marry a noble wife

Chapter 308 The real bastard

Chapter 308 The real bastard (5)
Seeing the bruises on her body just left by him, Fu Yu felt regretful, but for a moment he couldn't bear to say that he was wrong, so he could only hug her like a fool, hoping that she would forgive him for his mistakes.

Seeing that she kept ignoring her, Fu Yu had no choice but to get up.After he got up, Jiuya turned over, leaving him with a cold back.

He opened his mouth several times, but he couldn't utter a single word. Apart from regret, he was also ashamed.He got up silently, found the scattered clothes and slowly put them on, and tidied up the broken pieces of cloth before opening the door to ask Yudie to fetch hot water.

Yudie was outside the yard, so she naturally knew that the two masters had quarreled again, sighed helplessly, and called the little girl to the kitchen to boil hot water.

Fu Yu was waiting to enter the house, when the nurse next to Fu Jingwen rushed over and said loudly: "Third Master, it's not good, just now our master received the news that something happened to the son on the way to Wude, please hurry up Go over there and have a look."

Fu Yu's heart was lifted, "On the way to Wude? How could the prince go to Wude?"

The nanny waved her hands anxiously, "Don't ask the third master now, His Royal Highness has already gone ahead, the matter should be urgent, please hurry up to the third master."

Although I still had some thoughts about Fu Qingyan before, but after all, brotherly love is deep. After so many years of love, how can a little conflict be broken?He didn't know how to face Jiu Ya, so he just took this opportunity to cool down each other.Fu Yu turned his head and confessed to Mama Pei: "Tell young mistress, I'll go over and have a look first, and I'll be back later."

Mother Pei replied yes, and Fu Yu hurriedly took Han Ziya to catch up on the road to Wude at night.

Jiu Ya was lying in the house, and Mother Pei came in and conveyed Fu Yu's words. Seeing that she hadn't answered, she couldn't help but sighed and said, "Young Mistress, we women should be obedient and four virtues. He is good at serving and coaxing you, if you give him such a face, I am afraid that you will be spoiled for a while, and after a long time, you will also be offended. You should change your temper, young mistress. "

Jiuya's tears welled up all at once, all the women here believe that their husbands are their gods, and they are obedient to everything, why should she do that?It was his fault today, he didn't come to apologize to her, but asked mother Pei to say such things, did he really want to crush her to death?Sure enough, it is said that women should not rely too much on men, and in the end, they will lose even their ego.If they continue to get along like this in the future, and he will take a break from time to time, she will never continue to live with him in this kind of life.

She didn't make a sound, so Mother Pei had no choice but to go out. After the water came in, Jiuya asked them to go out, and she washed quietly by herself. Seeing the scars on her body, she had no more tears to shed.

When she was going to bed again, something cold suddenly hit her body. She touched it and saw that it was Fu Yu's jade pendant that was said to have never left her body for 17 years.She threw the thing under the pillow fiercely, and finally tore something off him.

Until dawn, Fu Yu did not come back, but the people in the yard were still working and resting as usual.

Jiuya went to greet the old lady with slightly swollen eyes and came back, Xiucai rushed in, pulled her aside and whispered: "Young Mistress, it's not good, shopkeeper Ji was killed by the palace guard last night." Someone invited him, as if he wanted shopkeeper Ji to donate all the medicinal materials, but shopkeeper Ji didn't dare to agree, so he said he wanted to ask the boss. People from the palace filled the medicine shop early this morning, and they insisted on seeing you. Shopkeeper Ji has repeatedly said that he doesn't know where the boss is, that he comes when he comes and leaves when he leaves, and he can't be contacted, and he is deadlocked."

Jiuya asked: "People from the palace? Who is the person from the palace?"

"The shopkeeper Ji said that he met the emperor and the empress, because he knew that the young mistress was going to disperse the shop, so he risked the crime of deceiving the emperor and did not tell the young mistress. Now they are forcing her, what should I do?"

"Don't worry about this matter, tell me clearly. You know that the emperor and empress have personally asked about it, but did they say where they plan to use the medicinal materials?"

Xiucai thought about it, but she wasn't sure, "It seems to be sent to the hardest-hit area..."

Jiu Ya thought about it, Fu Yu never wanted her to show her face, and was around him all day long, but what he did last night really made her feel scared, she was afraid that in the future she would really become a person who would regard him as his wife. At the center is the woman who has no ego.It's understandable that he likes her, and he feels sad about her. What if one day love is gone and love has faded away and she is abandoned?Is she going to die in depression like a boudoir?

It is said that love is like a treasure when it is present, but who can guarantee that this love will last for a long time and never deteriorate?By that time, wouldn't she have nothing left?
Thinking of this, he said softly: "You just let shopkeeper Ji say that the medicinal materials are limited but there are many patients, and that his boss has a way to cure cholera without using these medicinal materials. Don't say anything else, I will You have your own sense of proportion, you know?"

Xiucai got her instructions, nodded her head heavily, and went.

While Jiuya was eating, she suddenly felt cloudy clouds over her head, and a cold wind was blowing from a distance, as if there was about to be a big storm, which made her feel uneasy.

At this moment, there was a big battle of people at the gate of the courtyard. The old lady was at the head, Aunt Xiao was at the side, and the third lady was behind, Wen Caihe, Aunt Mingyao who hadn't seen her for many days, and then It's just a lot of maids and women, and even a thick and sturdy nurse following behind.

This battle reminded Jiuya that when she first entered the Hou Mansion, the people in the Hou Mansion would confront her like this every now and then. This time, do they want to have something happen to her again?

Supported by Chen Ma, the old lady stood in the middle of the yard staring at her, and suddenly shouted: "Song Jiuya, are you guilty?"

The maids and women of Chunhua Courtyard also surrounded her for a while, Jiuya wiped the corners of her mouth slowly with a handkerchief, stood up and walked to the old lady to bless her, "I don't know what crime grandma is going to ask granddaughter-in-law again?"

The wrinkles on the old lady's face jumped up, "Presumptuous! How can a cunning person like you deserve to be my grandson-in-law? You are so bold, you actually used a concubine as a concubine to commit such a fraudulent marriage..." Why don't you kneel down for me?"

Jiuya's heart skipped a beat. Didn't Fu Qingyan say that the matter of the substitute marriage has been dealt with?How could these people speak up today?What about Fu Qingyan?Why don't you come out and speak now?
(End of this chapter)

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