marry a noble wife

Chapter 303 Is it a joke

Chapter 303 Is it a joke (4)
At this moment, she was a little confused.

When the carriage stopped, there was a sudden commotion of people everywhere, she got out of the carriage, and the crowd immediately submerged her in the crowd.She couldn't help being pushed forward by the crowd, and after two steps, a deep voice suddenly came from above her head, "Wait a minute, please young mistress follow us into the rouge shop next door."

Jiu Ya looked up, but he was a tall and rough man, maybe it was the big fish Li Yun mentioned.She nodded slightly, and Da Yu suddenly opened her arm, leading her out of the crowd and into a rouge shop.He took her out from the back door of the rouge shop, where another carriage was parked, and when she got up, Fu Yu was already waiting inside with a smile.

Fu Yu embraced her in his arms, Jiuya smelled the cold fragrance on his body, and softly called out: "Master, I have brought you trouble again."

Fu Yu pinched her little nose dotingly, "What are you talking about? It's my honor to clean up the mess for my little Jiuya, not to mention the entanglement of those crazy bees and butterflies. I should work harder to drive them away. Clean it up, so as not to leave future troubles."

For a moment, Jiuya suddenly felt that he was mysterious and perfect, which fit her ideal image of a perfect lover.She blinked, hooked his neck with a smile, and said coquettishly: "Sir, if I grow old and lose my youth in the future, will you still treat me like this?"

Fu Yu lifted his phoenix eyes, and a lock of black hair hung down from his temples, which made his face even more glamorous and romantic, "When your youth is gone, don't I also become an old man? Old men to old women, As always.”

Jiu Ya giggled, "Is it really the same? You won't bring a little three and a little four back to make things difficult for me?"

Fu Yu also had a playful smile on his face, "Little Three and Little Four make you troublesome, so I won't make trouble if I make Little Five and Little Six, right?"

Jiuya thumped his chest, but she didn't dare to use any force. She lifted it up high and lowered it lightly. The people in the carriage laughed again.

The two laughed for a while, and Jiuya suddenly said seriously: "By the way, tell me the truth, you have been around Yudie a lot in the past few days, are you interested in her?"

Although she has been busy with detoxification in the past few days, her eyes are still open. Sometimes when she comes out of the secret room, she will see Fu Yu talking with Yudie in the room as if sneaky. Everybody.At first she was fine, but then she felt something was wrong and wanted to ask Yudie, fearing that it would hurt her self-esteem, so after holding back for two days, she finally decided to ask Fu Yude directly.Could it be that this pervert had hit on her girl's idea?

Fu Yu was speechless to her guess, holding his breath slightly and said, "In your mind, am I such a worthless person? Even though there is a beautiful wife at home, I still flirt with other women?"

"Who knows?" Jiuya sat up in his arms and straightened her dress, "Men eat from the bowl, look into the pot, and see which man beside you is not hugging three wives Four concubines? I'm afraid you have already taken this situation for granted, so you should follow suit."

Fu Yu knocked her on the head, "If I want three wives and four concubines, I will wait until today to find a woman? I guess I don't know how many women will climb into my bed if I wave. It’s a big trouble, so I can keep it in a cage in the future. Those wild bees, waves and butterflies can catch one or two, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to catch up if there are too many. If you don’t pay attention, you will run away with others. Wouldn’t it be a loss to me? grown up?"

Jiuya touched her head and looked at him sadly.

Fu Yu turned his voice softly again, rubbed the place where she was knocked, and said with a smile: "Don't guess, I just asked Yudie about your situation. Her mouth was very tight, and it took her a long time to tell her She said, you didn’t know how to read, don’t know medicine, let alone play the piano and recite poems. People who have these things suddenly know these things like a god, what happened in the middle?"

Jiuya's expression changed, "Are you investigating me?"

Fu Yu stared at her for a long time, then said lightly: "It's just a thorough understanding of things that I can't understand."

The blood on Jiuya's face slowly faded away. This was her last secret. The ancients often believed in ghosts and gods. If he knew that she was a wandering soul who came through time, would he still treat her like this?A monster with only a soul, occupying someone else's body, would he accept such a monster?She suddenly felt a little regretful, she shouldn't have shown some of her talents, just like Song Jiuya used to live with a fiery temper.She shook her head secretly and denied that such a life is too aggrieved. If she had to choose, she would still choose this way of living.

She kept silent, and Fu Yu didn't urge her, he hoped that she could tell him everything, secrets, and let him keep them for her.Anything, he hopes to share for her.Just as she shared the emptiness and loneliness for him, she is the bright light in his heart, and he wants her to light up for him forever.

Jiuya didn't speak until she returned to Hou's mansion. Fu Yu held her hand gently and didn't force her. When she was willing to rely on him completely, I believe she would tell her last secret.

The two were about to go back to Chunhua Courtyard, when Liu Bainian suddenly came over and said, "Third Young Master, the Marquis said he has something to ask you to come over."

Fu Yu let go of Jiuya's hand, and said softly: "My lady, go back first, I will go back as soon as I go."

Jiuya forced a smile and nodded. After Fu Yu left, she couldn't help but feel a little upset. She didn't go back to Chunhua Courtyard, but just walked to a garden.

She has never been to this garden before, and the scenery is not bad. There are winding corridors with red railings and blue eaves, surrounded by thick sycamore trees. In front of the closed hall, there are three or two banana trees. The window is like a scene in a picture.

She casually found a stone bench beside the Quqiao and sat down. There were goldfish swimming around in the pool. Jinyu seemed to sense the arrival of someone, and Qi Qi swam towards her.I don't know who has fed the fish here, there is actually fish food under the stone bench, she holds it in her hand, and sprinkles the fish food into the pond one after another.

Now Fu Yu has noticed her strangeness, he is very domineering, if he doesn't tell him, not only will he have suspicions in his heart, maybe he will think of some way to force her to speak out.If I told him, I was worried that he would not be able to accept it.

(End of this chapter)

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