marry a noble wife

Chapter 299 Serving the Divine Doctor

Chapter 299 Serving the Divine Doctor (7)
And the poison in Fu Yu's body has already penetrated into the blood, if there is no fragrance, how can the residual fragrance be mixed with it to become a love potion?

If it is an external scent, it is even more impossible, because she stayed in the same room as him and did not respond at all. What is going on?

While she was thinking about it, she naturally did not forget to ask Han Ziyaw to lead the poisonous needle to the largest jewelry store called Jubaolou. It was used when a crowd was secretly gathered to fight.After an investigation by the government, the matter of having the money and the right to die a foreigner can be reduced to a minor one.But when the Prince's Mansion heard about the poisonous needle, it immediately sealed up the Jubao building and tracked down the boss. He must find out the murderer behind the scenes who dared to use the poisonous needle to kill people everywhere.

When Jiuya heard that Jubaolou was seized and all the staff were arrested, a smile finally appeared on her lips. Fu Yu was extremely disapproving of her doing this before, but how did he know that the property there was owned by his mother. Only then can the boss there, that is, Fu Changting, the behind-the-scenes boss, leave aside.When the time is right, she will take back that shop for Fu Yu.

To be honest, she really didn't believe that Lord Hou could handle this matter well.Thinking about it for so many years, Fu Yu's mother's cause of death was unknown, he couldn't even keep her dowry, and he let Fu Yu get angry for no reason.Fu Yu was poisoned, or would die, what did he do to him?The only memory left to Fu Yu is beating and scolding, such a father is more sad than not having one.Looking back, the initial goodwill is gone, only the deep hatred for this kind of man who only knows how to fight and pretends to be affectionate.

And when she was investigating these things, that is, in the middle of March in the 38th year of Jian'an, the court suddenly received a news that shocked the court and the public.In Luyi, King Qi's army, which had been in a stalemate with Wu Yue, was suddenly infected and attacked by cholera. Several cities around Luyi had already been infected by cholera, and many people fled before the government took control. out.

Even so, the local officials were afraid that they would be held responsible, so they still concealed the truth and did not report it. At one time, cholera was rampant and spread to a large area. Many people died without treatment. Many victims had already gone to Beijing with illness. Go down, and then report the catastrophe to the imperial court.

Emperor Hongwu was furious, and immediately beheaded the magistrate, and was sent to the Ministry of Criminal Affairs to imprison him and the governor. However, being imprisoned could not alleviate the spread of the epidemic, so the three ministries worked together to recruit all the doctors to the most severely affected areas for treatment.But things were not as simple as imagined. When Sanbu bought medicinal materials for treating cholera from the people, they only bought a few main medicinal materials, and the price was at least [-] times higher than usual. Price.

There are too many monks, too little food, expensive prices, and a drop in the bucket. How can this be a disaster relief?So the three ministries ordered all the provinces to mobilize the purchase together, and the entire capital was also in an extremely sensitive period. Not only was the cholera spreading quietly, but the rich had already snapped up some cure medicines, but those who had no money were wailing everywhere, some impetuous, even It is the deliberate pollution of water sources to make the epidemic worse.Even the capital city was not spared.

The outbreak of these things only took a few days, and some infected people were seen lying down in the streets and alleys.The capital is under martial law, and people from outside the city are strictly prohibited from entering.

Jiuya was locked in the house and did not hear such news from the outside world. By the time she knew about it, it was already the day before another ten-day appointment with Tuoba Yue.

Xiucai came over early in the morning, and she pulled Jiuya out of the secret room, who was still thinking hard, and said, "Young Mistress, do you know that something big has happened in the capital recently?"

Jiuya patted the ashes on her body, then dragged a chair and sat in the sun to bask in the mildew, "I don't have time to care about my own affairs, so how can I care about what happens in the capital? The emperor should take care of the big things in the capital, so what?" Do you need me, a commoner, to ask?"

Xiucai stomped her feet, "If this matter has nothing to do with us, then the servant will not care about his major affairs in the capital. Haven't you heard that not only the border towns have cholera epidemic recently, even the capital has been infected a lot. I heard that And people died."

This is the first time Jiuya has heard that besides studying the residual fragrance, she is pestered by that guy Fu Yu every day. He pretends to ask her to help him research the detoxification method, and he pesters her almost every day. Where do you have time to wait and see what's going on outside?

She looked at Xiucai with some surprise, "This is really a big deal, didn't the court take any measures?"

Xiucai said disdainfully: "So what if measures are taken? The most is to prevent foreigners from entering the capital, but what about those who are already infected in the capital? Isn't it a dead end?"

Jiuya was a little surprised, "Is it that serious? Wouldn't the imperial court seek help?"

"You need medicinal materials to seek medical treatment? Young Mistress should also know that a few months ago, medicinal materials such as Huoxiang and Xiangrui were cut off in the capital. They are the main medicines for cholera. Without these things, it is difficult for a smart woman to drink without rice. "

"Wait, you mean Huo Xiang and other medicinal materials, aren't they the ones I asked my eldest brother-in-law to transport from Li Tang?"

"Exactly, this time the maidservant came, it was the shopkeeper Ji who asked me to ask the young lady, do you want to sell those things?"

Jiuya thought for a while, "Is there any other store in the capital that sells it?"

Xiucai thought for a while, "I heard that there are very few stores selling them, but the prices are frighteningly expensive. Usually only rich people can afford those items. I saw many infected patients lying on the side of the street. People rescued them, but they were dragged away to be buried soon. Also, there are many people gathered near our pharmacy, all of them are family members. When one person is sick, the whole family is infected, which is really miserable."

Jiuya mused, actually, as usual, these medicinal materials for treating cholera are not worth two dollars, but once an epidemic occurs and they are out of stock, the medicine can be said to be more expensive than gold.Years ago, these herbs were likely to be out of stock. If she hadn't seen the opportunity quickly and asked her eldest brother-in-law to traffic a batch from Li Tang, she would have no medicine to use.If you think about it this way, the cholera epidemic seems very likely to be a man-made disaster, otherwise who knew in advance that these medicinal materials should be hoarded?

(End of this chapter)

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