marry a noble wife

Chapter 300 Is it a joke

Chapter 300 Is it a joke (1)
But now those who have medicinal materials in their hands just sit on the ground and raise prices, earning a lot of money, but it is suffering some poor people.

Thinking of this, she smiled slightly, "This cholera is not limited to these few herbs that can be cured, there are also some folk remedies, but the effect is slow. So you go back first, tell the shopkeeper Ji, let him cook more Medicines, donate to those who are sick, others sit on the ground and raise the price, human life is a matter of heaven, I can't do this."

Xiucai was overjoyed, "That's great, Young Mistress, and the slaves came to see if Young Mistress showed compassion just because they felt sorry for them. It turned out that Young Mistress really has a bodhisattva heart. I'll go back and ask Shopkeeper Ji to make medicine right away."

Seeing that she was about to leave, Jiuya confessed: "Try to keep this matter low-key. We are doing something that blocks people's money. If anyone comes to cause trouble, they should close the door and report to me."

Xiucai left at the sound.Jiuya sighed, she was planning to spread the medicine, but she never thought that she could do something to accumulate yin and virtue in the end, and it was not in vain for her to open a medicine store, and she would definitely keep people thinking about it in the future.

In Ruanxiangyuan, Fu Changting was drinking tea, and Chunmei was waiting beside him.

"Now that your status has been confirmed, has Second Mistress treated you better?" Fu Changting squinted his eyes halfway, lying half sprawled on the soft couch.

Chunmei brought him a big welcome pillow and put it on his waist, and said knowingly and wittily, "It's much better than before, but the concubine was born as a slave after all, and Second Mistress should beat and scold her."

Fu Changting looked at her with one eye, "You have no complaints?"

Chunmei knelt down shyly, "As long as I can stay by Second Master's side, even if Second Mistress beats me to death, I won't complain at all."

Fu Changting raised her chin and said with an evil smile: "Xiaozuier can talk, but you really want to spoil me so much with your bragging hooves?"

Chunmei's eyes were full of love, "I am a real man, there should be someone as humble as me who is loyal to you."

Fu Changting laughed out loud when he heard it, "It seems that the Lord takes care of you comfortably every day, otherwise, I wouldn't see that Mr. Qiao Lang likes me as a black-faced man, isn't that so?"

Chunmei's face didn't change at all, following this master, she was like a pig now, and she could vaguely know that this second master was not as honest as he appeared on the surface.He seemed to know that she had ulterior motives in going to Meixiangyuan that night, and she had already figured out the key to it, the second master didn't go to Meixiangyuan that night for the sake of a girl like her, he clearly wanted to harm the third grandma.What he said that night, she had already fully understood the number, it was said to the third grandmother, what is being a saint during the day, and being played by him at night, it is clearly disgusting, and now she can be here only because he made a mistake.

Now that she knows that this master is not simple, she should be careful everywhere.

She softly said: "Your master's bravery is unsurpassed in the world. It is a great blessing for slaves to follow you. How can you care about whether you are a handsome man or not?"

Fu Changting felt comfortable hearing this, bit her finger and said, "Since you are so devoted to your master, do you have to say everything to your master?"

Chunmei nodded obediently.

Fu Changting stared at her, "Then tell me, Chunhua Courtyard, have you discovered anything recently?"

At this moment, Chunmei had no choice but to speak out the question she had been hesitating in her heart to show her loyalty, "I found out that the third grandma has a lot of strange things."

"What strange place?"

"When I was in the Song Mansion before, she couldn't do anything except fight for something to eat because she couldn't even eat enough. She was a bad girl and had a hot temper. She was a person with one intestine to the bottom. But now, suddenly Knowing how to read and write beautiful characters, her temper has also changed. She used to play the piano and recite poems in the Prince's Mansion. What's even more strange is that she can even prescribe medicine and see a doctor. She has never even taken a book. , how do you go to prescribe medicine and see a doctor? It’s like changing someone else, Er Ye, isn’t it strange that these things happened to one person suddenly? "

Fu Changting turned over and sat up, his eyes flickering, "Is this really true?"

Chunmei nodded solemnly, this is really something she has been puzzling over.

"Then when did you feel that she had changed?"

Chunmei thought back, "It seems to be that time when Shi Zi and Young Master An went to the Song Mansion... Oh, no, it should have been earlier... That time, the Young Mistress even planned to make Xiuzhen and Xiucai dare not have second thoughts about her. , even Chun Ju and I were frightened..."

"Can't you remember exactly when?"

Chunmei was still thinking about it carefully, "Let me think about it... When exactly did it start to change?"

Her eyes suddenly opened, "Ah, I remembered, that time Chun Ju and I thought she was dead, and then she woke up with a fraudulent corpse, saying that the old lady hadn't fulfilled her wish, and asked her to return her penis. It should be from From that time on, young mistress has become different!"

Fu Changting frowned, "Are you sure?"

Chunmei nodded affirmatively, "Slave is sure."

Fu Changting half-closed his eyes and smiled, a person suddenly changed after cheating the corpse, what's going on?Is it a sudden divine help, or is it possessed by a ghost?He touched his chin, he would find someone to probe her bottom.

Chunmei knew that she had hit the point, and then she said cautiously: "Second Master, I see that you are very kind to Second Mistress, but why does Second Mistress always call Second Master a peerless one in front of us? That day I fell The second mistress pointed at the slave and scolded her, saying that it was a miracle that the wild seed in her belly could be born. The slave is humble and dare not refute, but the slave knows clearly that the child in the stomach belongs to the second master, why the second master? Will it be extinct?"

Fu Changting raised his eyebrows, "Your second grandma's mouth is the worst, so ignore her, I'm used to it anyway."

Chunmei carefully said yes.

After a while, seeing that Fu Changting seemed to be asleep, she withdrew.Just when Wen Caihe came in to pick up flowers, Fu Changting suddenly sat up on the soft couch, closed the door casually, and slapped Wen Caihe two big mouths in return.Wen Caihe was thrown to the ground in an instant, and Fu Changting then kicked her on the stomach in silence, cursing in a low voice: "Bitch, how dare you curse me? Do you want to die?"

(End of this chapter)

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