marry a noble wife

Chapter 343 Torture

Chapter 343 Torture (4)
Jiuya stared at her, "Didn't you regret not marrying him back then?"

Jin Yun shook her head, "I believe in fate. My brother-in-law is destined to belong to Eighth Sister, and he will never be mine anyway. Only someone like Eighth Sister can bring him down. I'm just sorry. My mother forced me to go to the Hou's mansion, although I just wanted to be perfunctory, but I was afraid of causing trouble to Eighth Sister."

A smart person like Eighth Sister must have noticed it at the time, but no matter whether she was aware of it or not, she was not prepared to actually carry out what her mother said.A person has a right person in his life, and her right person is definitely not a great man like the eighth brother-in-law.

"What troubles are you talking about?" Jiuya patted her head and smiled lovingly, "I always thought that Jiumei was a beautiful person, and she really is. Now seeing that you and Hongbo have achieved a positive result, I feel sorry for you." You are happy. Our married sisters, except for the elder sister who is doing well, the others are not doing well. Now even Jinxia's marriage has been cancelled, alas..."

There was water in Jin Yun's eyes, "Then who is to blame? Mother shouldn't have pushed her in front of An's family like that. Mother's eyes were like being enchanted by a ghost, and she couldn't see why An's family retreated eight years ago. In the matter of sister's marriage, they only cared about the bright interests in front of them, this is all their own fault, and no one can blame anyone."

It was rare for this Jiumei to see clearly, Jiuya nodded.The two walked while talking, and they came to the side of the lotus pond. At this moment, Jin Yun looked at the other side of the lotus pond, her face was very ugly.

Jiuya looked over, but saw Fu Yu leaning halfway under a willow tree with his arms crossed, the willow silk swayed by the wind, blowing on his bright and jade-like face, it was so fragrant.

Standing in front of him was actually Jinxia. At this time, she had changed into a rose-red skirt, and her waist was tightly tied. At this time, she was holding a painting in her hand, and she said in a gentle and graceful way: "My sister just made a new painting yesterday. I feel that there is something missing in this dazzling spring. Brother-in-law, come and have a look. What is wrong with it? Do you need to add some scenery?"

She had eyes full of glances, and she put some kind of perfume on her body, which could be smelled from far away.

Fu Yu didn't seem to realize it, and he really moved his face to look carefully. After a while, he raised his eyebrows and smiled and said, "What's missing? Since it's spring, of course there are no mandarin ducks. There are no more in this pond." Mandarin ducks bathing together, what kind of spring is it called?"

Hearing his words, Jin Xia was elated. Now that An Zicheng divorced her, it must be very difficult to find her husband's family again.Suddenly thinking of this brother-in-law who came to the mansion, he felt that he was also as beautiful as a eucalyptus tree blooming, and his appearance was not worse than that of An Zicheng. get.What's more, even if he can't be captured, as long as he beats her, she will have to cry and call him responsible. In order not to expose her family's ugliness, Jiuya will inevitably give up this romantic young man as she did to An Zicheng before. Give it to yourself, be the master and take yourself back to the Houfu.In this way, wouldn't I have something to rely on for the rest of my life?Although she is not a real wife, she will slowly plot her in the future...

She was overjoyed, and looked sideways, but Fu Yu seemed to be still squinting, saying that mandarin ducks were bathing together, maybe she meant that she was with him?So, men are all perverts.She laughed so much that her eyes almost dripped, she quickly moved her body closer, and said in a coquettish voice: "Then brother-in-law, tell me, where should we put the couple in the bath together?"

Fu Yu rubbed his chin, didn't look at the painting at all, just squinted at her, and said with a half-smile: "I don't know what to add, you can actually figure it out yourself."

Jin Xia was so startled by his expression that her whole body went numb. She couldn't help but smile with spring in her eyes, and slowly leaned into his arms.

It just so happened that Fu Yu stretched out his arms at this time, and seeing him open his arms, Jin Xia was even more happy, thinking that he was here to pick her up, and thinking that she was about to fall into his arms, her heart almost jumped out of shyness.As long as this brother-in-law hugs her, it means that he has a heart for her, then the sisters can serve a husband together, and the glory in the future may be better than following An Zicheng.

Fu Yu saw her turn upside down, and just when her body was about to touch his chest, he inadvertently turned to one side, then raised his arms upwards, stretched his waist and said, "Oh, I feel so tired this day. , just want to sleep..."

Before he could pronounce the word Jue, Jin Xia fell into the water with a "boom" because she lost her center of gravity completely and had no place to support her. While fluttering in the water in panic, Fu Yu still looked pale in shock, and hurriedly stretched out his arms to pull her, shouting: "Oh, what's wrong with my aunt? Why did you fall into the pond for no reason? Come on, come on, I'll pull you up."

Jinxia really wanted to hold his outstretched hand, but she couldn't use water, so she could only keep pouring water from her mouth, and sank down.Her nanny Li Mama, who had been observing the situation here in the dark, hurriedly called for help, and called several women to jump into the water, and finally fished out Jinxia, ​​who was full of water.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Jiuya immediately went over and pulled Fu Yu away, Jin Yun naturally saw that Fu Yu was playing with Seventh Sister, felt ashamed and embarrassed, bowed to Fu Yu, and then went to see Jinxia.Fu Yu was full of pride, "Lady, you have watched the drama for a long time, do you think your husband is very wise and powerful?"

Jiuya gave him a white look, "Shenwu, you are so big, you want to play tricks on my family all day long, is it fun?"

Seeing that there was no one around, Fu Yu quickly took a sip from her lips, "Of course it's fun, those sisters of yours are really like monkey tricks, and they came to my door for me to play, why didn't I play? Think about them back then. To make you suffer, I not only want to play, but I wish I could do something more ruthless. Hmph, if it wasn't for my lady's sake, I would have made Jin Xia never turn over."

Jiuya stared at him helplessly, "Forget it, wicked people will be punished by wicked people. Now that Xiao's protection is gone, with Jinxia's temper, she won't be out for a few days, and my father will definitely punish her."

Fu Yu curled his lips, "I hope so." He really can't compliment her father.

Jiuya suddenly thought of something, "Master, can you find a martial arts master for Baowen? This kid studies all day long and has been weak since he was a child. I want him to practice martial arts and keep fit."

(End of this chapter)

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