marry a noble wife

Chapter 321 Asking for Seeing

Chapter 321 Asking for Seeing (6)
After Jiu Yabie started, Fu Yu asked again, "If it wasn't because of him, then why don't you like me?"

Jiuya still couldn't help turning her head and giving him a white look, "What do you think? You are so narrow-minded, like a child, why should I like you? The man I like is a mature and stable person, like you for three days People who talk about jealousy at both ends, why do you think I like you?"

Fu Yu stroked his forehead and sighed, "Why didn't my lady tell you earlier? If you said that you like mature and stable men, I would change it right away. It made me think about how to make you like me every day, and it took me a lot of time."

"So, plant that tree for me too?"

Fu Yu glanced at her, "Grow it, but the premise is that you don't use this as an excuse to have anything to do with uncle, otherwise I still won't allow it."

Jiuya relaxed, and finally made sense of him.Then the next step... There was a rooster crowing in the distance, she suddenly remembered something, grabbed his pulse door and asked: "It's almost dawn, why aren't you sleepy yet?"

After she asked, Fu Yu realized that he was still standing here at this moment. In the past, at times like this, it was when he was sleeping soundly. At the same time, he remembered that he also stayed up all night last night One night, he was also surprised and said: "What's going on? Why can't I sleep? Could it be that the poison has no way to suppress it, and it's about to attack again?"

Jiuya quickly pushed him to lie down, went outside and asked Yudie to fetch her silver needle, and first checked the toxicity in his blood, when she was looking closely at the blood oozing from the punctured skin, Fu Yu suddenly covered his mouth. Feeling uncomfortable in his chest, he said, "Lady, my whole body has started to feel numb again, and my chest is so congested, am I dying?"

Jiu Ya covered his mouth, "You are not allowed to say unlucky words. If I am right, it should be the poison that made your meridian spasm suddenly withdraw, and the poison that used poison to overcome poison has nothing to do, and it has already caused a counterattack. You Tell me quickly, when the poison master gave you the poison of restraint, did he give you an antidote?"

Fu Yu panted heavily, and said with difficulty: "Yes... looking for Han Ziya..."

Afterwards, he couldn't catch his breath, or he had endured for a long time, and when he relaxed, he could no longer hold back the pain in his body, and passed out.

Jiu Ya didn't dare to panic, so she hurriedly called Han Ziyao, "Msang Gong said that you know the antidote to the poison of restraint, where is it, you quickly take it out."

Han Ziya's expression turned serious, "Could it be that the young master's poison is about to be cured?"

Jiuya nodded, "It's possible."

"Please wait for a while, young mistress, I'll go back to the other courtyard to get it right away." Han Ziyao threw away these words, and left quickly without looking back.

Jiu Ya returned to the room, looked at Fu Yu who was unconscious, and took out the jade pendant again. Since he pulled this thing off him last night, his insomnia has naturally resolved. It seems that his Poison, indeed, has a great relationship with this jade pendant.But if the poison is in the jade pendant, the knowledge in it will be great.

The Jackdaw came very quickly, even though the road down the mountain was muddy and mud splashed a lot on his legs and body, he still didn't look distressed.He handed a small porcelain bottle into Jiuya's hands, and said cautiously: "I hope young mistress can confirm it again, because that expert once said that if the poison is recklessly cured, and the original poison cannot be suppressed, the young master may only have a dead end." Is the young mistress sure that the original poison has been detoxified?" He doesn't seem to have seen when the young mistress detoxified her.

Hearing what he said was so serious, Jiu Ya felt a little uneasy, but it happened just last night, so how could she not have the mentality of giving it a try?After thinking about it for a while, she decided to be cautious, and asked Yudie to bring her small medicine box, and took out the residual incense in it, and then put it in Jackedaw's hand together with the jade pendant, and said seriously: " Put these two things by your nose and smell them for half an hour, and tell me how you feel after half an hour."

Han Ziya looked suspicious, and asked him to smell it again?But he thought it made sense for her to let him do this, so he put those two things to his nose and smelled them as much as he wanted.However, before a stick of incense, his eyebrows moved.Jiu Ya didn't bother him, and after another stick of incense, he finally put the jade pendant and incense residue on the table with a blushing face, and said with embarrassment: "What kind of thing is this, it will kill people."

Jiu Ya raised her eyebrows happily, and said with a half-smile, "What's the matter? How do you feel?"

Han Ziya's face turned red even more, and he opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

Jiuya smiled and said, "Do you have the feeling that you want to find a woman?"

Han Ziyao rubbed his head, embarrassedly said: "Young Mistress, why did you use such things to tease me?"

Jiu Ya didn't speak any more, she put away the jade pendant and the remaining fragrance, and said seriously: "Don't be embarrassed, I already know what's going on, I immediately helped my husband up, and I'm going to give him the antidote."

Han Ziya regained his energy, he went to the side of the couch and helped Fu Yuban up, Jiu Ya took out the only pill in the small porcelain bottle, and removed the outer layer of wax seal, the bright red pill made people feel like Serpent-like fear.Unexpectedly, even the antidote is so terrible, and the restrained poison is so terrible.

She stuffed the pill into Fu Yu's mouth, and when Han Ziya squeezed his jaw, the pill rolled down his throat.Then for the rest of the time, neither of them dared to make a sound, they just waited quietly by the bed, waiting for Fu Yu to wake up quickly.

At this time the sky was already bright, even though he hadn't slept for two nights, Jiuya was still in high spirits, about half an hour passed, but he saw Fu Yu's frowning brows tightened even more.He seemed to feel extremely uncomfortable all of a sudden, clutching his chest, curled up into a ball, and there was a strange flush of red on his face.

The jackdaw was shocked, and quickly shook him, "Master, what's the matter? What's wrong?" In this situation, he was completely worried that it was a sign of the previous convulsions. Could it be that the young mistress gave him the poison of restraint? Wrong judgment?
Panting heavily, Fu Yu slowly opened his eyes, he glanced at him, and hissed, "It's okay, it's a kind of meridian backlash during detoxification, you help me get up and adjust my breath, and I'll be fine soon gone."

Jiu Ya also came over and asked: "Master, this process will be very painful, can you bear it?"

Fu Yu smiled weakly, and Han Ziya had already helped him up, "Master, if you can't hold on, how about I call Li Yun?"

(End of this chapter)

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