marry a noble wife

Chapter 345 Torture

Chapter 345 Torture (6)
He shi was stunned when she heard her speak so seriously.

Jiu Ya said again; "It's actually not difficult to do this matter at all. As long as Mr. Xue opens the court for a public trial, and everything is handled according to the laws of Daxia, no one will find out his fault. When the time comes, the emperor's grandson There is nothing to say, and the common people still praise him. Madam won't understand such a simple truth, right?"

He Shi was not a fool either, he stared at Jiuya closely and asked, "Excuse me, what is the relationship between the county lord and the bitter lord?"

Jiu Ya smiled slightly, "To be honest, there are more than 20 shops in Chang Qing's hands that belong to my husband's name, and they have been occupied by an outsider for many years. Unexpectedly, Mr. Xue is so powerful that he not only collected conclusive evidence, but also This thief was captured. Originally, I could have my father-in-law report the matter to the emperor, and directly let Chang Qing return the property intact, but my husband and I have always considered the face of Lord Xue. After all, he is also the official of the capital. It’s too late, I’m afraid that Master Xue’s face will not look good. Now as long as Master Xue has a public trial according to the law, it will be the best of both worlds. I hope Madam can report this matter to Master Xue after returning.”

Mrs. He is naturally shrewd, once he heard that Changqing was the property of the swindled Houfu, he felt relieved.If this matter does not go through the government office, with Anpinghou's right to speak in front of the emperor, I am afraid that something will happen to her master by then.

After thinking about it for a while, she agreed, but she was afraid that Jiu Ya would not treat her wholeheartedly, so she agreed quite simply.Said to give her an answer in a day.

Jiu Ya was overjoyed, Han Ziya couldn't get this matter over, even with the testimony of more than 20 shopkeepers, Master Xue didn't let go, he was really distressed.With He's promise right now, Master Xue will definitely not follow Tuoba Yue's instructions after analyzing it, since it is a major matter related to Wu Shamao after all.As long as he did things without telling Tuoba Yue, what could Tuoba Yue do to her after he announced on the spot that the property would be returned to the original owner?
She knew that Tuoba Yue hated her to the bone, if she had said that the property belonged to Fu Yu before, maybe he would have blocked it even more, stuck on the property, and would never come back.

Now, through He's journey, she hopes to resolve this matter satisfactorily, but this matter has already exhausted her mind and mind, and she is really tired.

Prescribed the medicine for He Shi, and asked her to come for a review every half a month. After sending her away, Jiuya went back to Chunhua Courtyard, but Fu Yu was still not here. I don’t know how busy he is these days What, ask him, and he only said in an unpredictable manner that he would know in the future.

Jiuya didn't bother to ask any more, she already had enough things at the moment, and she really didn't have the energy to worry about his other things.

As soon as she sat down to drink some water, Yudie walked in with an excited face, closed the door, and mysteriously put a yellowed thick paper booklet into her hand, whispering Said: "Young Mistress, it's over."

Jiuya looked at the booklet in her hand, "What is this?"

"Chunmei stole it from Second Grandma's box. She said that Second Grandma would take out this booklet and write it down every time she felt uncomfortable. So she was sure that it contained many secrets of Second Grandma, but she didn't want to Literate, dare not show it to others, when I went over just now, she gave it to me, let me see if there is any criminal evidence inside, so as to bring down Second Mistress."

Jiuya's eyes flashed, and she smiled lightly; "Just say that Chunmei is not a safe person, so she finally made such a thing for me."

She quickly opened the booklet, and when she read it page by page, she was immediately shocked by the content, and at the same time, she was even more angry about the people and events mentioned in it, and the whole book was almost a history of blood and tears. .

The things in the booklet are very scattered, like a diary, but not like a diary.The first thing I remembered was how Fu Changting went to Wen's family to ask for marriage, and then got married. All this was normal and beautiful.But later, Fu Changting began to ask Wen Caihe for money and her shop, and if things went wrong, Fu Changting would close the door and rape Wen Caihe.Wen Caihe didn't dare to speak out, let alone go back to her natal family to cry. Not only did she hand over all her dowry to Fu Changting, but she was also forced to ask her natal family for money.

Because she has only two younger sisters, and three sisters. On the surface, Fu Changting is very honest and respectful in front of his parents-in-law, and he is also very courteous. Reason, treat him like a son.Fu Changting was indeed talented in this area. He made the Wen family's business a success, and Master Wen was very satisfied, and successively let him do a lot of business. Wen Caihe saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart.

Once, in order to dissuade her father from taking over another royal glass factory for Fu Changting, she was stopped by Fu Changting before she reached the gate of Wen's house.After returning, Fu Changting dragged her to the secret room, called three big men from nowhere, and locked her in the secret room... That time, she was tortured for a whole day and night, and Fu Changting warned her with a sneer that if she If he dared to go back to his mother's house and blame him, he would arrest her two younger sisters and let his brothers enjoy them together.

This time, she has completely seen what he is like, he is clearly a demon in human skin.But she is a weak woman, how dare she resist?He could only watch helplessly as Fu Changting cheated more property from her father and strengthened himself step by step.

Fu Changting is not human at all, and after that, if Wen Caihe doesn't like him, he will call different big men to rape her in the secret room.Later she became pregnant, and Fu Changting laughed that it was not his species. He called three more men on the spot and raped her until the fetus was miscarried.And she has been unable to have children since then.

She wanted to die many times, but Fu Changting threatened her. If she dared to die, not only her two younger sisters, but also the entire Wen family would be buried with her.For the sake of her family, she lived crying blood every night, and even played the role of a shrew in front of others to maintain Fu Changting's honest image.

Seeing this, Jiu Ya finally understood why Fu Changting tried so hard to save Wen Caihe after he was arrested last time. It turned out that she was still worth using. Using Wen Caihe to maintain his image of long-term love and dedication is really a beast.How did Wen Caihe endure his inhuman torture in the past few years?

(End of this chapter)

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