marry a noble wife

Chapter 330 If you want to diagnose the pulse, don't even think about it

Chapter 330 If you want to diagnose the pulse, don't even think about it (1)
"It would be fine if this is the case." Fu Jingwen looked at her steadfastly, and then said again after a long while; "The third brother's illness has been treated by a famous doctor, but he has never seen any improvement. Unexpectedly, when you came, he was cured first. I don’t know if my sister-in-law can help him heal the next spasm.”

Jiuya's heart tightened, and she looked at Fu Jingwen with a look of vigilance, she was here to test herself.At the same time, once Fu Qingyan died, the position of son of the eldest son was already vacant, and some people had already started to make calculations.In short, they were afraid that she would cure Fu Yu's illness and take over the position of the heir, right?If Fu Yu's illness is not cured, then who will inherit the position of the son?Fu Changting?
From this point, she suddenly thought whether Fu Qingyan's death was caused by Fu Changting, after all, he was the one who benefited.

She shook her head immediately, Fu Qingyan was his brother, no matter how insane a person is, how could he do something so inferior to a pig or a dog?

But now, although Fu Yu's poison has been cured, in order to relax the other party's vigilance, he must not say it at this time. If the other party knows that he is all right, he will always think of more ways to keep him from being safe.

She paused, lowered her eyelids to cover the light in her eyes, and said calmly: "None of the famous doctors in the world can cure Xianggong's illness. With my humble skills, how can I cure him?"

Fu Jingwen's gaze stayed on her face for a long time, and just when Jiuya thought she would keep staring at her like this, she suddenly felt a cold air coming from behind her, hitting her back heavily and slowly.Her back stiffened involuntarily, and when the sound of steady footsteps sounded, she didn't need to turn her head to know that it was Tuoba Yue.

Under this tandem pressure, she still resisted the discomfort and stood with her eyes downcast.

"What does the third sister-in-law say?" Tuoba Yue walked in with his back on his back, and stood still beside Jiuya.

Fu Jingwen sighed quietly, "It is said that it is caused by excessive sadness and stagnant qi stagnation in the chest, as long as you rest more, you will be fine."

Tuoba Yueqing let out a "hmm", "The imperial physician also said the same, so you should think less and pay more attention to rest."

Fu Jingwen asked the nanny to put her down wearily, and after Tuoba Yue confessed a few words casually, finally, he fixed his eyes on the woman beside him, "The third sister-in-law's medical skills are so good, brother-in-law is very impressed, Coincidentally, I have also suffered from a sleepless night recently, and I have consulted doctors in many places to no avail, can I trouble my third sister-in-law to make a diagnosis for me to see what is wrong with me?"

Jiuya's expression was calm, and she finally suppressed her inner fear, raised her eyes and looked at him, "Thanks to my brother-in-law for being so respectful, it's okay to see a doctor, but as for whether it can be cured, I can't guarantee it. "

Fu Jingwen who was on the couch was also tired and said: "Third sister-in-law may as well take a look at him. For so many days, His Highness has been completely unable to sleep, as if suffering from insomnia, and asked the doctor to prescribe medicine, but it did not improve. After working day and night for so many days , it’s time to take a closer look.”

Tuoba Yue left the house first, Jiuya retreated and slowly followed behind him.Tuoba Yue led her straight up to a pavilion surrounded by lush trees. In the pavilion there were stone tables and benches, and the benches were covered with mats embroidered with embroidered dark-pattern lilies.After entering the pavilion, he didn't sit on it, but waved his sleeves, turned his body outward, and turned his back to each other.

Jiuya has already noticed that since she entered the pavilion, Chunju has been stopped by two guards standing at the entrance of the pavilion leading to the small path, and at the same time, the Phantom in Tsing Yi who is following her has also been surrounded by four guards and blocked by the small path outside.

The path is about 50 meters away from the pavilion, and on both sides are waist-length trimmed green shrubs. Behind the bushes are low osmanthus trees, which almost hide the entire pavilion from the sight of others.

She frowned, wondering what Tuoba Yue meant by making this arrangement?In this marquis mansion, could he still be rough with her?
As far as she knew, he would never dare, and he couldn't!
He had a deep look on his face, but Jiuya sat down and said indifferently: "Brother-in-law, isn't he going to see a doctor? Why is he still not moving?"

Tuoba Yue sneered, he turned around suddenly, his eyes pierced Jiuya's face like the icy edge of the twelfth lunar month.

At this time, he was wearing a brocade robe and a golden crown. The dark blue nine-python golden dragon soaring cloud robe was pressed with a black sun brocade with dark patterns and a wide edge. When the sleeves were flicked, the hidden luster of the brocade brocade was as deep as sea water, and his cold and handsome face was also like sea water, looking deep. secluded.

"Brother-in-law? Fu Jiu?" He sneered again, "Isn't it fun to play with me with Fu Yu?"

Jiuya felt a little helpless, "My husband didn't know I was Fu Jiu at first, and we didn't mean to play tricks on your brother-in-law. If it wasn't for my brother-in-law, I must show up. It would be extremely inconvenient for me to be a woman, so I used it." Fu Jiu's identity. There are many reasons for this, I hope my brother-in-law will forgive me."

"Don't call me brother-in-law, it sounds disgusting to me!" Tuoba Yue stared at her, with disgust and disgust in his deep eyes at the same time, "Do you think you have fooled me like this and let you see the joke like this , I will let you go easily?"

Jiuya stood up and said coldly, "Then what do you want?"

Tuoba Yue pursed the corners of his lips tightly, and after a long while, he slowly said: "I'm sick of seeing a woman like you who belongs to someone else and has become someone else's wife. I only want the real Fu Jiu to stand in front of me, mysterious and clear." Yan, it makes people fall in love at first sight. It's not a woman like you who thinks she has a little face, when I look at it, I have an urge to kill you."

Listening to his words, Jiuya felt chills down her spine. What kind of logic is this guy?Knowing that Fu Jiu was pretending to be himself, he wanted to kill himself, and then let the real Fu Jiu stand in front of him?It's clearly logical confusion to the extreme.

However, the moment he said he was going to kill her, his eyes softened suddenly, his body approached suddenly, he stretched out his hand to brush a lock of bangs from her forehead, and fixedly stared into her eyes, as if in a daze, Rambling: "That's right, these are Fu Jiu's forehead and Fu Jiu's eyes, but they are not Fu Jiu's eyebrows. His eyebrows are raised and more energetic."

Then he slowly lowered his gaze, staring at her bridge of nose, her cheeks, her sharp chin, and her plump lips. Jiu's nose is like this, and the shape of his face is also so delicate, this chin, these lips... are even more beautiful than what I think every night..."

(End of this chapter)

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