marry a noble wife

Chapter 319 Asking for Seeing

Chapter 319 Asking for Seeing (4)
Following her sound, Jackdaw, who had been preparing for a long time, rushed out immediately, and at the same time, without waiting for Yudie to speak, he hugged Fu Yu into Jiuya's guest room.Yu Die hurriedly lit the lamp, and Han Ziya didn't care about Fu Yu's wet body, and put him on the bed, touched Fu Yu's face and said in shock: "Ah... the young master has a high fever... something happened to the prince last night He stayed in the water for most of the night and didn't sleep all night, so he couldn't be dying..."

He didn't know how serious he said it. Mother Pei and Chun Ju were already busy going to the kitchen to heat up hot water and find clean clothes and bedding.He ran to the couch in three or two steps, and saw his hair was sticking wet to his forehead, his brows were tightly wrinkled, his eyes were black and blue, his face was whiter than paper, and his lips were bloodless, like a water ghost just picked up from hell Same, terribly emaciated.

It's absolutely impossible to look like this after being exposed to the rain. Is he pretending on purpose, or is there some other problem?
Before she had time to wipe away her tears, she grabbed his pulse door and asked, "What did you just say? His son had an accident and he spent most of the night in the water, and he still didn't sleep all night? How is it possible? He sleeps very hard every night." Shen, how could you not sleep all night?"

Jack Yaw was wondering about this, and immediately replied: "I'm also feeling incredible, since the young master went out last night, until now, he only took a nap on the side of the road, and then said last night that his chest hurts uncomfortably , his limbs were numb, he stood muffled and clutched his chest for a long time. Maybe because the son was not found, he was anxious about it, and then he held back and said nothing. Once the rain fell, it became like this."

Jiuya was startled again by another meaning in his words, "What did you say? Something happened to the prince? What does it mean that he didn't find it?"

So Han Ziya quickly told about Fu Qingyan's encounter with an assassin in the middle of the night, "The Marquis and the Emperor's grandson have already intervened in this matter. They have a large number of people, and the son's skills have never been good. I believe he will be fine. Young Mistress, don't worry about that matter, let's quickly help the Young Master to see if he is serious or not? Why did the situation last night happen? "

Jiu Ya didn't know that Han Ziya deliberately downplayed Fu Qingyan's matter, firstly, she didn't want her to worry too much about this matter, and secondly, she hoped that she could reconcile with Fu Yu as soon as possible, and at the same time put her heart on Fu Yu's heart. Don't let him suffer like this anymore.

Jiu Ya believed it was true, so he took Fu Yu's pulse seriously, and after a while, he frowned and said: "His heart pulse is beating extremely slowly, which is quite different from the pulse I gave him before. Some said that the chest hurts uncomfortably, and the limbs are numb, could it be some kind of poison?"

Han Ziya was stunned, "How could it be possible to be poisoned, the young master's ability to distinguish poison is quite high, how can ordinary poison get close to him?"

Jiu Ya was also very puzzled, just as Mother Pei and Chun Ju brought hot water and a set of clean clothes.Jiu Ya wanted to scrub Fu Yu herself, but she was afraid of disturbing him, so she had to trouble Han Ziya.Han Ziya sighed, and had no choice but to pick up Fu Yu and put him in the hot water. Jiuya changed the wet bedding here, and when Fu Yu finished soaking, she changed him into Ziyi and let him dry again. Lying on the bed.

Han Ziya sighed again before the bed, "Young Mistress, why bother? Treat him after he gets sick, won't it make you feel happy?"

Jiuya ignored him, and when he checked his pulse again, Fu Yu's fever had already healed a lot, and it only took a while to relieve, it seems that his body is really not covered.

Han Ziya made fun of it, and said again: "Now the only thing we have to do is wait for the young master to wake up, you watch over, and I will go to rest."

As soon as he went out, Jiuya was about to get up when someone grabbed her hand, "My lady... don't go..."

She lowered her head, but saw that Fu Yu had opened his eyes, which were covered with bloodshot eyes. She said angrily, "I'll go pour tea."

"Don't pour tea." Fu Yu sat up suddenly, hugged her into his arms, buried his head on her neck, his eyes were already wet, and silently wrote with his fingers on her back: "My lady, don't pour tea." Abandon me cruelly, I know I was wrong, I apologize to you, admit my mistake to you, and promise that such a thing will never happen again, don’t say leave me.”

Jiuya could already feel the dampness and heat on her neck, with mixed feelings in her heart, she really wanted to pat the back of his hand to comfort him, but in the end, she just said indifferently: "The thing has already happened, can your promise be eaten? What if someday If your promise is invalidated, should I die?"

Fu Yu hugged her even tighter, and said in a low voice: "Impossible, absolutely impossible, you can ask me to write a letter of guarantee for you, sign, draw and sign."

Jiuya pushed him away with all her strength, and stared closely at his eyes, "Can a letter of guarantee guarantee my life for the rest of my life? Can it guarantee that one day you lose your heart and I can live in peace? Why should I Want to bet my life on your guarantee?"

Her words almost carried a kind of cruel ruthlessness, and every word slammed hard on the tip of his heart.Fu Yu's pupils contracted, he held his breath, and after a while he uttered a few words, "Then what do you want?"

"What else can I do?" Jiu Yabie started, "My pharmacy is ready to continue to open, and I will manage my own coffee tree planting. In the future, as long as possible, I will run more businesses ..."

Before she finished speaking, Fu Yu interrupted through gritted teeth, "No! I don't allow you to go outside to show your face, I don't allow you to meet other men, and I won't plant coffee trees for you. Take care of it, let alone other business, don't even think about it!"

Jiu Ya was so angry that she pushed him away, "Then go to hell!"

Fu Yu was caught off guard and hit the back of his head hard against the bedpost. He bared his teeth and snorted, "I'm telling you, Song Jiuya, even if I die, don't even think about showing your face. Instead of watching you flirt with other men every day , I would rather die with you in my arms, I will do what I say."

Jiuya was so enraged by his domineering, she picked up a soft pillow on the bed and threw it at him, "You have a good idea, why should I accompany you to die? You bastard!"

She turned around and left, Fu Yu came up with great strength, avoided the pillow, got up and twisted her back at once, pressed her to the bedpost with one hand, leaned over his face and said every word: "You are now mine , even if you die, you will be mine, you dare to try to step away from me?"

(End of this chapter)

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