marry a noble wife

335 Chapter 1 The Head Is Not Working

335 Chapter 1 The Head Is Not Working ([-])
The two talked and laughed all the way, and when they arrived at the old lady's room, the old lady had been helped up, and she was sitting on a nanmu chair, slowly drinking herbal porridge, accompanied by Yu Yan, and Aunt Mingyao brought Sister Bi to the house to help her. Talking and laughing to coax the elderly to be happy.

"Look, our ancestor's energy is much better today, he can still get up, and he can go out and walk around tomorrow." The third lady had a very sweet mouth, and her heart was at ease, and she spoke very pleasantly.

Aunt Mingyao pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Isn't that right? The big guy asked for peace before leaving. The old ancestor suddenly yelled for something to eat, so he hurriedly called the kitchen to bring it over. He thought it was only one or two bites, but the bowl was fast. After eating, they are all cooked according to the recipe given by Yu's daughter-in-law, and the ancestors regained their energy when they ate it, and Yu's daughter-in-law is really amazing."

Jiuya laughed and said, "It's not so amazing, it's just that grandma's body has been dragging on for these days, and it's time to get better."

As soon as she turned her eyes, she saw five pots of blooming flowers of various colors on the window sill, and the sunlight passing through the window sill illuminated those flowers in pink and fungus blue, which was really beautiful.Sister Bi was as happy as a butterfly looking at those gorgeous flowers, smelling them from left to right, from time to time she carefully touched the petals with her fingers, fearing that the flowers would be damaged, she quickly withdrew her hand.

She asked strangely, "Huh? What kind of flower is this? It smells so good, and the colors are different. Is it a new variety planted by grandma?"

The old lady wiped her mouth and said calmly: "A few days ago your father was made a general of the Fu Kingdom, and it was a reward from the palace. I heard that it is an extremely rare breed from Rouran. What is it called? It seems Call it 'Jun Xiaozui'. Not only does it take a long time to spend, but it also has a strong fragrance, and the color is a rare five-color flower. I just sent five pots, and I took all five flower species and put them in my room. God smelled it, and the headache has improved a lot. But now I smell it a lot, and I feel bored, if you like it, you can take a pot back home."

Aunt Mingyao was overjoyed, and said coquettishly: "Oh, old ancestor, I asked you to ask for it before, but you were still pushy, why did my sister-in-law and daughter-in-law Yu become generous when they came here? Then I won't be polite, Sister Bi, take a quick look, pick which pot you like, and pick it first."

When Sister Bi heard that she could take a pot home, she clapped her hands happily, "Okay, okay, I like the purple one the most, so I'll choose this one."

The third lady heard that it was a rare breed and was rewarded by the palace, so she naturally liked it, but it was not easy to compete with the younger generation, so she asked Yuyan, "Why don't you choose? Although your sister Xueqing also likes these It’s full of flowers, but it’s also very naughty, just leave a pot for her.”

Yu Yan must really like that Jun Xiaozui, she smiled without showing her teeth: "Then I will not be polite."

As soon as she walked over, she chose the peacock blue pot first, and the third lady's eyes suddenly showed reluctance. The peacock blue seemed to be the most noble of all colors, and anyone with a little discernment would choose that pot.

Yuyan has already chosen, the third wife is a good person and will do it to the end, and said to Jiuya: "Why don't daughter-in-law Yu choose?"

Jiuya glanced at Aunt Mingyao, remembering what she said before, she didn't ask the old lady to ask for it, and the old lady let go when she and the third lady came, maybe there was something wrong with it?

She smiled slightly, "If Xueqing likes this kind of flower, Third Aunt can take my share."

The old lady's face darkened immediately, "What? You don't like the things grandma gave you?"

Jiuya hurriedly said: "No, why would my daughter-in-law look down on things from the palace? I just think about the younger sisters below..."

The third lady also tried to smooth things over, "Yes, it's a gift from the elders, and it can't be denied. Well, the third aunt will pick the yellow one, and Yu's daughter-in-law can pick it up. I'm so sorry, I let you pick the rest. "

When there was only one pot of bright red and one pot of pink left, Jiuya had no choice but to pick a pot casually, hoping that these things would not cause any troubles again.

She was just about to pick out the most unremarkable pot of pink, when she heard Aunt Xiao's voice from outside the door, "Did the ancestor really eat? It seems that the illness has improved a lot."

As she said that, she had already entered the door, and when she saw a room full of people, she nodded and said: "It turns out that everyone is here, no wonder the ancestor is in a good mood."

Jiuya just stood still, and the old lady also pointed to the remaining two pots of flowers and said: "I have picked out all of them, you and Yu's daughter-in-law each take a pot back home, the smell of this thing is delicious, and it is very delicious. It’s rare, and I won’t favor one over another.”

Aunt Xiao took a look at Jiuya, then went to pick it out, she hugged the pink one, Jiuya smiled lightly: "I also like the light color, unexpectedly Auntie also took a fancy to it."

Aunt Xiao looked back at her, "Why don't Auntie give it to you?"

Do you think you are embarrassed?Jiuya then went over to take the pink pot, "Then thank you, Auntie."

Aunt Xiao didn't say anything, she turned around and hugged Da Hong and handed it to Mama Sun, "It's easy to raise it in the house, rare things can't be raised to death."

Seeing that her movements seemed so natural, Jiu Ya couldn't help becoming a little suspicious again. Could there be nothing wrong with these flowers?Is she really suspicious?

While everyone was talking, she couldn't help but glance at Mother Chen secretly. Mother Chen seemed to understand her concerns, but she shook her head, which meant that she didn't know too well.

Jiuya secretly thought, maybe this thing is fine, but she has to be more careful and keep it far away.

When she explained to the old lady that she was going back to her natal family tomorrow, the old lady said earnestly: "My father-in-law has also encountered difficulties one after another this time. If something happened to Qingyan, we should go and have a look. Fortunately, the danger has been saved now. , when we go back, please greet our in-laws on our behalf. See what’s missing when we go back, just say, as long as there are some in the warehouse, we will send some back, and it’s not in vain for them to raise a daughter who has become a county lord.”

It sounds so nice to say these words, as if those who framed were not from her hands, Jiuya didn't bother to care about it, so she agreed.When everyone dispersed, she and Chunju walked back with the medicine box on their backs and the flowerpots in their arms, and they arrived in front of a corridor, but Yuyan suddenly called out from behind: "Sister-in-law three..."

(End of this chapter)

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