marry a noble wife

Chapter 301 Is it a joke

Chapter 301 Is it a joke (2)
Wen Cai didn't even find the lotus, so she was hit hard a few times. She clutched her stomach and curled up on the ground in pain, "Master, how did I offend you?"

Fu Changting bent down and grabbed her skirt and lifted it up, and said viciously: "Listen to me, you have already been made sterile by us, so don't make trouble for me in the future. I used Chunmei alone. , the child in her womb is my seed, and if anything happens to the child in her womb, I will ask your two sisters to pay for it!"

Wen Caihe was trembling with fear, and begged: "Master, you can do whatever you want as a concubine, please don't touch my sister..."

Fu Changting sneered, threw her to the ground again, and walked out with his sleeves thrown.Wen Caihe was afraid of being seen by others, so she didn't dare to lie down on the ground, she reluctantly got up and closed the door, and ran to the inner room alone, lying on the dressing table and crying bitterly.

Seeing that Fu Changting had left, Chunmei stuck to the window outside the inner room and listened to the crying inside, but she covered her mouth and smiled happily.After a while, there seemed to be no sound inside, so she lifted the window, but it was not fastened inside. She lifted the window a little, and saw Caihe standing in front of a cage, sobbing, and unlocking the lock with a key. He took out a thick book from the cage, dipped a pen in ink, and wrote something on it while crying.

She rolled her eyes, she had observed several times that Second Grandma would write in that notebook whenever she was unhappy, and she didn't know what to write.Moreover, she felt that this second mistress seemed to have a lot of secrets, and if she had a chance, she would have to steal this thing of hers, maybe even find a way for the second master to divorce her.

She backed away quietly, the days are long, there is always a chance.

Fu Changting was in a very bad mood, thinking that Aunt Xiao had been urging the old ancestor to go to Prince Rui to mention Fu Qingyan's marriage, his mood was even worse.If Yuechan marries her elder brother, no one can take the seat of the son of the world.And Yuechan's beautiful face hidden under the veil, he couldn't help swallowing, he couldn't just be so cheap, big brother.

He turned around a couple of times casually, and decided to go to Aunt Xiao's side first to find out.

When he arrived at Fenglin Courtyard, Aunt Xiao was about to go out. Seeing him coming, Aunt Xiao said, "Why do you have time to come here at this time?"

Fu Changting said in a naive voice, "Come and see Auntie."

Aunt Xiao smiled and gave him a seat, "You silly boy, you see it every day, why do you come here on purpose now? Don't worry about business?"

Fu Changting laughed dumbfounded twice, seeing that she was neatly dressed, "Where are you going, Auntie?"

Aunt Xiao sat down, "Tomorrow your eldest brother is going out, I'm going to go to his yard and ask his girl to prepare a change of clothes for him."

Fu Changting's eyes flashed, and he said casually, "Brother is going out? I haven't heard from him this morning. Where is he going?"

"It's not your brother-in-law. He said that something happened to the people under Wude. He is busy with cholera and can't get away. I asked your elder brother to help him deal with it. I heard that the matter over there is also very troublesome. I'm afraid it will take a month or two to go, so Auntie has to prepare all his summer clothes."

"Didn't you tell your brother about this?"

"Not yet. I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon. Your sister will call him to the Prince's Mansion. He has always been kind and kind, so he will help with this matter." Aunt Xiao had a plan in her heart, and the reason why she didn't tell him now was because she was afraid of him He refused to leave because of Song Jiuya's affairs.She can't afford to gamble now, if this stupid son really has a heart for Song Jiuya, he will defend to the end, so tomorrow he has to make a surprise attack, or if he can't, give him some medicine and have him sent out of the capital overnight, until Wu De, the matter is a foregone conclusion, and he is also exhausted.

Fu Changting's eyes rolled secretly, and a sinister smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth. It seems that there are some things that should be revealed tomorrow, otherwise, waiting for the elder brother to leave, wouldn't there be no proof?

Outside the Huachun hall, shopkeeper Ji and three fellows set up a stove to continuously scoop out the boiled concoction, and then brought it to the refugees who were either leaning on the ground outside or lying on the messy bedding.These people are all yellow and thin, including the elderly, middle-aged, women, and children. Although they have relatives to take care of them, they still cannot bear the pain and groan non-stop.

When the bowls of medicines were delivered to them, they all shed tears of gratitude, "It's really a living Bodhisattva, if there is no such place, we don't know how many people died with these soups..."

One person was emotional, and everyone shed tears. A guy smiled and said, "This is the benevolence of our boss. If you want to be grateful, you can burn a few more sticks of incense for our boss every day, and pray for God to bless her."

The refugees all nodded, "When you recover in the future, you must set up an incense seat for your boss at home, and pray for her old man every day."

Because Huachuntang has free cholera medicine to drink, the news spread all over the streets and alleys in a short time. The medicine people also rushed over at the same time.

For a time, the name of Huachuntang was like a bird with wings. Duke Mao Guo, who was collecting a lot of medicinal materials, heard the news, and sent the news to the palace overnight. Emperor Hongwu and Queen Ma were shocked to hear that there were people in the folk I admired this person for giving out this medicine for free to save people, and at the same time, I immediately asked someone to invite the boss of Huachuntang into the palace, hoping to find more medicinal materials for relieving the epidemic from this person.

The next day was the day when Jiuya was going to give acupuncture to Anpinghou.She thought that she would be entangled by Tuoba Yue again today, but after she came out as promised, Tuoba Yue did not show up. She only sent Wu Jing by her side, saying that it was because she was too busy with cholera. Heal Anpinghou's injury.

This time, Fu Yu asked her to bring a short man named Li Yun by his side, saying that this man is quite proficient in the transformation of inner qi. At that time, as long as she pretends to guide him to use his kung fu on An Pinghou, Anpinghou's sealed meridians will definitely be able to recover. Got it.

When she and Li Yun arrived at Deyi Lanju, the master of the Hou Mansion was still waiting there, because Tuoba Yue was away, Jiuya was much more at ease, first she got the pulse of Anping Hou, and then let Liu Bainian and Li Changle help her He went to bed, sat cross-legged, and then said: "My friend is a master of internal energy, but the meridians sealed by Hou Ye are extremely weird. Lord Hou’s blocked meridian was untied. Now after my medicine resolved it, I discussed it with my friend last night, and decided to be bolder, not to apply needles, and let him rush again for Lord Hou with his internal energy. Let’s go, I’ll give it a last shot.”

(End of this chapter)

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