marry a noble wife

Chapter 306 The real bastard

Chapter 306 The real bastard (2)
Aunt Xiao rolled her eyes at him, "Isn't it okay to listen to your father's affairs when you come back? When did the grandson of the emperor call you such an urgent matter? It must be urgent. Don't delay. The person who came to invite is still waiting outside. Don't let him People have been waiting for a long time."

Seeing that he was in a hurry, Fu Yu had no choice but to say: "Brother, let's go first, I'll just go to Dad and tell him."

Fu Qingyan nodded and said, "Just say that I will go to his place when I come back at night."

Fu Yu waved his hand and left.Fu Qingyan turned back to change his clothes, and suddenly saw the black jade on the table, and remembered that he hadn't brought it back to Fu Yu just now, and felt a little regretful about his forgetfulness.Seeing him staring at the black jade, Aunt Xiao couldn't help urging: "Hurry up, what are you waiting for?"

Fu Qingyan put the jade in his pocket helplessly, and went out with Yi Zhi.

When he got the Prince's Mansion, someone welcomed him into Fu Jingwen's courtyard.At this time, Fu Jingwen had arranged wine and dishes in the small hall, and there was still wine warming on the stove, she greeted him and sat up and said: "Brother is finally here, your brother-in-law has been waiting for you for a long time."

Fu Qingyan sat down, "What is it that makes you cry so urgently?"

Fu Jingwen smiled slightly, turned her head and said: "Go to the study and call His Highness out, just say that uncle is here."

The servant girl responded and went out, and after waiting for a while, Tuoba Yue walked in with a sullen face.

Seeing that his expression was wrong, Fu Jingwen got up and asked, "What's the matter?"

Tuoba Yue grimaced, "It's nothing."

In fact, there is nothing there, there is nothing at all.Just now Wu Jing came back to report, but this time he made Fu Jiu escape again.Unexpectedly, he arranged it so carefully. He sent more than 30 people to take him away secretly. In the end, he was stolen. The man with the green gauze mask who came out of the carriage was a fake. Has fled without a trace.And that fake, according to Wu Jing, was so skilled that so many people didn't stop him. In broad daylight, his figure swept up the roof like a wisp of green smoke and fled. No one could do anything to him .

He had never been so frustrated by anyone before. He thought that Fu Jiu was just a charlatan wandering around alone, so he kept taking it lightly. He didn't expect that there would be such a high-powered stranger by his side.He didn't get to the bottom of those two followers, but with his skill today alone, he can definitely rank in the Great Xia Wulin.

So, what kind of person is Fu Jiu?Is the specific identity really just a doctor?

And the more mysterious and unpredictable he is, the more he wants to dig out such a person with a mysterious background. For no other reason than to frustrate him again and again and play him in the palm of his hand, he will He should be severely punished!
Fu Jingwen made fun of it, but she couldn't say anything.I had no choice but to say in a gentle tone: "Brother heard that you had something to do with him, so he hurried over here. Mr. Xiang sat down and talked with him first."

Tuoba Yue sat down and looked at Fu Qingyan straight to the point: "Before I received a report from Wu De that there was a group of very vicious bandits robbing houses there. The local area has great influence. As you know, I worked for Wude for two years. Feng Yufeng is my good friend. He was afraid that this matter would be exposed to the emperor, so he told me to help him find an expert to bring those bandits to him. It’s cured, I’m already too busy with cholera, I’m thinking about it, I can only ask you to help wipe out those bandits.”

Fu Qingyan pondered: "It's just a group of bandits, so do we need to go to war like this? No matter how bad it is, send more people, so that the bandits won't be unable to be taken down."

"Brother doesn't know, those bandits came from the people and hid in the people. Every time they go to arrest them, they hide without a trace. Such things can't disturb the people too much, so that's why they asked to send a resourceful person to go there." I heard that two of the arresting officers, a school lieutenant and a lieutenant lieutenant, were killed afterwards, causing panic. I'm afraid it will come to the capital in the near future. Not only will it not end well, but I will pay back It will lose the support of Wude. So you must help me smooth this matter out, and it must not make a big mess." Tuoba Yue said while pouring him wine.

The wine is good wine, palace jade liquid, mellow and mellow, and Tuoba Yue made a gesture of drinking when he filled it up. Fu Qingyan had to lift the glass to touch him, frowned and said: "How resourceful is my brother-in-law?" So many, why did you choose me?"

Tuoba Yue smiled, "Those people are things that I don't trust, but besides my big brother, who else can I entrust with this important task? This is a big deal that cannot be ignored, so Brother, please give me some face."

Fu Qingyan remained silent, drinking wine slowly, still thinking about Jiuya's erratic back, thinking of the place of confusion, he really wanted to go out for a while to avoid it.But for some reason, he always had an ominous premonition. He was worried that something would happen to her, and he was even more worried that something would happen to Fu Yu. Now that cholera is prevalent in the capital, if they are infected because of this, there will be some misfortune, and he will not even be able to come back in time.

Thinking of Fu Yu, he couldn't let go. For so many years, he has been by his side, hoping to take care of him, just hoping that he can take care of him in time.This trip is not a matter of a day or two, if something happens during it, what should we do?
After thinking about it, he resolutely refused: "It's not that my big brother doesn't want to help you, but it's because I couldn't let go of many things. Please forgive me."

He drank the wine in one sip.

Tuoba Yue and Fu Jingwen changed their faces at the same time, and Fu Jingwen reprimanded slightly: "Brother, what else can you not let go of? You only held a temporary post in the Ministry of War, and you have a lot of leisure. You can also exercise your morality when you go to Wude this time." Wisdom and ability, why not go?"

Fu Qingyan just shook his head, "I don't think I'm capable enough, please find someone better."

Seeing him being so decisive, Fu Jingwen turned pale with anger, and Tuoba Yue also pursed his lips in extreme displeasure.The three of them ate and drank dully, and after only staying for a while, Fu Qingyan felt that his hands and feet became weak, thinking that he had drunk the wine, so he lay down on the table in a state of exhaustion.

Tuoba Yue saw that the timing was almost the same, so he invited people in and said: "Come here, help the son into the carriage and send him directly to Wude."

(End of this chapter)

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