marry a noble wife

Chapter 305 The real bastard

Chapter 305 The real bastard (1)
He whispered in a voice as if the wind was blowing lightly: "No matter what others say, please believe in the affection that the third brother has for you. In this world, if you want to have someone to rely on, then the third brother is you The most solid shoulder. But the premise is that you must also cherish him, third brother... He has suffered a lot, he is very good, and he needs nothing except a person who really loves him. If he really has something someday Unexpectedly, please make him happy until the last moment."

He suddenly seemed to have a lot to say, paused, and said in a low voice: "Brother also wants to see you happy, but he is afraid of talking too much. From now on, I will never interfere in your affairs. The two of you ...have a good time in the future..."

Jiuya never looked back, and when he finally fell silent, she walked away. If she could look back and see the man's disappointed expression, she might scold him, and she would be able to shake his love If she wakes up from the scolding, she may feel much more at ease in the future.

Fu Qingyan let out a low sigh, stood for a while, and was about to leave, when he glanced sideways, he saw a piece of clear black jade on the ground glowing warmly in the sun, he picked it up casually, and took a closer look. The characters "Jiuya" are engraved in the font.

He was slightly startled, could it be that she dropped it just now?He hurriedly chased it out and wanted to return it to her, but she was nowhere to be seen outside the garden. He was holding a black jade stone, and it seemed that her fragrance still lingered on it.He sighed again, let Yi Zhina take it back to her later, lest she see him unhappy.

Fu Yu followed Liu Baibain into the Yilan Residence, but saw An Pinghou sitting in front of the desk with a calm expression on his face.He pointed to the chair opposite the desk, "Sit down."

Fu Yu sat down slowly, "What does Dad want from me?"

"Have you communicated with your grandfather recently?" An Pinghou asked.

Fu Yu pursed his lips, "I sent a letter a few years ago."

An Pinghou said in a low voice: "Is the old man in good health?"

"It seems to be not bad." Fu Yu looked indifferent.

An Pinghou was silent for a while, "Today, the genius doctor has cured my sealed meridian, and his medical skills seem to be very good. Did you ask that genius doctor to help you diagnose the disease?"

"I've had it seen by a miracle doctor. She said that she has never seen this kind of disease before, and she is very powerless."

"Well, for your illness, I know that your grandfather is still seeking medical treatment for you everywhere, but it seems to have been fruitless. Now that he is getting older, he has been in Luxi alone for so many years. At this time, why don't you take your medicine with you?" Let the daughter-in-law go to Luxi to accompany the old man. Let him also enjoy the family happiness."

Fu Yu was taken aback. As his father, he never mentioned his illness in front of him, nor did he say that he would show filial piety to his grandfather.No matter when, speak less and less, always with a cold look.What is the reason for doing two things at the same time today?
An Pinghou seems to know that he has doubts, but he is not a person who likes to explain, "Now that my legs and feet are healed, I will ask someone to seek medical treatment for you. I have written a few letters here, and I will let some old friends Help find a famous doctor."

He turned to his back and said, "Hundred Years, bring the seal I lent him last time from your dead son. By the way, also ask the dead son to come over and say that I have something to tell him."

Liu Bainian responded. Fu Yu really couldn't adapt to the sudden change of attitude of this serious father, so he got up and said, "I'll go to the elder brother's side."

Anping Hou didn't make a sound, Fu Yu hurried out of the study.Such a father who seemed to be thinking about him made him feel strange and terrified.For so many years, his father was just a synonym for majesty to him. As for love and greetings, they were all out of reach.

When Fu Qingyan returned to Nantianju, Qiaoyun and Yi Zhi were both standing at the door. When they saw him, Yi Zhi said happily: "My son, come and take a look. A lot of clothes have just been delivered from the tailor shop. Auntie asked you to choose some clothes." favorite."

Fu Qingyan was pulled into the inner room by the two of them, and sure enough, he saw that the bed was covered with all kinds of ready-made clothes, most of which were summer, so he wondered: "It's not time for the season change yet, why did you send these clothes here?"

Qiao Yun picked out one of the lilac-colored gowns with gold threads and came over, "Auntie said that the prince's summer clothes are too few, and she asked someone to prepare them for the season. Come on, the prince took off his coat and tried this one first." , if it doesn’t fit, you can ask a tailor to make it up again.”

Fu Qingyan said with a smile: "It's really inappropriate for me to try on thin shirts this season."

Qiao Yun knew that he was always friendly and casual, so she helped him take off his outer robe and said, "What's inappropriate? I didn't let him wear it out, I just tried it in the room, no one can see it."

Fu Qingyan followed her to take off the outer robe, and carefully placed the black jade in his hand beside the outer robe.After putting on the summer clothes, Yi Zhi said enviously next to him: "Your Majesty looks good in everything you wear. This robe looks like it was specially made for you. Yushu is very beautiful."

Qiao Yun also praised with a smile, "It's really pretty..."

"What are you all talking about, so happy?" Following the sound, Fu Yu walked in with a smile on his face.

"You said I look good in new clothes." Fu Qingyan smiled and said, "What's the matter with the third brother?"

Qiaoyun and Yi Zhizhi backed out, Fu Yu also smiled and said: "Father asked me to get his seal, he needs to use it now, yes, and asked you to go there with me now."

Hearing that Anping Hou wanted a seal, Fu Qingyan hurriedly said, "Wait a minute, I'll go to the study to get it."

Fu Yu sat down casually, lowered his head, and immediately saw the piece of black jade that Fu Qingyan put on the table.In disbelief, he was about to pick it up and take a closer look. Fu Qingyan had already entered, and he handed the vermilion box with a seal in his hand, "You take it first, and we will go together after I change my clothes."

Fu Yu took the box as if nothing had happened, and was about to speak when Aunt Xiao came in, "Qingyan, just now the Prince's Mansion sent someone over, saying that His Royal Highness the Emperor Grandson is looking for you urgently, and told you to go there right away. "

Fu Qingyan said in a daze: "Dad said he has something to tell me, I'd better go to Dad's side first."

(End of this chapter)

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