marry a noble wife

Chapter 307 The real bastard

Chapter 307 The real bastard (3)
Fu Jingwen whispered in Fu Qingyan's ear: "Brother, I'm begging you, please do me a favor this time, okay?"

Fu Qingyan opened his eyes slightly, wanting to say something bad, but he was already supported by two big men, who quickly stuffed him into a spacious carriage, where Yi Zhi was already sitting in it.

He helped Fu Qingyan to lie down, and Fu Jingwen came over and said: "You must take good care of your son on the way. Your Highness sent a team of guards to see you off along the way. You should try to get to Wude as soon as possible, you know?"

Yi Zhi nodded and replied: "The servant understands that he must live up to his aunt's trust."

Fu Qingyan half-opened his eyes, listening to their words, he felt helpless and powerless, it turned out that they had already made up their minds to send him to Wu De, and even the servants around him knew about it, but they kept it from him.Then my aunt also knows, why do they have to let themselves go to Wude?Could something big happen?

The carriage has started, and there is the sound of horseshoes outside, which must be the sound of horses riding by many guards.Because of his weakness, he could only stare at the roof of the carriage with his eyes open, and then fell asleep again after feeling dizzy. When he woke up, he only heard the sound of nightingales calling outside the carriage. It was clearly midnight and he had already left the capital.

He sighed and wanted to sit up, but Yi Zhi quickly came over and asked, "What does the prince want?"

"Drink water."

Yi Zhi was about to pour water for him in a hurry, but at this moment the carriage stopped suddenly, and someone outside shouted: "Who is it!"

Yi Yi was startled, opened the car door and looked out, in this indistinct mountain road, half a stone's throw away from the carriage, there were countless black-clothed knights striding across the mountain road with a murderous look.He was startled, and quickly retreated into the car and said, "My lord, there seems to be bandits intercepting me, what should I do?"

Fu Qingyan rubbed his temples reluctantly, "I seem to have been drugged, and I'm so limp that I can't lift myself up. Since they have the guts to put me in the carriage, the guards they sent must not be pussies. Let's just sit in the carriage and wait and see what happens. Bar."

Outside the carriage, there was a team of more than 20 guards. Opposite them were black knights whose exact number could not be seen for a while. On the left was a steep mountain wall. The rushing water, in the dark night, can vaguely hear the roaring sound of running water in the mountain stream.

The leader of the guard looked at the figure on the opposite side, and couldn't help gasping. In fact, he knew that it was the most dangerous to walk this mountain road at night, but the empress dowager and concubine repeatedly confessed that he had to travel overnight and leave the boundary of the capital as soon as possible.So he had to take someone to wake up 12 points to rush to the starry night, but the result didn't seem to be too good.

He raised his voice again: "Who is on the other side, please report your name!"

As soon as his words fell, the black-clothed knights on the opposite side suddenly rushed up, and they were like lightning, drawing their knives and slashing at them in an orderly manner.The leader of the guards shouted: "Watch the carriage closely, it is necessary to protect the safety of the prince!"

At the same time, many guards stepped forward and swung their knives. After a burst of metal and iron clanging, some guards and the man in black fell head-on.However, the man in black was not afraid of death, jumped up and slashed with a knife.

In a blink of an eye, the men in black and the guards handed over accordingly. At this time, not only were there many men in black, but they were also very skilled.They were fierce in stature and ruthless in their tactics. Two or three of them surrounded a guard without making a sound, and their knives were deadly. Under their fierce attack, more than half of the guards fell down quickly. A bloody and murderous atmosphere.

At some point, the bright moon in the sky was blocked by the wind-blown clouds, and the clouds piled up, and the soft moonlight was instantly covered under the black clouds, and the icy cold wind from the mountains raged again between the sky and the earth.

The fight is still going on...

From time to time, in the shadow of swords and swords, someone fell down screaming...

The remaining guards who could no longer protect the carriage in a safe place resisted desperately, but the enemy did not relax at all. Apart from the sound of knives cutting into bones and flesh, there was a low muffled sound on the entire mountain road.

Yi Zhi was trembling in the carriage, and whispered in a trembling voice: "My lord, what should we do? They have come to kill them, and the guards are completely invincible..."

Fu Qingyan opened his eyes slightly, raised the car curtain, looked at the dark clouds in the sky, and felt that there were countless ferocious beasts hidden there.At this time, there was no fear in his heart, no resentment, only a mockery of his imminent death.His biological mother, his younger sister, these are his closest relatives, and they don't know what their purpose is, so they sent him to the tiger's mouth.He didn't have the slightest resistance, and could only watch Xue Liang Sen Han's sword piercing his chest.

At this time, he suddenly suspected that he came to the wrong world, and the people around him seemed to be out of tune with him. If his closest relatives treated him like this, then he would rather be a naked man in his next life. Farmers without food, do not want to face the ruthlessness of family affection again!

When the blood of the last guard splattered on the car door, Fu Qingyan had already closed his eyes tightly, holding tightly the black jade stone with the woman's name engraved in his hand, quietly waiting for death to come.

When the car door was kicked open ruthlessly and roughly, Yi Zhi was so frightened that he almost fainted. He watched in horror as a big man with thick brows poked his head in, unable to even say a word.

"Haha, come and see, this so-called elder son is very knowledgeable, so let me give him his whole body!" The thick-browed man turned his head and laughed loudly.

Fu Qingyan opened his eyes again, and asked calmly, "Who are you?"

The big man turned his head and slammed his chin with his thick-backed broadsword, and said in a vicious voice: "My lord, when we are about to die, do we care who we are? If you feel wronged, go and complain to the old man of Hades at that time, and we It doesn't matter, haha..."

A muffled voice in the wind asked, "Is there any verification of who you are?"

"It has been proved that he is a righteous person, and he is the prince of the Anping Houfu."

"Okay, give him the whole body, drive the car!"

Fu Qingyan closed his eyes, at this moment, all things must have become mustard seeds, and he only hoped that in the next life God would give him a clear vision.

Someone stabbed the horse's buttocks twice, and the horse neighed in pain, and was forced to rush towards the mountain stream. When the carriage rolled over the rocks, a burst of horrified and desperate wailing was heard. Valley.Soon, they heard the sound of the carriage falling heavily into the water, and the two of them, one horse and one cart, were completely submerged in the darkness without a sound.All that remained was the horrific smell of blood on the mountain road that had become silent in an instant, and the jackdaws neighed.

(End of this chapter)

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