marry a noble wife

Chapter 312 Departure

Chapter 312 Departure (2)
So she ordered to go to Jingci Temple, she had money in her hand, it's not that she couldn't find a place to live, but now she wanted to be quiet for a while, and then think about how to go with Fu Yu in the future.And the quiet place of Buddhism is exactly the place she needs now.

Finally sending the plague god away, Aunt Xiao felt relieved, smiled and helped the old lady into the hall, and the nun next to Fu Jingwen stepped forward again and urged: "If Auntie is fine, can you go to the prince with your servant now?" Mansion? I'm afraid the master is still crying now."

Seeing her coming to talk again, the old lady gave Aunt Xiao a strange look, "Didn't you say it was a trick? Why is Jing Wen still crying?"

Aunt Xiao was also full of displeasure, and said to the nanny: "The play has already been performed, why haven't you gone back? Go back, don't wait until your master can't call anyone."

The mother was stunned, "What is my aunt talking about? Acting? The slaves are not acting. At dawn today, His Highness Taisun received a message from someone. He said that something happened to the son, more than 20 guards were killed, and the son sat down. His carriage also overturned into the mountain stream, His Royal Highness has brought a lot of people there, I don't know if we can still find the son?"

Aunt Xiao suddenly turned pale, stood up and said sharply: "Is what you said true?"

Mammy nodded, "Your Majesty is absolutely not lying. His Highness the Grandson only sent the news back to the mansion this morning. The Concubine Taisun fainted when she heard the news. When the servant came out, the Concubine Taisun was crying so sadly. Hurt the lungs."

Aunt Xiao's legs went limp, she staggered and screamed: "How could this happen? It's absolutely impossible? How could a person like us Qingyan die? I'm going to see it now...Qingyan will definitely be able to do it." Rescue..."

Only then did the old lady know that the news of Qingyan's accident was true, panting heavily and tremblingly: "What do you mean by that? Could it be true?"

Immediately, Aunt Xiao's bitter cry came from the whole house, she hurriedly asked someone to prepare a carriage, and hurried to the Prince's Mansion.How could the old lady sit and wait for the bad news, she also went to the Prince's Mansion crying together with Xiao Shi.The two of them wept so bitterly, as if their parents were dead, they immediately shocked everyone who had just returned to the yard. They watched a good scene just now, and only then did they remember Fu Qingyan's encounter with a villain, and they didn't know How is his safety?

The old lady and Aunt Xiao went away crying and mourning, and when they entered the Prince's Mansion, they could hear Fu Jingwen still crying, and the Crown Princess was beside her to persuade her.Seeing that her natal family had finally arrived, the Crown Princess also said with red eyes: "Lady Furen and Auntie are all in condolences. Now Yue'er is sending people to salvage and search. The son is auspicious and the heavens are good, so nothing will happen."

The old lady heard such definite news as soon as she arrived, and immediately called out "my son," then rolled her eyes, fainted, and the servants were flustered for a while.

Aunt Xiao walked up to Fu Jingwen, and Fu Jingwen burst into tears and fell into her arms, "It's all my fault, I'm the one who harmed elder brother, if I didn't let him go to Wude, he wouldn't have such a thing, Auntie , blame me..."

Aunt Xiao only felt the heart-piercing pain, and cried loudly: "A person who was fine yesterday, why did such a thing happen all of a sudden? His father asked him to talk to him yesterday. I couldn't wait, so I rushed him over. How could I expect such a thing to happen? I forgot to take two of the summer clothes I prepared for him, and they were left there before I had time to wear them. How could this man come out? What happened? God, did I do something wicked in my previous life, and I must be punished like this..."

She cried and counted with Fu Jingwen, and the whole room was full of mourning.After a while, Anping Hou got the news, and when he got the exact news, he immediately asked someone to drive the carriage to the place where the accident happened to check.

On the side of the mountain road, Tuoba Yue stood facing the wind, and many people were ordered by him to go down the mountain stream to search, and there were even wooden rafts tied up underneath, hanging fishing nets and scraping around.

Fu Yu was standing beside him, his face had stubble growing overnight, his eyeballs were bloodshot, his mouth was tightly pursed, and he lowered his head to stare at the bloodstains on a protruding rock halfway up the mountain that had been blown dry by the mountain wind.

"When I heard the news last night, the ground was covered in blood, and more than 20 guards were dead, and the body of the eldest brother was nowhere to be seen. So Jack Ya and I searched around here with torches. We found him halfway up the mountain. There are traces of a carriage rolling over there, and there is a large bloodstain at the same time, if according to what you said, elder brother was escorted by more than 20 guards in a carriage, then he has most likely fallen into a mountain stream, right? "

Tuoba Yue looked cold and serious, "Before letting him out yesterday, I drank some wine with him, maybe I couldn't drink enough, and I fell asleep, but when I met the villain, I didn't know how to resist, and was driven away by the carriage go down."

Fu Yu's eyes were gloomy, and he nodded, "If it wasn't for drinking, there would be no reason for my elder brother to be torn to death like this and not run away. But, why did the person who came to send me the news come from the Prince's Mansion, but His Royal Highness the Grandson? Will it arrive at dawn? I have been thinking about it for a long time, and I have never been able to figure out such a problem."

Tuoba Yue hooked his fingers secretly, and said lightly: "It's because I have something to delay."

In the original plan, he had set up the appearance of something wrong with Qing Yan a little earlier, so that people could lure Fu Yu over.However, the place where Qingyan's accident happened is still some distance away from there, so he was intercepted and killed, which was completely unexpected.In the front place, he had arranged for people to check there falsely. When Fu Yu went, he would definitely think that his people had arrived first, and there would be no doubts.But when Fu Yu came here, there was no one here except the dead body, so he must feel strange.If it wasn't for the person arranged by himself who never waited for Fu Yu in front, and turned back because of strangeness, then he knew that something happened to the prince here, so he immediately sent someone to report to the Prince's Mansion.But as far as the flaw in this place is concerned, Fu Yu has clearly seen the clue.

However, Qingyan has always treated people kindly and kindly, and has never offended anyone. Who wants to attack Qingyan and insist on killing him?And who knew that Qingyan would come here today and set up a murderous situation?

Fu Yu raised his eyes slightly, and there was a cold light inside, "This journey of martial arts is too fast, my elder brother didn't talk about it before going out yesterday, could it be His Highness's impromptu intention?"

(End of this chapter)

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