marry a noble wife

336 Chapter 2 The Head Is Not Working

336 Chapter 2 The Head Is Not Working ([-])
Jiu Ya turned her head, Yu Yan moved quickly, "Sister-in-law San is going back to her mother's house tomorrow?"

Jiuya looked at her with a smile, "Yes, what's the matter?"

Yuyan timidly said: "I stay in the mansion all day, always thinking about my aunt and elder brother, and I feel very upset. Will the third sister-in-law take me there tomorrow? It's a new environment. Maybe I will feel the same in my heart." Feel better."

Jiuya was surprised, the last time Xueqing wanted to go back with her just to meet Tuobaye, now Zi Yuyan suddenly said that she wanted to go back with her, was it really just to change the environment?
But she didn't show it on her face, and she politely refused: "My natal family has been in a mess recently, and the third sister-in-law just went back to comfort her parents. I am afraid that if Yu Yan goes, she will be married by me." The atmosphere at home is infected, and it backfires, which is not good. But if my sister feels uncomfortable, it happens that the weather is good recently, when the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming. Let’s go out for an outing together and let the paper kites go out to feel the nature. Scenery, that’s called relaxation.”

Yuyan, on the other hand, looked unhappy. She took Jiuya's hand holding the flower pot, and begged, "Just tomorrow, sister-in-law, as long as I change the environment, I feel as if I have got rid of my depression, sister-in-law..."

She hugged Jiu Ya's flower pot and pulled it straight. Jiu Ya was afraid that the flower pot would fall to the ground and break, so she had to hold it tightly. At the same time, when she looked up, she saw An Pinghou bringing Liu Bainian and the others to this side. She didn't know Seeing the two of them arguing, I thought there was a conflict between the two of them.Can't help but said anxiously: "Yuyan, if you have something to say, please don't pull me like this."

She withdrew her hand with all her strength, Yu Yan suddenly lost strength, she actually took a few steps backwards, and the back of her head hit the railing all of a sudden.She covered the back of her head and wailed, An Ping waited to come over, seeing her being hit, stopped and said, "What are you two doing?"

Before Jiuya could answer, Yuyan stood up in panic and said, "We didn't do anything, we were just playing around."

An Pinghou took a look at Jiu Ya, and then moved his eyes away from the flowers in her hand, "There should be a limit to playing around, everyone is a lady, so you have to be careful."

Jiuya responded indifferently: "What father said is that the daughter-in-law should pay attention in the future."

After Anping Hou left, Yu Yan said with a look of embarrassment: "Sister-in-law, it's my fault that you have been trained."

Jiu Ya nodded, "You didn't do it on purpose, well, if it's all right, I'll leave."

Yuyan lowered her head.After walking a few steps, Jiuya whispered to Chunju: "When you get back, tell Xiaoshi to keep an eye on the second girl. If there is anything wrong, tell her to report to me immediately." It wasn't that she was suspicious, In fact, Yudie's behavior was too weird, and she was afraid that she was instigated by Xiao Shi and came up with some tricks to harm herself again.And now there are only two steps away from leaving the capital to go to Luxi—take back the shop belonging to Fu Yu, find out the murderer who killed his mother, and bring him to justice, then he can go away happily.

The fame, wealth and prosperity of the capital can be thrown away, and the position of Lao Shizi, the eldest son, probably would be uncomfortable for Fu Yu to sit on.Now Lian Anpinghou herself seems to be promoted on the surface, but inwardly, as long as she has a little discernment, she can see signs of being excluded.This great summer is the great summer of his Tuoba clan, and this capital is the capital of his Tuoba clan. The ups and downs of personnel are full of unpredictable crises. Some heroes, with high prestige, are afraid that they will also encounter unpredictable disasters .At that time, if the Crown Prince is defeated and the King of Qi takes the throne, the Hou Mansion will be the first place to be razed.Therefore, those who know the current affairs are heroes, and those who can retreat bravely are great wisdom.

So at this juncture, absolutely no mistakes can be made, only being careful can make the Ten Thousand Years Ship.

Seeing that she was cautious, Chunju replied in a low voice, "Yes, Xiaoshi must be careful to investigate this matter."

After returning to Chunhua Courtyard, Yudie seemed to know the news that she was going back to the Song Mansion tomorrow, and was happily packing up the gifts that Fu Yu asked someone to send, and recorded them into a gift list one by one.Looking at the gifts, Jiu Ya smiled and said, "Yu Die, are you happy to see your mother tomorrow?"

Yudie smiled, without raising her head, and said: "Of course, even if a woman is married, she still thinks about her mother, let alone I am an unmarried daughter?"

Jiuya held down her pen, Yudie raised her head in surprise, "What's the matter?"

Jiuya apologized, "Yudie, I'm sorry, you may not be able to go back with me tomorrow."


"Because there is a task for you, these two days you have to take advantage of Second Master's injury and lie on the bed to get Chunmei..." She whispered in her ear.

After finishing, Yudie nodded again and again, "Young Mistress, just don't worry, that girl only believes in me. If something happens, she will definitely let me know, and I will go take a look at it from now on."

"You won't blame me for delaying your chance to go back to see your mother, will you?" Jiuya asked with a smile.

Yudie shook her head, "Where did the young mistress say? Now that Yudie is living such a good life, and thanks to the young mistress' respect, it's too late to be grateful. How can you blame the young mistress?"

After turning around, Jiuya was very careful, she put the potted flower in the small hall, no matter if there was anything strange about it, anyway, as long as she didn't touch it, don't smell it, she didn't believe it could make any moths.

At the end of the morning of the next day, the young couple returned to the Song Mansion with a cart full of gifts. After getting out of the carriage, they saw Song Tingda standing at the door with Song Yaoshu.This time, even the rare fifth aunt stood in the door fully dressed and looked around.After Song Tingda saw Fu Yu, this time he was more courteous than ever before. Several men entered the hall one after another after chatting with each other.

Jiuya stepped over the threshold, but saw Wu Yiniang with tears in her eyes, accompanied by Mama Feng, staring at herself blankly.

At this time, Wu Yiniang was wearing a silver-red coat, blue satin skirt, white silk pleated skirt, an exquisite jasper hairpin with seven treasures, emerald green water drop earrings, and a face that was already beautiful and delicate like porcelain. Beautiful and dignified young woman.

"Auntie, you look forward to Grandma Bagu's return every day, why are you silent when you see someone?" Mother Feng laughed.

Fifth Yiniang sniffed, and was about to bow to Jiuya, but Jiuya grabbed her, "You don't need to be polite, you are an elder, don't worry about it."

(End of this chapter)

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