marry a noble wife

Chapter 313 Departure

Chapter 313 Departure (3)
Tuoba Yue rubbed his temples and didn't make a sound, the more he explained about some things, the easier it would be to reveal flaws.

The people below kept coming to report, and there were broken logs hanging on the carriage from time to time, but they did not see the bodies of Fu Qingyan and Yi Zhi. With such a rapid current below, if the carriage was smashed into pieces, how could the two powerless people survive after falling into the water? stay on the spot?I don't know how far it has been washed away.And this mountain stream is so high, everyone who intercepts and kills is ruthless, how can Fu Qingyan, who is powerless with both hands, have a chance to survive?

By this time, Fu Yu was completely desperate, and Han Ziya suddenly whispered in his ear: "Master, apart from the discomfort you had before, you haven't slept all night, do you want to go back and rest?"

He reminded him what he meant, he miraculously took a nap last night, and his whole body suddenly throbbed for a while, and then he waited until now, he should go back and see what happened.Because his poison just made him drowsy, and suddenly he just took a nap and stayed up all night in pain, which has not happened in two or three years.

However, Fu Yu didn't think much about it at all, he was just thinking about it. From Tuoba Yue's expression, he vaguely guessed that there must be some unpredictable conspiracy by Tuoba Yue who suddenly sent away his elder brother and Midnight himself. He even suspected that the murder of his eldest brother had a great relationship with Tuoba Yue.But looking back, he had absolutely no reason to kill his eldest brother, so what was the reason for those strange things?
At the end of the afternoon, Anping Hou also came. After all, he had seen a big battle, and immediately organized more people to search, and some people had already searched to a place ten miles away.

In the evening, the matter came to no avail.

Fu Yu had no choice but to hand over the full authority of this place to his father and Tuoba Yue, so he turned around and returned to the Hou Mansion.

However, as soon as he entered the door, Mother Bear told him everything she saw and heard, and Fu Yu immediately jumped up, what?Jiu Ya was kicked out of the Hou Mansion?And said he was going to divorce her?At this time, the old lady and Aunt Xiao have returned to the house to wait for the news.He rushed to Rongfu Hall regardless, kicked open the door of Rongfu Hall suddenly, and shouted after entering the door: "Who allowed you to drive my wife away? Who gave you the right?"

At this time Rongfutang was surrounded by a large family, the old lady had her forehead tied on her head before she regained her breath, Aunt Xiao was still wiping her tears beside her, and she was still saying good things, the third lady and Aunt Mingyao They are all around to persuade.The old lady's heart hadn't settled down yet, when Fu Yu roared, she was so frightened that she almost lost her breath.

She raised her eyes and reprimanded: "You scoundrel, now that your elder brother's life and death are unknown, you still have the nerve to shout here? Why don't you bring your elder brother back soon?"

Fu Yu was so angry that his eyebrows were tangled together, and he stepped forward, "What is wrong with my wife? Why do you keep targeting her? Why did you drive her away while I was looking for my elder brother?" , you pay my wife!"

Aunt Xiao, who had been crying for a long time, was inexplicably raised. She suddenly remembered the retribution Jiuya said before leaving. The one who killed a thousand swords was actually a crow mouth. up.No, this isn't retribution, it's a mistake, it's a man-made disaster, could it be that Song Jiuya tricked someone to murder Qingyan?
She had nowhere to kill blood at this time, so she piled the blame on Jiuya. When Fu Yu came to question her, she immediately became angry, and slapped the table and said, "Fu Yu, do you still have a conscience! Your elder brother is right. You have never been mean, you didn't tell us about his situation when you came back, but you only asked about your broomstar bastard, is your heart made of iron?"

Her eyes were wide open, her body was straight, and she was still quite imposing.Fu Yu has endured her for many years. If it wasn't because of the unresolved poison on her body, she would not have done anything outrageous on weekdays. When she repeatedly bullied Jiuya, he would have wanted to knock her down.

He gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and suppressed his anger and said word by word: "The bastard's mother? Where is my wife a broom star, and where is a woman? If you don't explain it clearly to me today, I have to do it today." Start killing!"

He seemed to choose someone to devour, Aunt Xiao was furious, she slapped him in the face, how could Fu Yu let her hit him, with a cross arm to block, Aunt Xiao couldn't bear the force sat in the chair.Aunt Xiao immediately covered her face and burst into tears, "Master Hou, you have also seen that my concubine raised someone who treated him like his own son for so many years, and he actually attacked my concubine for a woman, Qingyan is gone anyway. , my concubine should go with me..."

She had a dick on the left and a dick on the right, hearing that Fu Yu was going to beat someone up again, but was hugged by Han Ziya.He stared and cursed: "You are the ****, your whole family is a ****, you were born of a ****, so you are also a big ****..."

Xiao shi sat in the chair and wept loudly when he heard his words being so speechless.The people in the room, however, were provoked by Fu Yu's disrespectful scolding, bowing their heads and laughing inwardly.

And when Xiao slapped her, she saw An Pinghou being pushed in, knowing that Fu Yu was in a fit of anger, she was sure that her hands and feet would not be light, and such a result was also falling into her calculations.

After Fu Yu finished cursing, he turned his head around, but saw An Pinghou's expression was somber and he berated Xiao Shi, "Qingyan hasn't been found yet, why are you crying here?"

Aunt Xiao raised her head and stopped crying, "Master Hou, Yu'er questioned my concubine as soon as she came back, and my concubine notified you. That Song Jiuya was so bold that she replaced her as a concubine, and today she was caught and given to you." The genius doctor who cured the leg ailment secretly communicated with the music and did not abide by women's morals. Shouldn't the concubine clean up the house for the Houfu? I think that Song Jiuya is quite supernatural. I can't tell clearly that she is the mastermind of the accident. If I had known this, The concubine can't wait to tear her flesh, how could she just want to get rid of her?"

When Fu Yu heard that Mrs. Xiao had informed Lord Hou of driving Jiuya away, and Lord Hou allowed her to do that, the grief and indignation suddenly surged up in his heart, and he stared at Anpinghou, "Father, you also want to marry me!" Kick Jiuya out? It's fine that you have treated me badly all these years, why do you even treat her like this? "

Hou Anping didn't make a sound, and Liu Bainian behind him couldn't bear to be accused by him, so he said, "Third Young Master, this is all for your own good. Since you are so reluctant to leave Third Young Mistress, why don't you go find her now? "Now that the situation in the court is unpredictable, and Fu Yu is ill, he should take this opportunity to quietly take Song Jiuya back to Luxi.He is accusing Hou Ye here, but does he know that Hou Ye is planning for him?
(End of this chapter)

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