marry a noble wife

Chapter 339 I Don’t Need You to Teach Me

Chapter 339 I Don’t Need You to Teach Me (2)
The old aunt sighed and said: "I think it's because the An family saw that your father lost his position and the Song family was no longer useful, so they disregarded the public opinion and then divorced Jin Xia. Alas, what will Jin Xia do in the future? Although I haven't formally invited Iceman, it doesn't matter if our Song family loses face, how will she marry in the future?"

Jiu Ya remained silent.

The old aunt suddenly laughed again: "Have you heard that, Fu Hongbo, the eldest son of your waiting mansion, has entrusted someone to propose marriage to our ninth girl. I heard that the fourth son of Fu also passed the Jinshi examination this time. A nice young man. Eight girls, what do you think?"

Jiuya's eyes lit up, "Did the fourth brother really come to propose marriage? When did it happen?"

Fifth Yiniang asked in amazement: "Why doesn't Grandma Bagu know? The matchmaker was invited to come on the third day after the ranking was announced. It's quite grand. You live in the same house, how come you don't know?"

Jiu Ya also felt strange, not to mention the fact that Fu Hongbo had passed the Jinshi examination, and this marriage had never been mentioned before. This stuffy guy is really bored.

"Then did you agree? You won't refuse, right?" She laughed.

"How can you refuse such a good thing? I see that the fourth son of Fu, Yushu Linfeng, is indeed a good boy. He can't find it even with a lantern, so he will definitely not refuse." The old lady smiled from ear to ear.

A few people were talking, and the fourth aunt and the second aunt also came over. They greeted Jiuya and sat there in a restrained manner.

After chatting casually for a few more words, Jiuya turned her head and asked Song Baowen who had been sitting silently beside her, "How is your homework?"

Without waiting for Baowen to speak, Wu Yiniang said with a little pride: "The third young master has already been admitted as a scholar this year. The master said that he studied very hard. In a few years, he will definitely be able to pass the exam."

Jiuya nodded and patted his head, "That's right, boys should work so hard to make progress, and when they are successful, they don't have to worry about being bullied in the future."

Baowen hated the way she touched his head as if he was a three-year-old child. In the past, he was the one who did it, and she was responsible for it. Now it’s only been a year since she touched him. Why did everything change? come over?
He shook off her hand, and said with a depressed face: "You don't need to teach me these principles, I know them all."

This kid is really awkward, Jiuya looked at him, a little dumbfounded.At this moment, there was a loud noise outside, "You damn girl, you were not even a dog in front of me before, and you dare to stop me? What's the matter? Now that she's the county head, I can't see her anymore." Is it?"

It was clearly Jin Xia's voice, and everyone stopped talking, only to hear Chun Ju shouting outside: "Miss Seven, this servant didn't say that I won't let you in, but you are carrying such a big shit bowl, do you want to smoke people to death? Can be smoked by this filth?"

Jinxia sneered loudly and said, "Really? This is dirt? Doesn't she have to pull it every day? What's the harm in letting her smell it?"

Everyone in the room looked at each other, ever since An Zicheng withdrew Jin Xia's marriage, Jin Xia has been going crazy, making trouble in the mansion every day.Sometimes they scolded this, and sometimes they scolded that. The ones who scolded the most were Jiuya and Wu Yiniang.Said that Wu Yiniang was a seductress who seduced her father and drove her mother to the Buddhist hall.Fifth Yiniang always believed that she was a serious girl, so she always let her go.But Jinxia often went to the Buddhist hall, so she must have been instigated by Xiao Shi, and the words she scolded later were even more ugly. How could she look like a lady?
The old aunt saw that she was scolding unreasonably, so she told Song Tingda that Jinxia was crying in front of his father, and said that she was divorced because of his incompetence, why should she be dismissed?Why offend the Prince's Mansion?Song Tingda saw that she was crying sadly, and it was indeed because of himself that she was hurt, so he sighed, how could he bear to blame her?

Even Song Tingda didn't care about it, and Jinxia's scolding became even worse. Later, the old lady had no other choice, so she asked someone to invite Jin Zhi back from the Prince Jin's mansion, hoping that she could persuade her younger sister.Unexpectedly, Jin Zhi had a belly of five or six months, and he didn't even want to come back, as if he was afraid of being tainted by the Song family's bad luck.Let the old lady lament that the daughters taught by the Xiao family are really colder and more ruthless than the other.

And Jinxia scolded Jiuya, saying that Jiuya robbed her brother-in-law and married to Hou's mansion instead, and made everyone in Song's mansion suffer.Calling her shameless, etc., are extremely ugly words, and now the Song family treats her like a lunatic, and the servants hide when they see her, and no one wants to provoke her.

Mother Feng got a hint from Fifth Auntie and went out. Jiuya didn't know that Jinxia had become like this, so she wanted to go out to see what happened, but she was stopped by the old lady, "Don't pay attention to that girl, this As soon as she went out, she thought that she had a rival, and something might happen again."

But Jiuya smiled and said: "With her personality, I'm afraid Chunju won't be able to stop her. I haven't seen Seventh Sister for a long time, so what's the point of going to see her?"

She got up together, and Baowen also got up nervously, and leaned her half sideways first, and said in a low voice: "Seventh Sister is like a lunatic every day in the mansion, you'd better not get close to her."

Jiuya smiled happily, this awkward little kid still cared about her, and she deserved to like him.Baowen blushed from her smile, snorted, and looked away again.

When a few people went out, they saw Chunju pinching her nose and Feng's mother frowning. The two of them stopped in front of the stone steps together. Jinxia, ​​who was wearing an apricot skirt and her hair was well combed, was holding a The wooden basin has a cover on it. Although you can't see what's in it, you can tell from the unpleasant smell that it is definitely a basin of feces.

"Miss Seven, Grandma Bagu finally came back to the door today, can't you live in peace? Everyone in this house was imprisoned before. If it wasn't for Grandma Bagu who came to the rescue, let alone others, Miss Seven must still be imprisoned at this time. Locked up in prison and eating in prison. Now Miss Seven is not grateful, and she still comes to find trouble, so she is not afraid of losing face?" Mother Feng stretched her arms to persuade.

Jin Xia had already seen Jiuya come out at this time, so she shouted even more vigorously: "What Bagu grandma is helping? It is clearly the third young master from the Hou Mansion who came forward, who is the third young master? But it is scheduled to be given to Jin Yun." Husband. That's good. The shameless person above snatched his brother-in-law, and then got some title of county magistrate, and now he is flattering and acting like a good-looking. Who wants her to show favor? If she has the ability to give up that position, Jin Yun Return what is due to Jin Yun!"

(End of this chapter)

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