marry a noble wife

Chapter 318 Asking for Seeing

Chapter 318 Asking for Seeing (3)
Fu Yu was horrified when he heard that, and he slammed the door even more urgently, "My lady, what are you talking about? It's none of my business if they drive you away? You are marrying me, not them, I didn't say anything." Chasing you, how can what they say count? Well, even if you don't go back to the Hou Mansion with me, you open the door first, and I will take you back to Luxi, okay?"

He yelled and begged outside the door, his voice was so sad, Yudie had never seen him make such a small mistake in front of Jiu Ya, and immediately softened his attitude, and persuaded him in a low voice: "young mistress, uncle's attitude is good Very well, in front of so many people, it's very pitiful to ask, you just open the door and go with him. It's fine if you go to Luxi, and you don't have to look at the faces of those people in the Houfu, and you can live in peace of mind."

Jiuya shook her head, "Don't talk too much, I won't go back with him now anyway." Then she raised her voice again: "You go, don't make noise here. If you must make trouble, I will immediately Leave overnight!"

Fu Yu was so shocked that he stopped, and said again and again: "Okay, okay, I won't make noise, just open the door, lady, I will take you to Luxi right away."

Jiuya ignored him at all, and let Yudie and Chunju go outside for a rest, while she closed the door, turned off the lights and fell asleep.She was hurt all night last night, and she encountered a series of incidents today, she was completely tired.No matter what happened to Fu Yu, she had to rest her mind first, and not let her body collapse.

Chunju and Yudie looked at each other and sighed, Fu Yu could no longer hear the voice inside, he was anxious but didn't dare to make a fuss, he was really afraid that Jiuya would get mad, so he left the capital and ignored him again.He just stood in front of the door in a daze, just waiting.

Seeing that he finally calmed down, the nuns made some sense and retreated.

Stratus clouds piled up again in the sky, the cold wind suddenly picked up, and a storm was coming.Seeing that Fu Yuben's handsome cheeks were covered with stubble, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked very tired, she softly persuaded him: "Young Mistress, it's going to rain soon. I'm afraid I'm going to get caught in the rain standing here, so the young mistress will open the door and let him in, if you have something to say, won't it be fine?"

She said hers, but no one responded. Fu Yu felt even more hurt, and said in a low voice: "Mother Pei, stop talking, if the lady still blames me, what's the point of letting the rain pour out her resentment?" ?”

And just as they were talking, lightning and thunder began to thunder above their heads. The end of March is the season of thunderstorms. After a while, the wind began to blow outside, and the pouring rain swept across with the momentum of thunder. come.Tsing Yi Phantom and the others had opened the door of the next guest room to hide from the rain under the guidance of Mama Pei, and Han Ziya pulled Fu Yu, "Master, it's very windy and windy at this time, and you stayed up all night last night, go in first Hide out of the rain and drink some hot tea before coming to persuade her."

Fu Yu stubbornly shook off his hand, "If she doesn't come out, I won't leave here. If you want to rest, go and rest, don't worry about me." It was his fault last night, and he couldn't make up for it. Getting some rain can relieve her anger, so he complied with her wishes, and only hoped that she would forgive him and never mention the matter of leaving him again.

Han Ziyao rubbed his chin, and then looked at the cold rain drifting from under the eaves, no matter what, it was their young couple's business, and he definitely had no reason to suffer together.Besides, the young master suffered from last night's exhaustion, and now he looks almost exhausted, he can't fall down, who will run errands before him?

He also retreated into the room.

Fu Yu stood under the eaves all by himself, letting the pouring rain pour over his back.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the wind was getting colder and colder. Jiuya wanted to close her eyes and sleep quietly, but Fu Yu's stubborn face always appeared in front of her eyes.Listening to the sound of the rain hitting the pipa outside, the sound of the rain seemed to be hitting her heart, it was very uncomfortable, how could the eyes be closed?

I don't know how long it took before I heard Pei's mother persuade in a slightly anxious voice outside the door: "Young mistress, open the door quickly, my uncle can hardly hold on anymore, don't let him get sick, we persuaded him to refuse to listen , you should come out and answer him."

Jiuya was upset when she heard that, she tossed and turned on the bed, and finally covered her head with a quilt. He hurt her, and she should never let him go like this. His time?If she is so soft, how can she make her request?And how to break his spirit?

But at this time she couldn't sleep no matter what, so she put on her clothes again, couldn't help but walked to the window and pushed the window to the outside a little, and she saw Fu Yu still standing under the eaves in a daze, far away. The faint light shone over, and his emaciated and shapeless face came into her eyes.Mother Pei wanted to put some clothes on him distressedly, but he pushed him away, and whispered in a hoarse voice: "Mother Pei, go to sleep, I'll wait for my wife here, don't worry about me."

Jiuya gritted her teeth secretly, he thought she would forgive him if he did this?She closed the window again, and could only sit at the table blankly, unable to do anything.Feeling uncomfortable and resentful at the same time, the tears that I had endured for a long time could not help but burst out of my eyes.

At this time, Yudie and Chunju heard the movement inside, and pushed the door in again. Seeing her sitting alone at the table and weeping, Chunju couldn't help crying, "Young Mistress, why are you bothering? Youqing, why bother to make him suffer, and make yourself suffer too? Listen to Mother Pei's voice, my uncle is in very poor health now, if something really happens, you must regret it and blame yourself?"

Jiuya covered her mouth, "That idiot, don't you know that he did it on purpose? I want sincerity, but do I want him to torture me like this? He thought that I would give in and listen to him? He was wrong. Now, he doesn’t admit he was wrong, doesn’t give me free space, and uses his strength to suppress me, and I don’t want to just live with him like this.”

She suppressed her crying, and Yudie wiped her tears, "Young Mistress has a knife mouth and a tofu heart. Don't look at your tough words, but your heart has already softened into mud. You two should stop torturing each other like this." , I will go to open the door for my uncle, you put forward your request, and if my uncle agrees, then he will, if not, then there is a way to do it, right?"

As she spoke, she gave Chunju a wink, then turned around and went outside to open the door. Jiuya didn't stop her this time, and when Yudie opened the door, she heard Pei's mother exclaim at the same time, "Grandpa, what are you doing?" What's the matter... hurry up, my uncle fainted..."

(End of this chapter)

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