marry a noble wife

Chapter 322 Attack

Chapter 322 Attack (2)
It's just that he was worried about the young mistress... He suppressed the unbearable desire to withdraw his body from the soft fragrance of nephrite jade, gritted his teeth and said, "You'd better not touch my hands in the future!"

He turned around and left, but a small hand held him, and he turned his head in disbelief. Yudie looked at him with her back straightened, and said in shame and annoyance: "If you treat your behavior Take responsibility, I'll save you." For a moment, she wondered if she was crazy to agree to such an unreasonable request from this apprentice.

The Jackdaw was overjoyed, nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and grinned like a big teapot, "I am a manly man, how could I bully a weak woman? If you become mine, I will spoil you to heaven .”

Yu Die lowered his head, Jack Crow immediately hugged her horizontally, looked around, his body soared into the air, and flew straight to the outside of the nunnery——Although he doesn't believe in Buddhism, he shouldn't be too profane. The taste of the field is definitely good.

In the guest room, Fu Yu asked while eating: "Where is the black jade I gave you? Why is it missing?"

Jiuya touched her neck, and it was really bare, "Hey, when did it fall off? Why didn't I know?"

Fu Yu sighed, and tapped her on the head with chopsticks, "You are so careless, how can you blame me for being jealous? The other day I saw that jade stone on my eldest brother's table, and when I got back, you were talking about changing rooms again. , I thought you had some kind of affair with your eldest brother, and it was only a moment before you got confused, and I blame you."

"On the eldest brother's table?" Jiuya recalled, "I did meet the eldest brother that day, and I also heard about the room transfer from your second brother and the eldest brother." She remembered that she had just heard the transfer. Fang's words made her feel uncomfortable and kept scratching her chest. Did she break the jade rope at that time, and then Fu Qingyan who came out picked it up?
"I heard it in the conversation between the eldest brother and the second brother? Will the eldest brother tell the second brother about this kind of thing?"

"No way. At that time, it was the second brother who said that you told him, but he said he was not sure, so he deliberately came to the elder brother to confirm."

Fu Yu suddenly sneered, "Why would I tell my second brother about such a thing? Why am I looking for something to do? It's clear..." He suddenly remembered the night when Fu Qingyan got drunk on New Year's Eve, when Fu Qingyan mentioned When it was about the house transfer, Jack Yaw heard very slight footsteps outside. Could it be that this matter was spread out at that time?But that night Fu Changting was still kneeling in Yilanju to plead with Wen Caihe. Since he didn't listen to it, but he knew about it, then it means that Fu Changting has accomplices. What his accomplices did.

He went on to say: "It's clear that the second brother premeditatedly lied to the elder brother. Perhaps, at that time, he deliberately said it to you, so as to create more rifts between us."

Jiuya suddenly realized, "It should be. And it seems that his strategy was extremely successful. At least, didn't we have conflicts because of it?"

"But it was extremely unsuccessful." Fu Yu put down his chopsticks and held her hand, "By using this conflict, I gave you a chance to help me detoxify."

Jiuya looked at him and smiled lightly, "This is called a blessing in disguise."

Full of emotion, Fu Yu put his arms around her shoulders and said, "Young lady is my lucky star, so now that my poison and misunderstanding have been resolved, should you go down the mountain and go back with me now?"

Jiuya grinned and shook her head, "Now I can't go back no matter what. When I was kicked out yesterday, I went back to the Song Mansion, and something happened there. According to my thinking, the incident this time should be caused by the Prince and Xiao. Auntie joined hands and punched together."

Fu Yu smiled, "I would like to hear the details."

Jiuya didn't refuse, "They first blamed the Song family for using the concubine as a descendant in the marriage letter, and if they take down the entire Song family, they can take a chance to exile or kill my father, so that people can no longer get along with me. My father found out about the matter of the crown prince's food adjustment. Secondly, as long as we are convicted of this crime for the Song family, then I will definitely be kicked out by the Houfu, or even divorced. The reason why they are so anxious to drive me away is, in my opinion. The first is that I am afraid that I will cure your illness and block the way of the eldest brother's son. It will be difficult for Yuechan to marry the eldest brother, and things cannot be manipulated by them. Second, I can threaten you with whether I will stay or not, if you If you promise to let your grandfather support the prince, then you can keep me temporarily, if you don't know how to praise, we will never see each other again."

Fu Yu nodded, "Young lady's analysis is good, and it can be seen from these things that although my aunt was responsible for my poison, the Prince's House must also be involved. They are all grasshoppers tied to a rope. No one can run away. But lady, don't worry, if all the people in the Song Mansion were really arrested yesterday, I have a way to get them out, but maybe from then on, the Prince's Mansion may be at odds with the Song Mansion. It will be more difficult to hold a post in the household department."

Jiuya's eyes lit up, "Do you really have a way to rescue all the Song family?"

Fu Yu pinched her nose, "Of course it's true, can I still lie to you?"

"If you can really save the Song family, it doesn't matter if my father works in the Ministry of Household Affairs or not. Although the Song family treats me nothing worth thinking about, you also know that the old lady treats me very well. Time, even my aunt revealed her true nature when I got married. No matter how she treated me before, at least she didn't beat me directly, didn't she? So, they can come out safely this time, just hope Go on quietly, if you are not an official, it is not bad to be able to do business, as long as you have something to eat."

Fu Yu said "um", "Leave this matter to me. Then you go back..."

Jiu Ya gave him a blank look, "You are just impatient, why are you so anxious to ask me to go back? The matter of the marriage certificate has not been resolved yet, according to the laws of Daxia, it will be punished, even if it is about the righteousness of the lover, at least I will be punished." It's also a life to be dismissed. If you don't want me to be dismissed, just listen to me and finish the following."

She paused before continuing: "Now the imperial court is looking for medicinal materials to treat cholera. Although I had someone transport some from Li Tang before, it would be a drop in the bucket if it were to be transported to the hardest hit area. So I left a message the day before yesterday. , apart from those medicinal materials, I also know the folk remedies that can cure cholera. The imperial court will definitely find it when they hear the news. And now I have been kicked out by the prince's mansion and the old lady Xiao on various charges. If the imperial court does not want to find a way to If I rectify my name, I will never go down the mountain. This time, I will take this opportunity to suppress Xiao Shi's arrogance in one fell swoop."

(End of this chapter)

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