marry a noble wife

Chapter 333 If you want to diagnose the pulse, don't even think about it

Chapter 333 If you want to diagnose the pulse, don't even think about it (4)
Fu Changting's voice didn't come out again. At this time, Chunmei, who was dressed in bright clothes, had already come out. Seeing Jiu Ya, she hurriedly came to greet her, and said, "Third Grandma, go and have a look, Second Master can take it." Seriously injured."

Jiu Ya said unhurriedly: "I know, but did you go to ask a serious doctor? After all, he is a man, I can only show him his head and face, other injuries are very inconvenient."

Chunmei cautiously followed her, "I've already gone to invite her, but seeing his head and face covered in blood, Master Hou hastily ordered someone to invite the third mistress."

Jiuya nodded, and suddenly asked in a low voice with concern: "Chunmei, how are you doing recently? If there is anything unsatisfactory, just tell me, I don't know about others, but I consider myself to be yours." Mother's family."

Chunmei's eyes turned red when she heard that, and she seemed hesitant to speak, "Thank you for your concern, Third Mistress, it's okay for slaves to follow Second Master."

Jiuya saw her expression and thought about it, it seems that Yudie must come over to chat with her later, she must have discovered something and was afraid to say anything.I didn't talk to her at the moment, and when I entered the room, I saw that Fu Changting's eyes were black and blue from the beating, like panda eyes. There was also a big bloody gash opened by someone with a knife, the flesh was turned out, and the blood kept soaking out of the hole, staining half of his clothes red.

In front of the bed, apart from Aunt Xiao, An Pinghou also stood in front of the bed without saying a word.

Without waiting for their orders, Jiuya took out the knife wound medicine powder and sprinkled it on the long bloody cut, then asked someone to wash off all the blood around the bloody cut, then slapped the scar on the wound and wrapped it up. Good gauze.

"How can you be hurt like this? If you get one more point, you will hurt your ears. This is the gate of life. It's a small matter, so what if you lose your life?"

She said as she wrapped her wound.

Fu Changting kept his eyes closed all the time, and when he heard her words, tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, "It's better to die. Among the few brothers, I am the only one who looks so ugly, and many people outside often ask me It wasn't picked up by my father from outside. I also ask myself every day, my eyebrows, eyes, nose, and mouth are nothing like my father or my aunt. Could it be that I am an orphan abandoned by my biological parents, and I am not from this residence at all? See Seeing the mocking laughter of everyone around me, I wish I could die."

Jiuya laughed secretly, and then told Fu Yu about Chun, and Chun came.

Aunt Xiao stepped forward to hold his hand, with countless sorrows in her eyes, and a loving mother's light on her face, "You silly child, you were obviously born by my aunt in October, how could you be a pick-up boy?" where?"

Fu Changting opened his eyes with a simple and honest face. He glanced at An Pinghou who had been silent all this time, then looked at Aunt Jiu Xiao, shook his head at last, said nothing, and closed his eyes with disappointment. squinted.

Seeing his expression, Aunt Xiao stood up and said sadly to Hou Anping: "Master Hou, don't you try to persuade him? All these years, you have ignored him, as if he is not your son, no wonder the child Such a weird idea."

After all, Fu Changting was his son, so how could Anping Hou really not care about him?He sighed, turned to the boy next to him and asked, "Who did the second master fight with? If you follow him, you must know a little bit."

The boy was different from Fu Changting, he had a pretty face and a very clever look.He respectfully said: "Reporting to Lord Hou, the second master had a fight with some young masters from Shangshu's family. The cause of the incident was that the second master went to the shop to check the accounts, but those young masters threw chicken bones from upstairs. When it came to Erye's head, Erye didn't make a sound at first, and just let it go. When Erye turned around again, they poured the whole pan of oil on Erye, and they all laughed and scolded him. You are a coward, if you say that a person is ugly, he can't even compare to a dead person, so he must not be the kind of Lord Hou at all, that's why people ignore him."

He paused, took a breath and said again: "Second Master couldn't help but replied to them a few words, they threw the table of the restaurant on Second Master, scolded Second Master for being a bastard, looking like a coward, No wonder Master Hou didn’t like it. He still scolded Erye for being useless, so what if they scolded him? He came up to fight if he had the guts? As a result, Erye was so angry that he shed tears on the spot, and couldn’t hold back anymore, so he fought with those people Fighting together. But those people all have courtyard guards, there are more than a dozen of them, and the second master has no helper, how did they win so badly, so they suffered such a big loss..."

Aunt Xiao was trembling with anger, wiped her tears and said: "Master Hou, you heard it too, even those shameless people dare to bully our patriarch Ting, isn't he really your flesh and blood? To be insulted like this, Fortunately, Chang Ting is an honest and patient person, who would you let go, and why not fight with them? As a father, shouldn't you seek justice for him?"

An Pinghou nodded, and asked Fu Changting: "Which Shangshu's son is it, father is going to trouble their father now."

Fu Changting opened his eyes, and wiped the tears from his eyes, "Father told me since I was a child that a man would rather bleed than cry. My son has always remembered this sentence of my father for so many years. People scolded me before. Seeing this, the boy has endured it, at most he can pat this ugly face a few more times, and everything can be endured. But now the boy really can't bear it, even if the boy is a bloodless man, but in the end Is he also father's son? Over the years, has father ever held the child? Has father and son ever taken the child out to meet visitors? Has father ever taken the child out hunting? Has father ever smiled at the child and praised me? ?Dad once pointed at me in front of everyone and said, this is my son! No, dad has never done these things once. Dad can treat his elder brother, third younger brother, and even Hongbo like this, but he never once I've done this before. Don't say that others scold me like this, even I think it's very reasonable. I'm afraid that my father thinks I'm ugly and can't take it out, so I'm so cold-hearted and don't treat me like a son. My father is now looking for trouble with them So what? They wouldn't laugh at me like that? I know I'm ugly, but it's not my fault. If my ugliness made Dad feel helpless, why didn't Dad strangle me to death and let me Survive and be ridiculed and insulted like this every day? Instead of doing this, I would rather be beaten to death by them and feel better."

(End of this chapter)

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