marry a noble wife

Chapter 302 Is it a joke

Chapter 302 Is it a joke (3)
An Pinghou had no objection to this, and the old lady and Aunt Xiao over there didn't understand either, but Fu Qingyan next to him frowned and said, "Didn't the doctor say to give acupuncture when the doctor came last time? How can it be resolved by internal strength alone? If so What if something goes wrong?"

Jiu Ya looked at him and smiled slightly, "Your Majesty, don't worry, I was entrusted by His Royal Highness the Emperor Taisun, and I will never do anything I am not sure about. Just now I took the pulse for Master Hou, and his sealed meridian has already loosened. Like, my friend can definitely help him solve it.”

Seeing that she was so sure, Fu Qingyan only frowned and didn't say anything else.

Li Yun went to bed cross-legged, in order not to be startled, everyone in the room withdrew except Liu Bainian and Li Changle who were guarding the law.

The room was quiet, and everyone held their breath and waited quietly. Aunt Xiao stared at the door without blinking, feeling a little nervous, a little expectant, and a little helpless.

For so many years, since Tuoba entered the door, Lord Hou has never looked at her. He regards Tuoba as a treasure, and for so many years, she is also like a widow who is living as a widow. A touch of tenderness and warmth.She is also a woman, and she also needs someone to love, but he didn't give it to her, he left all his energy to that woman.Even after the woman died, he still didn't look at her. He was so sick of thinking about his wife that he almost went crazy. If he hadn't pulled his sanity back by dressing Ke as Tuoba later, this man might have died. Dead for many years.

She pulled him hard, but he never saw her, so what could she do.I can only let my son get something in exchange for the grievance in my heart.That day when he finally returned home sick and didn't have to go anywhere, she thought he would be kind to her after he calmed down, but the result was still the same as before.To be honest, she didn't want him to stand up. At least, when he couldn't stand up, she still felt sorry for him and had a little pity for him.And when he stood up, she would always have to look up to his god-like body.

She was helpless, because he had to stand up again, and now he had to support this huge marquis mansion. Without his deeds, how would the court's kindness benefit her children?
She sighed secretly, so she said, this man, it's better to stand up, when her children are not fully fledged, just give them a little more time and a little strength.

After waiting for as long as a century, the door of the wing room finally opened. Li Yun's face was pale, and her feet were a little vain. Jiu Ya hurried over and whispered: "Is it possible?"

Li Yun rolled her eyes, "Don't worry, he will be able to walk within three days."

The third master waited to be overjoyed, and the old lady burst into tears, and everyone in the yard burst into tears. Fu Qingyan hurried over to thank him, and also sent a large stack of silver notes, "My father has been sitting for almost a year. , Thanks to the genius doctor, this is a small idea of ​​our family, it is not a respect, please accept it with a smile from the genius doctor."

Jiuya took a look at the big stack of banknotes, and secretly swallowed her saliva. Mom, this is the first time I have seen so much silver. The denomination of the first one is 500 taels. It is estimated that there are at least 4 to [-] in this stack. Two.

She was about to say something polite, but Li Yun bumped into her from behind, so she didn't even say any polite words, and took the silver ticket over naturally, saying seriously: "Since it's the intention of the Houfu, Then I won't hesitate."

So after another thank you, Jiuya was finally sent out, and she also secretly let out a sigh of relief.

"Your Highness has already prepared a separate courtyard for Mr. Fu Jiu. It's already noon. Mr. Fu Jiu might as well go with you. When His Highness finishes, he will go there to meet you." Wu Jing said respectfully.

Jiuya smiled and said: "That's unnecessary, I have already made an appointment with my friend, and I have something to rush to another place soon, so let's say goodbye."

Wu Jing's expression didn't move, Jiu Ya took two steps, then turned around and said, "Oh, yes, I hope to tell His Highness, Fu Jiu has always admired His Highness's character, and believes that he can keep his word, and will not go there again in the future People who make things difficult for Hua Chuntang, even if they don’t see each other in the future, everyone can leave a good memory.”

Wu Jing sneered, gave a salute, turned around and left.Li Yun already saw that his expression was wrong, and said in a low voice: "This guy has a fierce look in his eyes, it seems that the young master's guess is really good. This time the young mistress may not be able to escape unscathed."

Jiuya also became a little nervous, "What can he do?"

"The grandson of the emperor will still maintain his superficial skills and will not touch the people in Huachuntang. However, he will probably attack the young lady secretly. Fortunately, the young master let me come. Let's get on the carriage quickly." Li Yun said. Then he walked towards a green curtained carriage that had been parked there for a long time at the corner of the street.

Jiuya followed him up, and when she sat firmly, the carriage moved.At this time, Li Yun had already started to change her coat, and quickly put on the Hu suit that was placed in the carriage that was exactly the same as Jiu Ya's.When he put on the green gauze hat together, because he was also thin and small, at a glance, he was clearly no different from Jiu Ya.

When the carriage reached the bustling place, Li Yun narrowed her eyes and smiled, and said with a light smile across the veil: "Young mistress, quickly change this dress, I will go and lead those people away, the coachman is also the young master's man, wait two or two Street, big fish and they will come to meet them, take care."

As he spoke, he knocked on the wall of the carriage, and when the carriage stopped, he got out of the carriage slowly and walked towards a bustling place opposite.

Jiuya watched him leave, and the carriage started up again. She also quickly changed out of the Hu clothes on her body, took off her veil, put down her hair, casually tied a simple bun, and waited for the carriage to stop before leaving.

Seeing Fu Yu's arrangement for her to escape, at this moment, she suddenly realized that she didn't know Fu Yu at all.From the Han Ziya, to the Phantom in Tsing Yi, to the versatile Li Yun in front of him, and the driver who is driving the carriage steadily, everyone is so extraordinary.Isn't he just a young man who was sick and deprived of his position for many years?Is it just that he has a grandfather who is a vassal king?And how did these people get here?Could it be someone left to him by his grandfather?

To be honest, it seems that her understanding of him is based on these, so besides what has been floated in front of her, is there anything else about him that she doesn't know?For example, his changeable personality seemed to hide some of his true temperament under the laughter, but when she thought she understood, the way he showed was completely different from what she imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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