marry a noble wife

Chapter 329 It's Not That Easy

Chapter 329 It's Not That Easy (4)
Mama Xiong and Mama Pei went over to drag people together, and the steward wished to fight for the sky, but no one in the hall dared to intercede for her, and the young mistress was so thunderous, none of them dared to hit her with a knife.At the same time, everyone became cautious.

Jiuya looked at the three No. 40 people again, and said lightly: "The job of purchasing is already lucrative. As long as it is not too much, we masters will not care too much about it. It's just that Mrs. Zhu is bold , more than 2000 taels in one move, and his throat is very thick, do you think this kind of person should be severely punished?"

Everyone looked at each other, and Jiuya said again: "I'm not unreasonable, you just saw that Mrs. Zhu is arrogant, and doesn't take me as a master at all. It's fine on weekdays, and now I'm doing business, how can I tolerate it?" Is she so ignorant of current affairs? After all, I also trust everyone. At this time, as long as everyone upholds the heart of doing business for the Houfu, they will all get along well. Now, I decided to choose one of you who is competent and will not bully you. Go to the kitchen immediately to check the purchases, and make up for the missing ingredients one by one, so that the guests can’t be unable to eat.”

She first said that it is natural to have oil and water, as long as it is not too much, she will not care too much.Then let's talk about the selection of candidates. Those who can hear the voice, who doesn't want to get this position?But worried that the young mistress might say one thing and do another, everyone looked at each other, not daring to really take that step.

Just when Jiuya was about to order Yudie behind him to do this, a thin man in his 30s with timid clothes and a shy expression finally came out, "Back to young lady, if you don't worry about me, Xiaoxie would like to take this position.”

Jiuya looked at him, although his expression was flinching, but his facial features were well-rounded, and his eyebrows and eyes didn't look like a cunning person.Then he asked, "Where did you work in the mansion before?"

Xiao Xie was a little more relaxed at this time, and said with a salute: "Back to young mistress, the little one used to work in front of Shizi, but later because he made a small mistake and broke a vase of Shizi, he was transferred to the kitchen. The steward wished to carry those ingredients. Although the younger one is a porter now, the younger one learned some words from Shizi, and then ran around with the steward Zhu. The prices of various ingredients on the market are the most clear, and it can be good or bad. I can recognize it clearly, so I have the courage to ask the young lady to let the young one do this job."

As soon as she heard that she had worked as an errand in Fu Qingyan's house, Jiuya was moved, and she pondered slightly: "Okay, Xiao Xie, no matter what, if you finish today's errand without any mistakes, you will be able to do so in the future. The ministry is yours."

Xiao Xie hastened to thank you.Those who did not stand up immediately regretted it.

Jiu Ya said to the lady in charge of the kitchen: "I sent you a newcomer, but you must be quite familiar with it, this time there will be no shortage of ingredients, just do your best to cook the food well, don't let the guests have trouble By the way, do you know?"

The lady in charge immediately responded.

Jiuya also doesn't want to get entangled in these matters this time. After all, she just wants to give these people a bad start. If she really wants to be cleared up, she won't rush at this time. I believe those people will not make any more troubles in the next few days. Big mess.

In the mourning hall, seeing Mrs. Xiao who fainted from crying several times, the corner of the third lady's mouth showed a sneer.When Fu Jingwen was crying and fell on the coffin, Jiuya and Wen Caihe went over to help her down.The two mother and daughter cried heartbrokenly in front of the coffin, but who can help them erase the remorse in their hearts?
On the day of the funeral, the sky was gray, yellow paper money was scattered all over the ground, and silver ingots were flying all over the sky with the mournful sound of suona. Everyone sent them off, and finally buried the coffin with only cloth in the soil.

After the funeral was over, the entire Houfu was even more cloudy. From top to bottom, no one showed a smile on his face.After Jiuya sent Fu Yu, who hadn't closed his eyes for several days and nights, back to the house to rest, he prescribed a prescription, and asked Yudie to simmer a nourishing decoction for Fu Yu on the stove according to the prescription.

"Young Mistress, just now Mama Sun said that Auntie is not feeling well, so let Young Mistress go over and show Auntie now." Chun Ju came in and said.

Jiuya's heart tightened, to Fu Jingwen's side?Wouldn't he want to see the emperor's grandson Tuoba Yue again?

In the past few days, it has been spread in the capital that she is the boss of Hua Chuntang who made all kinds of magic medicines, so Tuoba Yue must have known about it.In the past few days, I would meet him in the mourning hall from time to time. He always looked indifferent, as if he didn't know it at all. Is he deeply scheming, or really doesn't care?
So is it possible for a superior person to not care at all after knowing that he has been cheated by others?

She really didn't dare to believe this naively.

When she decided to appear in front of the world as the boss of Huachuntang, she never considered Tuoba Yue's idea.And since he is so calm, there is no need for her to deliberately mention it to embarrass him, it would be best if she could just laugh it off.

After explaining the matter of boiling the medicine in detail, she was dressed in plain clothes and took Chunju to Fu Jingwen's original yard, followed by Tsing Yi and Phantom from afar.

When Jiuya entered the yard, a nun greeted her. She led her into the wing room, and saw Fu Jingwen half lying on the bed, her face was pale, her head was tied with a cloth, her eyes were swollen, she was sickly, and she was completely sick. There is no spirit at all.

A nanny in front of the bed greeted Jiuya and said: "I heard that the third grandma is very skilled in medicine, and she also cured the leg disease of Lord Hou. Our master just happened to be overly sad because of the matter of the son these days, and his abdomen hurts slightly. , the chest was tight again, His Highness asked us to invite the third mistress, and hoped to help our master to have a look, what's going on?"

Fu Jingwen is pregnant, and she is pregnant with a royal heir. The money is very precious, no matter how stupid Jiu Ya is, there is absolutely no reason to go to see her pulse.She said lightly: "Didn't Eldest Sister have an imperial doctor from the Imperial Hospital? The imperial doctor will see Eldest Sister carefully and know her condition best, why don't you ask the Imperial Physician to have a look?"

Fu Jingwen frowned and looked at her quietly, "You are my sister-in-law, and the imperial physician is an outsider after all, wouldn't it make me feel more at ease if you show the elder sister?"

All of a sudden, he was so committed to getting himself to see her, maybe there was some kind of conspiracy?Jiuya thought to herself, and said helplessly: "The elder sister is pregnant now, and she is crying again and again. This is a reaction caused by stagnant qi stagnation in her chest. I just need to rest well and stop thinking about those sad things. , and if you walk outside more and get more sun, you will slowly return to normal and get better soon."

(End of this chapter)

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