marry a noble wife

Chapter 344 Torture

Chapter 344 Torture (5)
Fu Yu snorted displeasedly: "You care about this younger brother?"

Jiuya nodded, "I have endured a lot of hardships with me, a very sensible child, if it is within our ability, I hope we can help him learn more self-protection skills."

Fu Yu looked up at the sky, "I helped your brother, what's the benefit?"

Jiuya smiled, "What benefits do you want?"

Fu Yu immediately whispered a few words in her ear with joy, Jiuya beat his chest in shame, Fu Yu just seemed to be tickling, and laughed in her ear.

When the sun was setting, the young couple went back to the Hou Mansion after dinner.Before leaving, Song Baowen sent Jiuya straight to the carriage with a look of attachment, and then stopped.Seeing that he was still holding on to Jiuya's hand at the end, Fu Yu turned jealous and came up, he slapped his hand away and shouted: "Hey, brother-in-law, you are too partial, come on, come on, pull my hand!" Hand, I let you pull my hand, my hand is big and beautiful, I can let you hold it for free."

Song Baowen ignored his glib tongue at all, and withdrew his hands, only looked at Jiuya silently, still without saying a word.

Jiuya wanted to pat his head, but after thinking about it, she decided to avoid it, because there was a big vinegar vat watching over him.She smiled at him, "If you miss your sister, you can go to the Houfu to find me, and you can send a letter, and my sister will also visit you, but you have to study hard, you know?"

Song Baowen didn't make a sound until the carriage disappeared from sight, it was frighteningly dull.

Sure enough, Fu Yu didn't break his promise, he went out in person the next day, found a martial arts instructor for Song Baowen, and set a time every morning to teach him basic skills.When Song Baowen saw the master, he didn't object to it. Hearing that it was arranged by Jiuya, he studied hard, so the master taught him even more attentively.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it will be the old lady's birthday on April [-]th. The old lady has been sealed as a third-rank imperial order. Every year on her birthday, the royal family will send some gifts to show respect to the old lady of the Anping Marquis Mansion. The respect of the emperor can also narrow the distance between the monarch and his ministers.

Since this year is the old lady's [-]th birthday, the scale of the birthday banquet will be different.From the news that Jiuya got from the old lady, I heard that this year the empress and concubine in the palace will come to congratulate in person, and everyone in the waiting mansion is as busy as anything.Mrs. Xiao spent a large sum of money not only to decorate the mansion beautifully, but also invited many chefs from the north and the south to prepare various dishes on the day of the birthday banquet.

Xiao Shi has been in charge of the Hou Mansion for so many years, and he is familiar with these things, so Jiu Ya will not bother her.She blindly studied her new drug formula, hoping to earn more money.Now the business of the pharmacy is booming. Normally, other people would buy medicines from the pharmacy, but now her reputation has spread far and wide, and those noble ladies rely on various connections to let her see a doctor from time to time.Naturally, they came to see the doctor in person, so Jiuya set up a place in front of Chunhua Hospital for the convenience of those wives.

Naturally, these people who came to see the doctor were all from very strong backgrounds. How could ordinary wealthy families get the relationship to let the county magistrate see him?Fu Yu did not hold any objection to this, and most of those who came to ask for help came to him, and Jiuya only went to see a doctor after he agreed.In this way, Jiuya got to know many famous wives.Those wives were treated by her, and some of them got better quickly and some of them got better slowly, but they all showed improvement, and seeing that she spoke humorously, they had a good impression of her.

At the same time, the old lady Xiao and others all had some handkerchiefs in Beijing, and someone once asked them to let Jiuya see a doctor, but Jiuya refused.When she sees the doctor in person, she always focuses on a favor. If she agrees to the old lady and Xiao's entrustment, when the time comes, these favors will be taken away by them. How can she do that kind of making wedding dresses for others? thing?

On this day, she specially allowed Mrs. He, the wife of Mr. Yin Xue of Jingzhao Mansion, to see a doctor. Mrs. He only found out that she had pain in her lower body this year. Every time she had intercourse, the pain was unbearable. .Now she is scared when she sees Mr. Xue, but as a housewife, she can't serve her husband, how can she bear it if she wants to take advantage of those concubines?I still endured it before, but after seeing a doctor, the disease did not improve, and the stench even worsened.After going to many doctors, she was really tortured to the point of being helpless, so she got old and asked Mr. Xue to entrust Fu Yu, hoping that Jiuya could diagnose her pulse in person.

As far as Fu Yu agreed, there would definitely not be such an inconspicuous official as Jingzhao Fuyin, but Jiu Ya had a plan, and when he heard him mention it, she gave the green light and agreed to He's request.

He Shi was overjoyed and came overjoyed. Jiu Ya repeatedly confirmed that it was He Shi's uterus with fibroids.The fibroids were good and considered benign, but Mr. He resisted the sexual intercourse, perhaps Mr. Xue's actions were too brave, the fibroids were damaged, infected and inflamed, and if the treatment was delayed, He's life would be in danger.

She told all these words to Mr. He, and Mrs. He was so frightened that his face paled. Jiu Ya's symptoms were very correct, and he believed in her medical skills. He immediately knelt down on the ground and begged her to cure her. .

At first Jiuya pretended to be embarrassed, but later, she said one condition, how could He not agree to it, her life was at stake, even if she put ten conditions, she would agree.

"Nowadays, all these shops are stuck in Mr. Xue's hands. If Madam can let him let go and return the shops over there according to the requirements of the more than 20 shopkeepers, it will not be difficult for Mr. Xue. "Jiuya helped Mrs. He up, and said with a smile.

Mrs. He panicked and said: "I never ask about the master's business matters, but I heard him mention this matter occasionally. I heard that the emperor's grandson personally ordered and supervised this matter, and the chief offender, Chang Qing, was caught. , and the testimonies of the shopkeepers and the request to return the property defrauded by Chang Qing in various ways, the emperor did not pay much attention to it. What he meant was that Chang Qing would not hand over the person behind the scenes for a day. The case will not be closed for a day, and the sufferers can only hang around like that."

Jiu Ya smiled and said, "I don't know if Madam has heard of it, but now there are quite a lot of gossip in the whole capital city about this case. It is said that Mr. Xue wants to dominate those properties, and he doesn't want to hand over to the suffering master at all. Madam, this matter Many people have already complained, and you know that this is at the foot of the imperial city. If this matter is reported to the emperor, and it is said that Mr. Xue is greedy for ink and seized the people's wealth, I am afraid that even the black hat will be hard to protect. At that time, the emperor's grandson will go Do you want him to stand up for him? People have to think about themselves, don't they?"

(End of this chapter)

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