marry a noble wife

Chapter 314 Departure

Chapter 314 Departure (4)
Fu Yu smiled dejectedly, now to find her?He treated her like that last night, and was chased away like this today, and he was accused of many crimes. If he looks for her, will she come back with him?Although she usually likes to stretch out her sharp claws and scratch herself a few times, it seems that she just needs to be coaxed.But in fact, he knew that she was an extremely stubborn person, once she went out, she might not come back with him no matter how coaxed she was.

"Why are you still looking for her? Don't say that she is bold enough to replace her as a concubine, but if she had an affair with another man, what face would she have to come back?" The old lady regained her breath and objected loudly.

Fu Yu just felt it was ridiculous, pointed at the old lady and laughed angrily: "She had an affair with a man? Do you mean that she had an affair with that genius doctor of Huachuntang, Fu Jiu? That doesn't count, because I allowed it. You allow her to have an affair with Fu Jiu?"

His words were simply shocking, like a huge wave hitting people's fragile hearts, Wen Caihe was the first to find it incredible, and said in a voiceless voice: "Third brother, are you crazy? In order to defend her, you actually do this If you can say everything, aren't you afraid that people in the world will laugh at you?"

An Pinghou didn't know that Jiuya was involved in the miracle doctor, so he narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Yu'er, Jiuya really has a relationship with that miracle doctor?"

"Master Hou asked him what he was doing. Song Jiuya admitted it herself, and the miracle doctor even gave her two of his attendants to support her. He also injured our two nursing homes at that time. Everyone witnessed it with their own eyes, so why does the Hou still have doubts?" Aunt Xiao said sharply.

An Pinghou's expression changed. He didn't expect Song Jiuya to be such a person. If he had known that she had other intentions, he would not have given her those house deeds. Could it be that she is also a shallow woman who covets Fu Yu's property?

At this time Han Ziya suddenly interjected: "Young Master, what good is it for you to argue with them here? Don't delay, I'm afraid Young Mistress will lose her mind for a while, so hurry up and look for it."

Before Fu Yu could speak, the old lady shouted: "It would be best for such a man who does not abide by women's morals to die. What's more, the Song Mansion sent a fake one, which is a fraudulent marriage. If you don’t bother her, the government will probably arrest her. Why are you looking for her? We will not allow her to enter the door of such a person anyway!”

Fu Yu was agitated by her words for a moment, looked left and right, picked up a chair and started throwing everything in the room.Crackling, smashing the table in the old lady's room, smashing the teacup on the small table, and shouting: "I tell you, if anything happens to my wife, everyone Don't think about it! I'll take care of him in the Prince's Mansion, and if I risk my life, I will avenge her! These rotten tables and chairs are a reflection of you! Seeing that you still bully her, seeing that you still bully her—"

The people in the room had never seen him so angry before, all of them were so frightened that their faces changed color. Unexpectedly, Song Jiuya was so powerful that he stole someone. Fu Yu not only took care of her, but also wanted to do it for her The government is going to be wiped out all at once, is he crazy?
The old lady and Mrs. Xiao were both stunned in shock, and Anping Hou was furious, "Liu Bainian, pull this lunatic out for me and beat him!"

Before Liu Bainian came forward, Fu Yu had already dropped the chair in his hand and said with a miserable smile, "You'd better start praying now that I can find my wife smoothly, otherwise your fate will be worse than these tables and chairs."

He turned around with the jackdaw and swept them out like the wind, and the people in the room were silent for a long time.

It wasn't long before Fu Yu left, when someone from the porter rushed to report: "Master Hou, get up quickly to greet him, the emperor and empress have arrived in person."

The emperor and the empress came in person, this was unprecedented, the people who were still in the room suddenly panicked, aside from the chaos in the room, the old lady and Anping waited for Hefu to dress up and went to the front hall to meet them.

On the first seat in the hall, Emperor Hongwu was dressed in a mighty yellow robe, and Empress Ma was sitting in a dark red dress, sitting upright.The old lady knelt down respectfully and shouted, "Long live the emperor, long live... the empress is a thousand years old, a thousand years old..."

Emperor Hongwu swept all the people below, and said in a deep voice, "Pingshen."

When the old lady got up, Emperor Hongwu respected her, "Come here, give old lady Fu a seat."

The old lady thanked her again.

After everyone took their seats, An Pinghou, who was sitting in a wheelchair, asked, "I don't know why the emperor comes late at night?"

Emperor Hongwu's face was majestic, and his tiger eyes were majestic. His gaze swept across the face of Fu Changting, who was bowing his head below, before he frowned and asked Anpinghou: "I heard that something happened to the son last night, is there any news now? "

Anping Hou was sad, "What happened last night has not been recovered yet, so it is probably more or less ominous."

As soon as he said this, Aunt Xiao began to weep in a low voice. When Empress Ma saw her, she comforted her: "Didn't the body be found? In fact, no news is good news. You don't have to worry. If there are not enough people , you can ask the emperor to send some more people."

The old lady was touched and said: "Thank you, Empress, for your concern. We also hope that God can bless the good people safe."

Emperor Hongwu lowered his eyebrows and said, "Can you see who did it?"

An Pinghou said: "The strikers are fast with swordsmanship. Judging from the dead guards, they are all well-trained people, and they are definitely not ordinary Jianghu experts."

"Oh? Is it better than the guards of the prince's mansion? If it wasn't done by people from the Jianghu, who would want to attack the prince?" Emperor Hongwu looked puzzled, and then said: "This matter must be investigated by the Ministry of Justice anyway. , and never let those villains go unpunished.”

When the people in the waiting mansion heard the emperor's promise, they felt very comforted immediately.

At this time, Emperor Hongwu changed the subject and said to Anping Hou: "Yesterday, I heard people say that Hou Ye's leg disease has recovered. Is there such a thing?"

An Ping Hou hurriedly said: "Thanks to Emperor Hong En, I have indeed been cured of my leg disease, but now I can't move completely, and it will be back to normal after two days."

Emperor Hongwu was overjoyed and laughed and said: "It's so good, Lord Hou's leg has healed, and one of my members, General Anguo, can help me solve my problems again. I really want to make me feel very happy."

Empress Ma also said: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, the governance of the country requires talents like Lord Hou. Now that Lord Hou can be used again, I really want to thank the genius doctor who helped Lord Hou cure his illness."

(End of this chapter)

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