marry a noble wife

Chapter 347 Torture

Chapter 347 Torture (8)
Fu Yu's eyes suddenly became as red as bloodshot, and he gritted his teeth, "Fu Changting, it turned out to be him. I never dared to think it was him, but it turned out to be him. Big brother treated him well since he was a child, and he was so mad Killing the eldest brother, is the position of the son so attractive? What can he do if he gets that position? Does he climb to that position and still want to be the emperor?"

Jiuya closed her eyes, and said lightly: "Such a person is worse than an animal. My husband, I must avenge my eldest brother."

Fu Yu's eyes were as cold as ice, "Don't worry, I have long wanted to find him out, but he has been planning for so many years, and he really doesn't know how strong his subordinates are, so he must not act rashly. Now I have laid him down." It’s a trick, and in a few days, the imperial court will order him to be arrested. No matter how powerful he is now, he can’t fight against the entire imperial court, and he will get the punishment he deserves!”

He lowered his head to look at Jiu Ya, his eyes softened suddenly, "As for the lady, he seems to have murdered her because of the shop, I will do my best to ensure her safety."

Jiuya was shocked, "Does Mr. Xiang know about those shops?"

Fu Yu nodded, "My lady has worked so hard for my affairs, how could I not know? Thank you, we can relax after this period of time is over, lady, if you bear with me, everything will be fine. "

Jiuya hooked his neck and whispered, "Master...I believe in you..."

Fu Yu murmured as he rubbed her into his body.

April [-]th is approaching in a blink of an eye, on the first day, Mrs. Xiao found Jiuya and said that the women in the palace had heard from the old lady that Jiuya was very good at cooking medicinal porridge, so they informed her in advance. Make sure to take advantage of this opportunity to let Jiuya show off her skills, so that these ladies in the palace can also feast on their mouths.

Jiuya didn't dare to take this challenge, but Xiao said it was appointed by someone in the palace, how could she refuse?No matter how unwilling, the people in this palace have absolutely no reason to offend.

Since she couldn't refuse, Jiuya had no choice but to agree.But based on intuition, something must happen to the medicated porridge designated this time.

But she has no direction now, but she is hard to guard against.

In order to make the medicated porridge this time in line with the mean, neither too good nor too bad, I wanted to find out the preferences of the empresses in the palace.What flavors do they usually like, what purpose does the medicinal diet achieve on the body, and so on.

She asked the wife of a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy who she had seen a doctor to inquire about. She heard that the lady's sister was Concubine Shu, so she must know the habits of the people in the palace.

But the lady came back to her in the afternoon and said: "The concubine Shu said that now everyone in the palace is looking forward to the heirs in the womb of the empress dowager and grandson. The emperor's will, the most satisfactory way to satisfy them is to satisfy the empress dowager and concubine. The empress and concubine are magnanimous, as long as the empress dowager agrees."

Jiuya suddenly realized that it was so.

She was not afraid of trouble, so she went to the Prince's Mansion to ask Fu Jingwen what flavor of herbal porridge she liked recently.For those who answered, Concubine Taisun said it was casual, but she would feel more palatable if she could cook a bowl of Xihaihua porridge that nourishes qi and nourishes fetus.

Jiuya smiled slightly, Xihaihua is a kind of flower-packed fruit from the Western Regions, eaten in summer, it can regulate qi and relieve stagnation, activate blood and disperse blood stasis, the taste is fragrant and attractive, it can not only ward off filth, but also refresh the mind.This kind of medicated porridge is more suitable for pregnant women to eat.

So on the first night of the old lady's birthday, she started to prepare. First, she prepared all the ingredients, and then asked someone to fetch sweet mountain spring water to wash the ingredients one by one.

During the whole process, Yu Yan, who always said she wanted to learn some skills, followed and watched, "Sister-in-law, are you going to cook porridge with Xihai flowers tomorrow?"

Jiu Ya peeled off the flowers and leaves, "My eldest sister said she likes this kind, so I will cook it according to her taste."

Yu Yan was innocent, she sat beside her and propped her head and said: "Sister-in-law three, you are really capable, no wonder brother three likes you, in the future, I will learn more from you, and I will also find a husband who loves me very much in the future."

Jiu Ya smiled lightly and remained silent.

Yuyan sat for a while, then began to yawn and said, "Sister-in-law, I just saw that your pot of Junyanzui flowers is in full bloom, and you can smell the fragrance from far away, why did you put it in the hall? Why not put it in the inner room and smell it every day?"

"Isn't it said that you can smell it from afar? Good things should be brought to everyone to enjoy, how can I eat it all by myself? Anyway, I can smell it every day, and it doesn't need to be kept in the room. Put the basin in your inner room?"

"Of course, I'm not as generous as the third sister-in-law. I smell it every day as soon as I open my eyes, and I feel happy all day long. Isn't it great?"

The two chattered for a while, and Jiuya was almost busy with her work, so she covered all the ingredients with gauze, and they could start cooking when they came together tomorrow morning.

Yu Yan also got up to say goodbye, Jiuya was worried that she would be afraid of walking alone at night, so she kindly sent her for a while.On the way, I met a few girls and women in the mansion. They said that the third grandma had a good relationship with the second girl's sister-in-law, and they were still reluctant to part at this time.Jiuya asked them to send Yuyan back, while she stood there until the man disappeared.

At this time, Fu Yu followed quietly, looking at the place where the voice disappeared, and said in a low voice: "Miss, are you sure everything is safe?"

Jiu Ya smiled elegantly, "I don't know, if it succeeds, it might be possible to catch all the fish in the mansion this time. As for what I arrange for you to do, you must be absolutely sure."

Fu Yu giggled, "I would like to follow the order of the lady, and dare not make mistakes."

The next day, Jiuya woke up early, Fu Yu was still lying on the bed as usual, Chunju and Yudie helped her to wash up.Yudie always talked a lot, but today she was surprisingly quiet, Jiuya couldn't help but look at her twice, only to see that her eyes were slightly swollen, as if she had cried.Then he asked in a low voice: "Yudie, what happened, where is it uncomfortable?"

Yudie shook her hands and loosened all the hair she had tied up just now. She panicked and said, "No, no, the servant is not uncomfortable at all."

Jiuya looked at her from the bronze mirror, and said lightly: "It's fine if there is no one. If there is, just tell me, I never treat you guys as outsiders, no matter what happens, we can solve it together by talking about it." .”

(End of this chapter)

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