Lu Yi, we'd better hold back now."


"Now the little emperor is fighting against Wu Yue's army. Wu Yue's general Lu is quite prepared this time, but despite this, it is going to be summer soon, and he has not been able to take down Lu Yi. Obviously, the little emperor's The power is still quite strong. If we don’t want the little emperor’s uncle to shake his father’s position in the East Palace with this feat, then this time the cholera came at the right time. When the cholera broke out, the army and the local food are connected, so there is no reason not to be infected. As long as If they are infected, their fighting power will decrease, and Wuyue's attack on Luyi will be just around the corner. Although we lost a city, we can secure the position of father's East Palace, which is simply a godsend, and it couldn't be better."

Tuoba Changji frowned, and after a while, he also nodded and said: "Yue'er is right, cholera is curable but not curable, let's let nature take its course and let those local officials hide it until it is impossible to hide it. It won't be too late for us to report."

The father and son reached a consensus on this matter, and they felt much better.At this moment, someone notified the Empress Dowager Concubine that she had something to report, and Tuoba Changji invited Fu Jingwen in.

After Fu Jingwen saw the ceremony, she said: "The daughter-in-law has already mentioned to my father before that my aunt found out that Song Tingda used his eighth-ranked concubine Song Jiuya to replace his concubine Song Jinyun to marry Fu Yu. In fact, this is a very good and thorough idea. The opportunity to eradicate the Song family, the laws of the Great Xia, cannot replace the concubine with the concubine, and now the Song family not only changed people, but my aunt also said that they were so bold that they even wrote the concubine daughter on the marriage certificate recorded in the Ministry of Household Two words, just based on these, they can be convicted of fraudulent marriage. According to the laws of Daxia, not only the party Song Jiuya will be divorced, but the entire Song family can be imprisoned. If the punishment is severe, they can be sent to the frontier and exiled thousands of miles away .”

It was the first time for Tuoba Yue to hear about this, and he asked suspiciously: "Then the Song family is so bold that they dare to marry as a concubine?"

Fu Jingwen smiled and said: "Small family, how do you know that this is a serious crime? My aunt has gone to the household department to confirm that this is indeed the case."

(End of this chapter)

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