marry a noble wife

Chapter 342 Torture

Chapter 342 Torture (3)
She went over and perfunctorily took the pulse of the old man, prescribed a prescription casually, explained a few words briefly, and left - it is estimated that this old guy's life is not long, he will still be Ye Yelang when he is old, His body has been hollowed out, so it's no wonder he died sooner.

In the study, Song Tingda had already dismissed the already impatient Song Yaoshu away, leaving only him and Fu Yu in the room.

The two played chess leisurely.

"What's your father-in-law's plan in the future?" Fu Yu gently dropped a white stone.

Song Tingda's expression at this time was unprecedentedly relaxed. He stared at the chessboard and said slowly: "It's easy to not have an official position. Over the years, I have seen the ugliness of the officialdom clearly. If I say it, I really can't adapt to that kind of life. Since this time gave me a reason to quit, it is precisely because I wish that in the future, I can manage the farm in the mansion carefully, and the family can have enough food and clothing. Now I have truly experienced contentment A happy state of mind."

Fu Yu said with a smile: "It's good for father-in-law to think like this. I don't know how many dignitaries in Beijing, and none of them are easy to deal with. If there is a slight mistake, they will be squeezed out. If father-in-law takes advantage of this to withdraw completely, it will be a shame." Stay safe in the future."

Song Tingda nodded, "If the son-in-law hadn't contributed to this matter, our Song family would really be over. I have already seen that the crown prince has not left our Song family with any room for survival."

Through this incident, he has completely changed his view of Fu Yu.This time, the record of the household department can be changed, and the officials in charge of the household department can be sent to prison, so as to smooth out the marriage on behalf of others.At the same time, he dared to protect himself from being taken by the prince, instructing the officials of the court to go directly to trouble the prince with evidence. He had only seen this kind of courage from King Qi back then.At this time last year, King Qi also came here with the intention of exposing the prince. If he hadn't found out that King Qi was interested in Jiuya outside the study, he would not have thought of joining him.At that time, I was just thinking that if King Qi could marry Jiuya, even if the Song family turned against the crown prince, with King Qi protecting them, there would be no trouble.

But the world is unpredictable, who knows that King Qi's sudden departure from the capital will extinguish all his hopes that had been ignited.

But right now, the dumb third young master, who was not looked down upon at the beginning, suddenly made people feel unpredictable. He was suddenly curious, what kind of person is Fu Yu?At the same time, he was very excited, besides King Qi, the Song Mansion seemed to have found a very reliable backer unknowingly.

Fu Yu knew what he was thinking, but he didn't order any clothes. After all, some of those things were done by him, and some were done by the empress. It's good for the snobbish father-in-law to maintain a sense of mystery, lest he ignore himself as he did the first few times.

"I heard that your father is about to be sent to the northern border. In fact, King Qi just came back there not long ago. Even if there is an invasion by the Rouran tribe, it must be a small matter. King Zhao who is stationed there can also handle it. What does your son-in-law think?"

Fu Yu looked sloppy, "What can I think? It's nothing more than the emperor seeing my father is capable, so he wants to send my father to beat Rouran to pieces."

Song Tingda glanced at him, and said with a smile: "My son-in-law doesn't need to hide it from me anymore, I can see such a simple truth, can someone as smart as you not see it?"

As soon as he heard him praise him for being smart, Fu Yu immediately regained his spirits, and said with a reverent face: "Father-in-law has good eyesight, and my wife often praises me for being smart. You are worthy of being father and daughter, and you even agree on this point."

Song Tingda blushed darkly, thinking of how awkward he was when he said he wanted to marry his daughter to him, he felt that he was physically disabled, how could he be worthy of his daughter?I didn't even feel that he had any cleverness, but he was blind, and he had a daughter for him. Later, there was such a big marriage on behalf of him. Since he is a smart person, how could he not see clearly the Song family's love for him? What about his shavings?

He coughed, then frowned for a long time before he said, "I don't know what your father thinks?"

Fu Yu laughed, "My father has been loyal to the country and the emperor all his life, what else can he think? The emperor let him go, there is always a reason for him to go, he doesn't have to think about anything, just do it according to the assigned tasks .”

Song Tingda was secretly displeased. Isn't this son-in-law too tight-lipped?Do you see yourself as an outsider?But even if he is unhappy, he still bears it, now he wants to see his face go on, not to mention that this son-in-law is quite generous, and every time he comes, he will bring a lot of valuable gifts, just for this, what can he, his father-in-law Sample?
The two played chess for a while, and seeing that it was time for dinner, they just finished a game of chess, so they left the study, and the whole family met in the dining hall.

The first time Fu Yu met Wu Yiniang, he bowed respectfully, Wu Yiniang didn't dare to accept it, and hurriedly helped him up.When Song Baowen saw Fu Yu, he seemed to be stunned by his flamboyant appearance, and it took him a long while to greet his brother-in-law under Jiu Ya's urging.Fu Yu took a few more glances at this jade-like brother-in-law. This appearance is no less than Jiuya. It seems that in the future he will definitely become a beautiful boy who will harm everyone.

After the meal, Fu Yu took Jiuya eagerly to the lotus pond where he met Jiuya for the first time, thinking about Wen's feeling of falling in love at first sight that day, but unexpectedly, Jin Yun called Jiuya on the way. He couldn't talk anymore, so he had no choice but to wait for her by the lotus pond alone in depression.

"Jiumei, did Fu Hongbo really come to the mansion to propose marriage?" Jiuya asked about it the first time she saw Jin Yun.

Jin Yun said shyly, "It seems so."

Jiuya smiled, "Then congratulations Jiumei, I'm going to find a good husband right now."

Jin Yun looked up at her, bit her lip for a long time, and then said: "Eight sister, I'm sorry, my mother forced me to go to the waiting mansion before, and wanted my brother-in-law to notice me, and then accepted me. But, I found that No matter how thick-skinned I am, I can't do such a thing. What's more, my brother-in-law treats you wholeheartedly. Every time I talk to me, I always ask about Eighth Sister. Seeing my brother-in-law care so much about Eighth Sister, I feel so relieved Relief. After suffering so much, Eighth Sister finally found the right person. I hope you will be happy like this forever."

(End of this chapter)

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