marry a noble wife

Chapter 297 Serving the Divine Doctor

Chapter 297 Serving the Divine Doctor (5)
Tuoba Changji also said: "I have already asked. It is true that the Xiao family is short-sighted and does not understand gold and jade. It is difficult for others to marry Fu Yu, but it is rare for Fu Yu to marry him. They are actually reluctant to part with a concubine. Marriage on behalf of Song Jiuya. This is good, I finally found a reason to get rid of the Song family, and now Song Tingda can't blame me." In fact, he didn't necessarily want Fu Yu to divorce Song Jiuya, but it was just when Fu Yu was needed before, if he expressed If he supported himself, Song Jiuya could still keep it for him. If he didn't support him, Song Jiuya would have no choice but to die. He had to use this to make Fu Yu succumb.Kill two birds with one stone.

A look of displeasure suddenly appeared on Fu Jingwen's face, she paused and said: "However, my aunt came over just now and said that there may be changes in the household department."

"Changes? What changes over there?" Tuoba Yue asked with a frown.

Fu Jingwen got up and said: "My aunt has come, why not let her explain the specific situation."

Tuoba Changji immediately asked Xiao Shi to come in.Xiao Shi saw the ceremony, and the crown prince looked at her again, so she said respectfully: "The concubine's identity was obviously sent to the household department to look at it, and the marriage letter stated that Song Jiuya was a daughter-in-law, but I will send someone to confirm it this morning. , the above has been changed to concubine. The concubine spent a lot of money to tell the official to tell the truth. He said that Qingyan had been to the household department before, and asked the household department doctor to change the two words. We have no evidence at all."

Tuoba Yue raised his eyebrows and said, "Why did big brother do that? Does he know that we are going to deal with the Song family?"

Aunt Xiao shook her head and said, "He didn't know about it. The reason why he did that was probably because he was the one who went to the Song family to ask for marriage on behalf of Fu Yu. He had always been close to Fu Yu and was meticulous. He might also have noticed that Song Jiuya It was a substitute marriage, so I went to the household department to change the records."

Tuoba Changji said angrily: "He is too nonsense, once this record is changed, how can we trouble the Song family?"

Tuoba Yue didn't take it seriously, "This matter is very easy to handle. If he can correct it, we can correct it. Besides, the Song family also recognizes this matter. Once we investigate it, they will naturally plead guilty."

Fu Jingwen said: "That's true, even if the record is changed, it doesn't matter much. It's just that I'm worried that when the Song family is detained for this crime, the eldest brother will come forward to disturb this matter, and I'm also worried that it was the eldest brother who acted on behalf of the Song family. The third younger brother asks for a marriage, and he will take on the responsibility when the time comes, the Song family can't bear this responsibility at all, and Song Jiuya can't be divorced either."

Aunt Xiao said: "This concern is very reasonable, I know Qingyan's personality best, so he might not be able to do such a thing."

Tuoba Yue smiled, "What good idea does Auntie have?"

Aunt Xiao smiled and said: "Before that day, please trouble the Empress Dowager Concubine to invite him over, and then send him something to leave the capital for a period of time. When he comes back, the matter has been done, and he has nothing to do with it."

Tuoba Changji nodded, "That's a good idea, we'll do it like this when the time comes."

Jiu Ya was going back to the residence later than Fu Yu, as soon as he entered the door, he saw a black and clear jade in his hand, walked over and said with a smile: "Master, what are you looking at?"

She was worried that Fu Yu would be unhappy, but unexpectedly, his face was very gentle, without the slightest intention of reproach.He squinted at her with a half-smile, "I like that look, show it to me every day when you have a chance. If the environment permits, I will take such a half-male, half-female woman out on a trip, and I don't worry about someone coveting her." beauty."

Unexpectedly, he would praise her, Jiuya was overjoyed, and sat down, "Why didn't you blame me today, Master?" Tuoba Yue had reached that level, she was really worried that Fu Yu would peel her skin as soon as he came back , but the result was unexpected. It seemed that she really couldn't understand this person's temper.

Fu Yu gently pinched her face, "I just want to hold you in my hand and take care of you, how can I blame you? Besides, this matter is under my permission, as long as you don't lie in front of me, you can do anything I won't object to anything."

Heh, it turned out that he adopted a policy of being frank and lenient, Jiuya laughed.Fu Yu pulled the red silk rope on the clear black jade in his hand, and said with a low smile: "This is a gift I brought you when I went out this time, and your name was engraved on it by a craftsman with excellent craftsmanship." Come on, let me put it on for you."

Before Jiu Ya could take a closer look, he put it on her neck, "It took me a while to find this jade, it is more precious, my lady, don't lose my heart."

"It's a good thing, I suggest you don't wear it on me. If it falls off one day, I can't explain it to you." Jiu Ya said with a smile casually.

Fu Yu turned around and glared at her, "It's tied up for you, why is it so easy to fall off? As long as you don't take it yourself, this thing will always be on your neck."

Jiuya curled her lips, she touched the jade, the place where the words were carved was uneven, but the surrounding area was smooth and delicate, not cold to the touch like ordinary jade, but faintly revealing a trace of warmth from inside, suddenly thinking of the jade on his chest Zhui, that thing seemed to be piercing into the bone, and hurriedly reached out to untie his collar, Fu Yu grabbed the collar tightly, "What are you doing? Little pervert."

Jiu Ya gave him a white look, "Let's be frivolous."

Fu Yu raised his eyebrows and smiled, and immediately opened his arms, closed his eyes and said, "Come on, welcome lady to be frivolous."

Jiuya punched him angrily, reached in and took his jade pendant in her hand, and said strangely: "This thing is cold, I am warm, does it matter?"

Seeing that she was doing it for this, Fu Yu touched the jade pendant around his neck and said weakly: "What does it matter? This jade pendant is the only personal thing my mother left behind. I have worn it for 17 years and never left it. Therefore, you should cherish the jade pendant I gave you as much as I do, otherwise I want you to look good."

Jiuya curled her lips, and was about to close her hand when she put down his jade pendant, but Fu Yu grabbed her hand and said with a lecherous smile: "My lady, I'm still waiting for you to be frivolous, how can I just take her hand away like this?" ?”

As he spoke, he pulled Jiu Ya closer, and Jiu Ya evaded and scolded with a smile: "You pervert, it's still daytime, what will you do when you get down? Are you so anxious?"

Fu Yu lightly pecked her plump lips, and said with a smile: "A man who has just experienced human affairs, which one is not a lustful ghost? If you avoid it like this, is it possible that you were very dissatisfied with your husband last night and made you feel resentful?"

(End of this chapter)

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