marry a noble wife

Chapter 340 Torture

Chapter 340 Torture (1)
When Baowen heard this, he raised his fist and was about to beat someone up. Jiuya held him back, and said with a slow smile towards Jinxia: "Seventh Sister, I think your surname is Song, and I still call you Seventh Sister. Now in this mansion, It's not the time when your mother was in charge. If you still have a little heart, you can feel your conscience and think about it. How did your mother and daughter punish me with Mrs. Huang in order to grab An Zicheng? Think about it, in order to prevent Jin Yun from marrying a mute, how did your mother force me to marry her instead. Heh, now that the mute in my family is no longer mute, it seems that he is still very rich, so you beat your chest again, He wanted to bring me back again, and he didn't care about the safety of the entire Song Mansion, so he exposed the matter. You have taken up all the good and bad things. Do you think that this world is just like your mother and daughter? Let me tell you, if you are in peace now I will give you a bite to eat, if you still want to criticize the world all day long, I will make you live on the street, worse than a dog."

Hearing what she said, Jin Xia stared at her like dead fish eyes. After a while, she gritted her teeth and nodded, "Very good, Song Jiuya, you are powerful now. You are powerful. I can't afford to offend you. Just hide."

As she spoke, she turned around with the basin in her hand. Chun Ju and Mother Feng breathed a sigh of relief, but in the next moment, Jin Xia turned around and rushed over again with lightning speed. She passed.Jin Xia suddenly threw the basin towards Jiu Ya, Bao Wen stood in front of her and slammed backwards, the two of them hit the wall at the same time, and the feces fell into the air.But after all, the distance was not too far, and the dung and water that fell on the ground splashed again, and the skirts and trousers of her and Baowen were splashed a lot.

Seeing this, Jinxia laughed. Baowen, who came to her senses, was so angry that she rushed over and kicked her, angrily said: "Ugly, you bullied us like this before, and you think it's okay now? Don't you like feces? I'll let you do it today." Like enough."

His hatred and anger all came from witnessing Jiuya being bullied by Xiao's mother and daughter like a monkey for so many years. He was young at that time, if he helped, Xiao would get more severe beatings.They didn't beat him, but put the punishment on Jiu Ya, and when they turned around, Xiao would sue in front of Song Tingda again, criticizing the two siblings.Song Tingda didn't take it seriously at first, but later, he believed it, thinking that the two siblings were too naughty and disobedient.Now Baowen also knows that Jiuya's identity is not what it used to be, Xiao's family was fined to go to the Buddhist hall, and Xiao's family will no longer take care of the Song family's affairs, Song Tingda now has to rely on her brother-in-law, Jinxia is here to make trouble, It's just asking for humiliation.

He not only kicked her, but also nimbly stepped forward and grabbed her hair, and then pressed it to the ground where the dung was flowing.Jinxia screamed in fright and struggled wildly. Baowen is a boy, after all, he has to be strong. He kicked her knee, and Jinxia knelt down. She pressed her head on the feces desperately, and cursed; "Let you bully, let you bully, let you bully..."

Tears flowed out as he scolded himself, until Jiuya stepped forward to pull him away, trying to wipe his tears away, but he shook off her hand, turned around and ran away, Jiuya called him repeatedly from behind, He didn't pay any attention, obviously he didn't want his tears to be seen by others, he was such a stubborn child.

Jinxia got up from the ground with great difficulty, her face was covered in feces, she was still hopping and swearing very ugly words, her face was originally beautiful and lovely, but now it became hideous and terrifying.As soon as she got up, she was about to pounce on Jiuya again, so the old aunt asked the two women to carry her away, and it took a while for the courtyard to calm down.

After such a commotion, no one was in the mood to talk, so Fifth Yiniang dragged Jiuya back to her former Luofengxuan to change clothes.Luofengxuan still maintained the appearance when Jiuya left, there were two maids cleaning it every now and then, but the windows were bright and clean.

"Grandma Bagu, do you think this dress fits well?" Fifth Yiniang found a light green dress from the box by herself. These are the home clothes that Jiuya had worn before. "Maybe it's a little small, but it won't be too eye-catching, so let's do it first."

Fifth Yiniang happily untied her belt herself, Jiu Ya frowned unaccustomedly, but did not refuse after all.

"Grandma Bagu, do you still remember? When we were in Chaosheng, a Taoist priest and a handsome young man passed by our door. When they saw you sitting by the road crying, the Taoist priest asked you for directions. You just I just cried and ignored him. Later, the boy gave you a handful of candies, and you happily followed them away. After showing them the way, you didn’t want to come back when you arrived at Qiao Yuan’s house at that time. I just realized that you were missing, and when I found Qiao Yuan's house, you were already sleeping on that young man." While changing the dress for her, Fifth Aunt spoke the previous words in her warm voice.

Jiuya really didn't remember this part, raised her eyes and asked softly, "What happened next?"

Fifth Yiniang laughed at herself, "Later, the priest said that he was very close to you, so he insisted that I tell you your birthday and let him do the math for you. Until now, Auntie is still regretting it, if she didn't listen to him then If you count that, maybe you won't suffer from those disasters in the future."

Jiu Ya asked lightly again, "What did he calculate?"

"The Taoist priest said, you have a body of extreme yin, and when you are attacked by yin and cold air, your three souls and seven souls will be easily damaged. Before the age of 13, your life will be extremely evil. You will either die, or you will overcome your father and brother. However, if you can betrothed to someone else before that, or be a child bride to someone else, this disaster can be resolved. He also said that if you can live to fifteen years without getting married and there is no abnormality, then you will be very rich. You have a very noble life, and you will have a lifetime of glory and enjoyment." There was one last sentence that was too shocking, and she didn't dare to say it.

Jiu Ya looked at her silently.

Fifth Aunt sighed softly, "The Taoist priest was going to take you away at that time, how could Aunt who had never experienced any ups and downs in life be willing to do so? Let alone two people who had never met before? I was reluctant no matter what. The boss tried to persuade you again and again, but Auntie still insisted on bringing you back. Only two days later, your father started to get sick. His illness has not recovered yet, and Brother Bao has vomiting and diarrhea again, which cannot be stopped by medicine. In just two days, news came from the capital that the young master Yaowei had died. My aunt and your father were still struggling there, and at the end of the second year, it was said that a pair of twin daughters born to my third aunt also died. The third aunt also hanged herself because of this. Your father was in pain, so my aunt remembered the words of the priest. There was no other way, so my aunt had no choice but to find a family for you, and promised you out first. Wait until two years later At one o'clock, you will be sent to someone's house to be a child bride. It just so happens that Mr. An likes you very much every time he comes here. My aunt only mentioned this to Mrs. An, and Mrs. An agreed. But those two years did not last long, Mr. As soon as the wife died, your father returned to the capital and almost lost contact with the An family."

(End of this chapter)

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