marry a noble wife

Chapter 334 If you want to diagnose the pulse, don't even think about it

Chapter 334 If you want to diagnose the pulse, don't even think about it (5)
What he said really touched people's hearts. Aunt Xiao was accompanied by crying, Wen Caihe was also crying sadly, and Jiu Ya secretly applauded him in her heart, such a miserable life of an honest person.

An Pinghou's eyes fluctuated again and again, presumably Fu Changting's words touched him deeply.He looked at him deeply, the coldness in his eyes was gone, replaced by a deep guilt.After a long time, I heard him whisper: "Changting, it is father who has wronged you and made you suffer so much. You will have a long life in the future, so don't be affected by these abuses. Father believes that you are a strong man. In the future, father will definitely give you an identity that no one can laugh at."

"Master Hou, the child has become like this, and you still say what identity will be given to him in the future? What identity does this child want? He only needs you to recognize him and recognize him. Over the years, the sons and young masters of other families can find a He is an official and half-job, but he works hard for the affairs of the house, never complains a word, even if the Lord Hou just says a word, the child will feel warm in his heart, why don't you understand his heart?" Xiao Shi Weeping and saying.

An Pinghou sighed, "Why don't I notice his hard work?" He patted Fu Changting's hand, and heard him say softly for the first time: "Your good father knows it, but he is not good at it." Yu said, don't worry, Dad promises you that in the future, he will definitely give you an identity that can hold your head up high, so that you can stand upright and be a man."

Fu Changting broke down in sobs, at this moment the doctor who happened to be invited came over, and after questioning, Jiu Ya came out because it was inconvenient for him to stay any longer.

"Jiuya, wait a minute, Dad has something to ask you." She was about to say a few more words to Chunmei, when An Pinghou followed her, and said in a deep voice with her eyebrows furrowed tightly.

Hearing this father-in-law, who had always been stern in front of his son, called her name like a daughter, Jiu Ya felt a burst of warmth in her heart.However, thinking about what he did to Fu Yu before, there is no doubt about his true achievement no matter what.She froze for a moment, then hurriedly replied: "Father just ask if you have anything to say." Could it be about the deed?

An Pinghou said as he walked: "Just now, I got very bad news outside, saying that those doctors who followed your prescription to save people did not have much effect on saving people, and the preventive measures did not have much effect. Jiuya, are you sure there is nothing wrong with that prescription?"

Jiuya was taken aback, "How is that possible? Those prescriptions have been verified by many parties, and there is absolutely no problem!" Those prescriptions were ordered by her grandfather in her previous life since she was a child. With these prescriptions, many people have been saved. Although they are not effective immediately, they can definitely cure people and prevent re-infection.

Anpinghou also had a gloomy expression on his face, "I believe in your medical skills, but this news came from the hardest-hit area. It was secretly passed to me by an old friend of mine. Although he hasn't made specific statistics, the situation is obvious. Very pessimistic. He asked me to keep silent and wait a few days to see if it is still the case, I will report it to the court."

Jiu Ya was stunned, there must be something wrong with that prescription, could it be that someone is playing tricks?If the situation is not as good as I expected, what will be the consequences?
Maybe it's because the prescription is really slow to take effect, and it hasn't shown its effect for a while?She thought about it all the way, but she didn't know when Anping would leave. On the way, she met the third lady.

"Hey, Yu's daughter-in-law, why are you out of your mind all by yourself? What happened?" The third lady's face was flushed, obviously the conversation with Fu Yu just now made her feel comfortable.

Jiu Ya restrained her mind, grinned and said, "It's nothing, I'm just in a daze by myself. What good thing happened to Third Aunt, so happy?"

The third lady dragged her to the Rongfu Hall, "Of course something good is going on, let's go, let's go and see our ancestors, these days the old man has been in poor health, you juniors should spend more time with her. "

Jiuya was dragged away helplessly by her, and asked casually, "I haven't seen Xueqing for many days, why don't you take her out for a walk?"

The third lady's face froze at first, and then she smiled, "They are all 16 years old. When they let us go, they have already become mothers. Such a big girl should be locked up and raised. I only hope that one day she can... Marrying into a good family can also honor the lintel of our third room."

Sanfang had neither rights nor money over the years. Although Dafang lost his rights, he also divided the property anyway.The second room got the power, and the money came with it.Although the old lady said to give her the dowry and some more land, it is still a matter of uncertainty, or when Xueqing married a good family, wouldn't her third house's face also increase?How dare that Xiao Shi look at himself out of the corner of his eyes in the future?
"Third Aunt is smiling so happily, Xueqing must have promised a good family, right?" Jiu Ya half-truthfully joked.

I don't want the third lady to blink, and said with a smile: "Yu'er's daughter-in-law really has a wink. You also know that the girl in our family has always liked Jin Wang's son, and she doesn't care about others. I don't like it, no, the third aunt just got old and asked Yu'er to go to Prince Jin's side to talk and make peace, but Yu'er loved his girl, so she agreed immediately. Actually, Yu'er As for the relationship with Prince Jin's son, as long as Yu'er agrees, I believe that the son's side will not be a problem. Hehe, if this marriage is successful, Third Aunt should be happy no matter what and thank you both."

Jiuya secretly laughed in her heart, the third lady used to care about her face, but now she begged directly at the door, knowing that Fu Yu disagreed with this marriage, she always asked with a face, it was clear that Xueqing and Tuobaye had an affair that night what.If this matter is not facilitated, I am afraid that the face of the entire Hou Mansion will be lost. Although Fu Yu has a wicked face, he still maintains a little face of the juniors in the Hou Mansion. It may be that he has no choice but to agree to the third lady. This request.

But even if Tuobaye marries Xueqing, so what?Xueqing and Jin Zhi have similar personalities, they are mean and competitive, so well, when Tuobaye marries Xueqing back, the two competitive ones will definitely make troubles in Prince Jin's mansion, Don't believe me, just wait and see.I'm afraid that if this happens, the child in Jin Zhi's belly may not be able to count. I hope Xueqing can be more mean, and it's better not to be too vicious.

(End of this chapter)

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