marry a noble wife

Chapter 328 It's Not That Easy

Chapter 328 It's Not That Easy (3)
At the moment, she still kept her composure, she just tilted her head and asked, "Which one is the chief steward of the kitchen?"

Seeing that she read the list and didn't say anything, Manager Zhu was even more proud when he saw that Manager Zhao had given a fake list.

Then a tall and strong servant woman with round legs and thick waist came out, "The servants are in charge."

Jiuya hummed, "I want to ask you something, if half a chicken is served on the table, will it satisfy the guests?"

The servant woman said: "It's hard to say about it. If the chicken is fat enough, just stew a soup and add some mushrooms and other ingredients. It's barely enough."

Jiu Ya nodded again, "Then you're ready to stew mushroom and chicken soup, aren't you?"

There was clearly a trace of resentment in the servant woman's eyes, because the steward wished to buy such a small amount of things, how could she make a banquet?In the past, only money was deducted, but now even the ingredients are deducted. What happened to her, is it because she, the kitchen steward, is responsible for it?

She gritted her teeth, "If there are enough mushrooms, the servant will use half a chicken to make the soup."

Jiuya presses on step by step: "What if the mushrooms are not enough? Do you just use a little water to fool the guests? Do you know that the guests in the Hou Mansion are all dignitaries in the capital, and you have only half a pot of chicken soup, right? Do you want to be told to laugh your ass off? Let Hou Ye become the laughing stock of everyone in the capital?"

The maid was so frightened that she knelt down on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly: "I beg the third grandma for mercy, this servant has absolutely no intention of doing that. The servant also wants to serve a whole chicken on the table, but the steward Zhu said that the young lady is very strict with the money. If you want me to cook only half a chicken, this dish is not good for slaves."

Jiuya slapped the table and asked, "I'm tight with money? This list has turned into chickens and ducks for two taels of silver each. Who dares to say that I'm tight with money?"

The servant woman in the kitchen was so frightened that she fell to the ground, but the steward Zhu curled her lips as if nothing had happened, and went forward and said: "Young Mistress, why should you be angry? Why do you have half a chicken and one chicken? The chickens and ducks bought by the servant are quite enough, Young Mistress Didn’t you see that there is another list that says 1000 taels of chicken and duck? As long as there is a call for food in this kitchen, someone will deliver it immediately, and this servant is afraid of wasting.” She was a little surprised, looking at this The young lady's words are well-founded. It seems that Manager Zhao gave her the real list.But what if the real list is given?She has already marked it below, and she is already prepared.

Jiuya sneered, and shot Guanshi Zhu with her eyes like a cold sword, "Afraid of wasting? The money has been paid, but the chickens and ducks are still outside. What's the reason? If the house really doesn't need these ingredients, then the money Who will the money be returned to? Will it be returned to you, and the steward will take it for himself?"

When Guan Shi was shot by her, he felt a little timid in his heart.Then he puffed up his chest and said: "Young Mistress, don't mess with others. Even if those ingredients are not used, they will be counted in the daily expenses in the future. How can the slaves steal them?"

"Really?" Jiuya was completely irritated by her, so instead of doing anything, she took out one of the unit price lists and asked the servant woman kneeling on the ground, "Tell me, how many chickens are there in the market now?" A catty of money? How much does the fattest chicken weigh?"

The servant girl didn't dare to answer, Zhu steward said: "My servant, this is the best and fattest chicken I bought, and a chicken weighs at least four catties. The farmer fed the chicken with special and expensive medicinal materials, so the chicken The price is also much more expensive than ordinary ones, usually five hundred Wen a catty, what's the matter, young mistress has an opinion?"

Jiuya narrowed her eyes slightly, "I didn't ask you, but you interrupted. It seems that you didn't pay attention to my young mistress at all. Tsing Yi, give me five slaps, let her remember who is the master and who They are slaves!"

Tsing Yi ordered, before the maid could react, five crisp slaps landed on her face.Tsing Yi is a martial arts practitioner, and his strikes are extremely heavy. Only the second time, teeth flew out of Guanshi Zhu's mouth. After the fifth blow, Guanshi Zhu was already lying on the ground, with blood all over his mouth and face.

The thirty or forty house slaves around were all shocked and covered their faces one after another. Their faces would definitely not be stronger than Steward Zhu's.And Guanshi Zhu clearly belonged to Aunt Xiao, and her husband was doing business for the second master. This young mistress even dared to beat Guanshi Zhu. It seemed that she didn't give the second master and Aunt Xiao any face at all.Then if she wanted to fight them, wouldn't she be merciless?
It took a while for Steward Zhu to react. She covered her face and screamed loudly: "Young Mistress, this servant is dedicated to doing errands for the mansion. What is wrong with you? Why do you beat people for no reason? You really don't treat us as servants." Have you read it?"

Jiuya's face was as cold as ice, "Why do you beat people? Firstly, I am the county lord, leading the imperial court to serve as the second rank of Fenglu. Secondly, I am the master, and you are a slave. When the master spoke, I didn't let you Answer, you should shut up! These are the rules, since you have been in the mansion for some years, don't you even understand these rules? Besides..."

Her eyes swept over the faces of the three or forty people, "Don't think that I don't know about some of your secret activities. Since I took over the job, I don't have to worry about you stumbling in the dark. Said the chickens and ducks are fed. Special food, five hundred yuan per catty, is it fed gold? I have investigated the market a long time ago, and there are no chickens and ducks fed special food, let alone fat chickens that weigh four catties. Ordinary chickens The price is only 40 Wen a catty, and one chicken weighs three catties. A chicken costs at most 150 Wen. If you buy me a thousand chickens, it only costs 250 taels of silver. What's more, I bought 500 chickens back for four You didn’t even get ten silver, so you reported me [-] taels, where did the money go? Tell me!”

Manager Huo was stunned, she thought that the young mistress was an untouchable young lady, and it was impossible for her to know these things.Moreover, Aunt Xiao had said many times before that the young mistress hadn't learned to manage these common affairs in her natal family, and she didn't know the market of things outside.But now, the young mistress has calculated everything so clearly, what else can she use to argue?

Jiuya sneered and said, "The reason why I gave you 3000 taels of silver depends on how you spend it. It turns out that the money is spent by you slaves like this. If you don't save money for the master, but only want to fill your own pockets, this kind of slaves are not worth it." What are you using her for? Come on, drag this lowly servant girl out and beat her for fifty bucks, then ask her to hand over the money she was greedy for, and then drive her out of the mansion. If she refuses to accept it, she will be sent to the government immediately. For silver, she was greedy for more than 3000 taels alone, and she must be imprisoned and sued!"

(End of this chapter)

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