marry a noble wife

Chapter 311 Departure

Chapter 311 Departure (1)
As soon as Aunt Xiao was reminded by her, she looked at the Phantom in Tsing Yi who was standing coldly by the side, she really felt familiar, and they were indeed the two attendants beside the genius doctor that day.She immediately raised her eyebrows. Although the miracle doctor didn't see his face clearly that day, he was really brilliant in his appearance, but the people around him were by Song Jiuya's side. Why?
Could it be... Her and Wen Caihe's eyeballs met together, could it be... Song Jiuya had an affair with that miracle doctor?If the evidence is convincing, even if Fu Yu came back to make trouble, told him about the matter, and was cuckolded, would he still want this woman again?
Thinking of this, the two of them seemed to have grasped Jiuya's heinous crime, Aunt Xiao suddenly raised her voice and asked, "Song Jiuya, who are these two men beside you?"

Nine elegant plain clothes, the bright color of the clothes and the white skin reflected, more and more her brows are green, her lips are red and her teeth are white, and the eyes under the long eyelashes are bottomless, shining with a cool light.She looked at her coldly, "Who do you care about them?"

Wen Caihe smiled and said: "In my opinion, it should have something to do with that genius doctor, right? They obviously followed the genius doctor that day, but now they are protecting you. It is clear that you and the genius doctor secretly communicated the song , the genius doctor left all his people to you, isn't that right?"

Hearing her question, Jiuya smiled and said, "Second sister-in-law is right, these two people are indeed two people around the genius doctor, and I did secretly communicate with the genius doctor. The genius doctor loves me so he keeps all his people Give it to me, I say, are you satisfied?"

The old lady was so angry that her face turned pale, "Well, you Song Jiuya who doesn't know what shame is, you dare to talk about adultery with others in broad daylight. Get out! Get out! I don't want to see your face again! "

Aunt Xiao also sneered and said: "Mother Xiong, you can see clearly that this Song Jiuya has already admitted to having an affair with that genius doctor, and when your young master comes back, you must relay her exact words to the doctor." He, don't want him to be deceived by this cunning vixen again, and he is still applauding her even after wearing a cuckold."

Mother Bear said lightly, neither answering nor saying anything.

Jiuya nodded, "I hope everyone will spread this news as soon as possible. Just say that I, Song Jiuya, have an affair with that miracle doctor in Huachuntang."

"Shameless! Shameless! Such a shameless person, why did she stay in the residence for so long? Get out of here quickly." The old lady was really angry, shaking her hands and cursing non-stop.

Seeing that it was almost cleaned up, Jiu Ya walked out of the Hou Mansion with Mother Pei, Yu Die, Chun Ju and Tsing Yi Phantom.With her head held high, she finally walked out of the waiting mansion under the attention of everyone. Mother Xiong led them to the gate with a few little girls.

When the Phantom in Tsing Yi attracted two carriages, the old lady and Aunt Xiao also rushed over. Aunt Xiao was condescending, and finally drove this woman out this time. Enmity, and let Fu Yu have nothing to do.Afterwards, the prince can borrow her to coerce Fu Yu to support the prince again, if Fu Yu doesn't mind her stealing.

The old lady stood awe-inspiring on the stone steps at the door, "Song Jiuya, if you come out of this door today, you have nothing to do with our waiting mansion, so please don't mention our waiting mansion in front of outsiders in the future, otherwise, if you are found out, We will investigate to the end and punish him severely!"

In fact, many servants of the Hou's Mansion had already surrounded the door, and they all looked at Jiuya with gloating eyes, without pity, without regret, just a kind of interest in watching the fun that has nothing to do with it.

Jiuya looked back at the old lady contemptuously, "Old lady, if you are an ordinary woman, what you are doing now is to ruin a life, which is called harming Yin and virtue. But you are wrong, even if you frame me again and again, I will not die How can you be defeated by such a thing? You treat me like this today, I don’t know what is good for you, but please touch your conscience, is everything you have done really worthy of Fu Yu? I will say one more thing now. Here, people are doing it, and God is watching, when you are harming others, God has already prepared another retribution for you."

Aunt Xiao sneered and said, "We've already been kicked out of the mansion, do you still want to curse us? Retribution? We didn't do anything wrong, what retribution are we afraid of? Don't talk anymore, hurry up, we won't allow you to be in front of the mansion. Waiting for this bitch to stay here will definitely dirty the door of our house!"

Jiuya didn't want to have a verbal argument with them anymore, and got into a carriage with Yudie four, and Phantom in Tsing Yi took another carriage, and put the burden with them.

"Young Mistress, where should we go?" Chun Ju asked worriedly.

Jiu Ya pulled the place where she was kicked dirty, "Don't be so stupid in the future, what can those people ask for? You know, you are my family, and being beaten and scolded by them is like beating and scolding me. We Even if you are a woman, you must live with dignity."

Chun Ju was stunned, and moved a little: "Young Mistress, don't say that, slaves only wish for Young Mistress."

"If you want to be good for me, you must also be able to judge the situation. At that time, the old lady and Aunt Xiao had obviously planned it for a long time. How could they let me go?" Jiu Ya laughed.

Mother Pei didn't know how she could still laugh, she sighed and said, "Young Mistress is planning to go back to the Song Mansion, right?"

Jiuya shook her head, "If my guess is right, the Song Mansion must be in a bad place right now. Let's park the carriage over there first, and Mother Pei will go and see the situation. If something really happens, we won't be able to go back. "

Mother Pei told the carriage to go to the Song Mansion, and after a while, the carriage pulled over and stopped, and it was near the Song Mansion.But before he got out of the car, he saw a lot of yamen servants walking up and down the road. Although Jiu Ya had some confidence in her mind, she still asked Mama Pei to go down and inquire.After a while, Ms. Pei came back and said, sure enough, something happened in the Song Mansion, but I don't know what happened.

Jiuya pondered for a moment, now it's useless for her to get involved, so she can only wait for the opportunity to rescue the people from the Song Mansion.Although she didn't have much affection for the people in the Song Mansion, except for Xiao Shi, there were also good people in it.And now that she occupies the original owner's body, the Song family is her root. No matter where she goes, others will judge her level based on her background. This is such a realistic society here.

(End of this chapter)

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