marry a noble wife

Chapter 298 Serving the Divine Doctor

Chapter 298 Serving the Divine Doctor (6)
Jiu Ya twisted the flesh in his waist, "You worked so hard last night, how dare I complain?"

Fu Yu hugged her tightly, "In this case, the spring night is short, lady, let's start now..."

He lowered his head, regardless of Jiu Ya's avoidance, he insisted on forcibly kissing her, wanting to ignite the desire in her, and go to the cloud and rain together with him.

Jiuya was also aroused by him for a while, so she let him carry her to bed, making a fuss about her.

After some intimacy, both of them were too tired to get up under the covers, Jiu Ya nestled in his arms and whispered: "Master, if we do this, will we have a child right away?"

Fu Yu kissed her, and said in a hoarse voice, "Does the lady want a child?"

Jiuya thought for a while, "You have not been cured of the poison yet, I don't want it for now, I'm afraid that the poison will spread to the child, and it will harm him for the rest of his life in the future."

"It seems to make sense, so just wait, anyway, you are only fourteen, and the days are still long."

The two talked for a while, and Fu Yu got up and asked someone to fetch water to cleanse himself.When someone went out, Jiuya was already fast asleep, he curled his lips into a smile, the more tired she was, the more man he was, a sense of conquest made him extremely proud.

While he was cleaning, Jack Yaw said outside: "Young master, His Royal Highness has come down."

Fu Yu frowned, just met, why are you here again?He raised his voice and said, "Let him wait in the living room, I will come right away."

After he finished dressing and came out, Tuoba Yue had been waiting in the hall for a long time, he frowned impatiently and said: "Why do you look like a woman, do you need to dress up when you come out to meet people?"

After all, Fu Yu wasn't thick-skinned to the maximum extent, his face flushed slightly, he coughed and said, "I just met, what's the matter?"

Tuoba Yue snorted coldly. In fact, he still cared about Fu Yu's spoiling his good deeds before. What made him even more angry was that he sent people to follow Fu Jiu. Let people go in and search, but there is no one there. To see him disappear and disappear without a trace again, it really makes people itch.

He took out a handkerchief and spread it on the table, with a blue needle wrapped in it, "I heard that the two nuns in the palace were killed by this poisonous needle before, and the third sister-in-law was present at that time, I think Ask about the situation at the time."

Hearing this, Fu Yu's face felt weird, and he seemed to be laughing out loud, his wife is already tired, how could she have time to come out to see you, a broken sleeve?At the same time, a sense of pride in possessing the beauty alone arises in his heart, the golden house is hidden, and the Jiuya is already his, so no one else can think about it in the future.

He cleared his throat, "You don't need to ask my wife about this. I am very familiar with this kind of poisonous needle. It has appeared many times in the Hou's mansion. Once my eldest brother was also shot and almost died. What's the matter? Is it the crown prince? There are also such poisonous needles in the government?"

He pretended to be surprised, but in fact he disapproved of Jiu Ya's move very much. Fu Changting's matter may not progress without their intervention. Anyway, he has already set up a set, and Fu Changting always wants to get into the set, so What are you in a hurry for?
"Really? You actually killed many people in the Hou Mansion. Why didn't you listen to your report? How can you hide such things?"

"In the beginning, a few slaves died, but they didn't take it seriously. Who would have thought that even the master would dare to kill him later? Fortunately, he was treated properly and no one was killed. And the man was extremely skilled, and he came and went without a trace. It’s hard to track down, that’s all.”

Tuoba Yue pondered for a while, "What is the killer's intention? Last night, the needle was shot at one of my father's guards. At that time, when the two of you were talking, he appeared there, obviously trying to eavesdrop. Talk, could it be..." He suddenly thought of a possibility, dare to kill the nanny and Fu Qingyan in the palace, could it be someone sent by Prince Rui?

Fu Yu said with a smile: "The frequency of this poisonous needle appears very high. If brother-in-law is interested, you can ask someone to inquire more about it and see where it appears next time. Maybe you can get some clues."

Tuoba Yue nodded, "Now we can only wait like this."

When Jiuya woke up, Fu Yu had already left the house. She first arranged for Yudie to bring some supplements to Chunmei, and at the same time taught her a few words, and Yudie left.At this time, Mother Pei came in with Xiaoshi and said, "Young Mistress, Xiaoshi found out about Xueqing outside."

Jiu Ya shook her head, looked at Xiao Shi and said, "What's going on over there?"

Xiaoshi spoke eloquently: "I heard that the third lady disappeared in the Prince's Mansion last night. The Third Madam searched for her in the Prince's Mansion for several times but failed to find her. When she was found, the Third Madam beat her. What's the matter. Anyway, the whole Lanyue Residence last night was filled with Xueqing's crying, probably because she was severely beaten by the third master."

Jiu Ya frowned and said, "Did you hear what happened?"

Xiaoshi shook her head, "I have inquired very carefully, but the mouths in the yard over there are very tight, so I didn't inquire."

Jiuya wondered what happened between Xueqing and Tuobaye.

After waiting for a while, Yudie came back from Chunmei, and she came over with a smile and reported in a low voice: "I have reminded her as the young mistress ordered, and she said that she suspected that the second mistress did it. I hate it so much, I guess I won't be quiet, and something will happen."

Jiuya smiled, "If you have nothing to do, go over and cheer her up, don't let her slack off, and help her when she needs it, just like giving her vent."

Yudie nodded and said: "Young servants will do that, so I don't need to worry about this matter."

After Yudie went out, Jiuya looked down at the medical books, thinking of Fu Yu's poison, she felt like a choke in her throat, and she was arranging these external things step by step, so far, except for the clues of residual fragrance, she has completely recovered Fu Yu's poison. Unable to know its pulse.I have searched almost all the medical books in my hand, but I haven't found any record that the residual fragrance mixed with the smell of any medicine can become a love potion.It seems that the medical books in hand are not enough, so Fu Yu has to ask Fu Yu to borrow them from the external imperial hospital.

Two days later, Fu Yu came over with a few pharmacopoeias in her hands. She put aside everything and read them quietly. In the end, the sky paid off, and she finally found a sentence in a pharmacopoeia that had very little introduction about residual fragrance. Residual incense is non-toxic, but the smell is easily mixed. In ancient times, some people used the fragrance of residual incense and a kind of incense to help people fall asleep and cure insomnia.She couldn't help thinking about this sentence. Could it be that the residual fragrance is easy to mix with other fragrances to form another kind of medicine that affects the human body?

(End of this chapter)

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