marry a noble wife

Chapter 341 Torture

Chapter 341 Torture (2)
She paused for a moment, her eyes filled with sadness, "Back to the capital, life is extremely difficult. My wife lived in Chaosheng for a while before, and I only think she is a generous and good person. Who knows, we As soon as my mother entered the capital, she changed her face. In front of your father, she was generous to us, but in private, she often refused to give us food. Looking at the only three-year-old Bao Geer, he was so hungry. Crying, my aunt wished she could cut off the flesh from her body."

During that time, it was a life in hell.The little one had nothing to eat, the big one was so hungry that his hands and feet were weak, and he almost lost his life because of the acclimatization.She gritted her teeth and endured it. For the two mouths under her body, she once mentioned to Song Tingda that Xiao Shi put all the blame on the servants in person and gave her a little food, but after that, she could almost make the kitchen work for ten and a half months. No food is given.In the end, she had no choice but to go to the kitchen to steal.

I remember that it was the first time she went to steal that day, but as a result, Xiao Shi had already brought someone there to stand by, and she was caught face to face when she only had a hoof in her hand.At the same time, Mrs. Xiao said that someone found the lost gold and silver jewelry in her house, and handed these crimes to Song Tingda, who beat her up at that time.

The man she loved couldn't understand, the two children were starving to death, and she was almost desperate because of the scars.

Fortunately, Mother Feng secretly sold some jewelry for herself, and in exchange for some money, she was able to quietly buy rice to feed her two children with porridge and cabbage.Every time I saw that the fifth girl, the sixth girl, the seventh girl and the ninth girl were all beautifully dressed and eating sweet and delicate meals and cakes, I could only swallow tears in my stomach.

Every time I saw Jiuya dirtying or tearing the girls' clothes with jealousy, or even robbing them of food, I felt so sad that I just wanted to cry.

Jiuya provoked those girls, so naturally she wanted to get a good beating, but even if she was beaten, she still had to protect the pastry rolled in the mud in her arms, even if she was bleeding, she would not bleed. a tear.

After those people beat and scolded enough, she came back with a small body covered in bruises, broke off the muddy water on the surface of the pastry, and then smiled and stuffed the pastry for Brother Bao to eat.The relationship between the two brothers and sisters is very good, Brother Bao is reluctant to eat and asks her to eat, but she says that she has already eaten and is too full.After all, Brother Bao was young, so he believed it was true, and devoured the pastries bought with blood.

And when there was no one in the room, Jiuya ate the muddy pastry that fell on the ground with tears in her eyes.

Brother Bao's health has always been poor, so Jiuya went there to grab a pass every now and then, in fact, most of them were being teased by others, but even so, he believed the elder's words even more for no reason, Jiuya's fate is Evil, Ke Fu Ke brother.Seeing that every time she was teased by someone, she could get something back to eat, so she had the idea of ​​giving up on her.After all, being trapped in this dark Song Mansion, being alive is not much better than being dead, and I am really powerless to protect the two children forever.

I have learned how to distance myself, and I have learned to follow Xiao's wishes, and I will no longer let Song Tingda into my yard, thinking of ways to make him hate me.Finally, Xiao Shi relaxed his vigilance towards himself, and all his eyes were attracted by Jiuya, who was getting more and more courageous in the battle.Brother Bao, I can finally eat.

Year after year passed, Jiuya became thinner year by year, and her stature was actually a bit shorter than Jin Yun who was a few months younger than her, and she still had to stage scenes of being teased every day.Last year, she finally fell off the wall for Brother Bao, exposing Xiao's evil deeds.Brother Bao had to be relieved and was sent to his clan to study ethnology, but Jiu Ya did not escape the fate of being beaten to death by the Xiao family.

My own mother, I dare not go to see it.So what, there is no medicine, Xiao ordered any doctor not to treat Jiuya, he has no choice but to watch her die, he can only beg the Bodhisattva every day to let her be liberated earlier, death is not necessarily wrong A good place for her.

In the end, she survived again, and when she saw her jumping into her room to talk again, she was happy and scared at the same time.I was afraid that her approach would bring disaster to Brother Bao. Although I felt that she was different, she was no longer so distinctive, and even had an unprecedented yin, but I never dared to approach this more and more Strange daughter.

"The past is over. Fortunately, Bagu's grandmother is now promising, and I heard that she is very good at healing..." Wu Yiniang was crying so hard, she pulled Jiu Ya's skirt, "Jiu Ya, I'm sorry, Auntie is sorry You, you have suffered so much..."

Jiuya looked indifferent, the original owner was dead, so what's the use of saying I'm sorry?

She wore a belt herself, lowered her eyes and said: "Father brought you back, but in the end he ignored us and let Xiao Shi bully you, don't you hate him?"

Fifth Auntie covered her mouth, strings of tears dripped down the ground along her palms, "So what about hatred? He relies on the Xiao family and the Xiao family. If Auntie can't help him, how can she drag him down? A woman regards her husband as her god, if he says come, I will come, if he says go, I will go, how can I express my own feelings?"

Jiuya sighed, this is the fate that ancient women could not fight against.If I was useless back then, would I have met Fu Yu?Even if I meet him, will he like me?That person keeps saying that he likes himself, but when he is just an ordinary little woman who can no longer be ordinary, will he really like him?

Therefore, women still have to be self-reliant and self-reliant. Only when they have everything by themselves can their lives shine with brilliance. That brilliance is the shining point that is rarely seen in women who regard their husbands as heaven in this era, and it is very attractive.Even rich and powerful people like Tuoba Yue, who are all pleasing to the eye, are still bewitched by Fu Jiu like that?

The mother and daughter talked for a while, and the old aunt insisted on dragging Jiu Ya to see the old man.Jiu Ya is one thousand and ten thousand unwilling, so what is the old man?For being old and disrespectful, he spoiled so many little girls at a very old age. He even wanted to get his hands on Yudie back then.What's more, he once signed a contract to give himself to Tuobaye to ruin, which is worse than a beast. Shouldn't this kind of person let him die earlier and waste less of the food that the farmer's uncle has worked so hard to grow?

(End of this chapter)

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