marry a noble wife

Chapter 348 Charm

Chapter 348 Charm (1)
Yudie lowered her eyes in a hurry, but Chunju was real, she was about to take the water out, and said with a smile: "Now I follow the young mistress, and I feel at ease in my heart. The few of us can count on the young mistress, and care about everything big and small. Don't dare to make up your own mind, the young lady doesn't speak, but dare not move."

Jiu Ya's impression of Chun Ju was really good, and she joked: "Then when I find you a husband's house in the future, will you also let me make a decision? If I marry you to an old man, will you be willing?"

Chunju spat, blushed and ran out.

Yudie tied up her hair again, lowered her eyes and said softly: "Young Mistress, if you have someone you want to marry, and that person says that he likes you, but actually has no intention of marrying you, you will still marry him." Will such a person survive? Will he continue to be obsessed with it?"

Jiu Ya inserted her hairpin into the mirror, "No. People who say they like it but don't act, obviously just want to play with my feelings. It's like when An Zicheng said that he would marry me according to the marriage contract, but in the end I am even more interested in the identity of Seventh Sister. Such a person values ​​fame and wealth the most, and takes his feelings for women very lightly. This kind of person is a disaster for women, and he has no sense of security at all, even if I have feelings in my heart. I like him, and reason will make me stay away from this kind of person. Now that the portrayal of Seventh Sister is there, I never see the reason for jumping into the pit of fire."

Yudie bit her lower lip, and after a long while, she stared blankly at the woman as bright as the moon in the mirror and said, "No wonder young mistress is so attractive, it's because of her charisma here. She is decisive and independent. How can ordinary women compare to her? Those of us around the young lady should also look up to the young lady..."

Jiuya smiled and looked back at her, "Women have the dignity of women, and they have to live a wonderful life without men. Even if they have no social status without men, they will have no ancestral temple to enter after death, and there will be a lonely ghost, but what's the matter?" What about the relationship? People live for only a few decades, why should they live a life of humiliation, just for the ethereal world after death? As long as a woman can support herself, she can completely escape the control of a man, what do you think?"

Yudie's eyes were blurred, with illusions in them. Finally, her eyes flashed, she nodded firmly and said: "Talking to the young mistress made me suddenly understand. Some things, I finally know how to do it."

Jiuya smiled and patted her on the shoulder, "People's behavior is determined by ideas and concepts. If you think you can solve something, you can solve it. If you can't, Young Mistress will definitely help you."

Yudie nodded heavily, "Definitely."

Early in the morning, the people in the waiting mansion began to get busy.Because there was a funeral in the mansion, the old lady didn't want to make the birthday banquet extravagant, if the emperor hadn't opened the golden mouth to let the two palace ladies come to pay birthday wishes, the old lady might just call a few clansmen to gather together and forget it.

Although the emperor opened his mouth, Anping Hou did not invite many guests, but invited some clan relatives and some noble wives who could accompany the empresses of the two palaces. Therefore, the main body of the whole birthday banquet was very clear, mainly to accompany the empresses of the two palaces.At noon, many male guests had already arrived in the hall of the outer court, the empresses of the two palaces and the wives of Wang Qing, the princes, all arrived one after another.They were all taken to the flower hall in the inner courtyard.

The flower hall is covered with long-haired carpets from the Western Regions, which is soft to step on.All kinds of nanmu furniture, fruit, tea, snacks and other food are placed on the square table.Rare antiques are placed on the Duobaoge at the back, such as rich and noble peonies made of suet jade, vases inlaid with sapphire enamel, plum bonsai with blue and white porcelain, etc. There are also pearls hanging on the wall. It is very eye-catching.

Empress Ma sits dignifiedly and gracefully at the top, Concubine Yang Guifei is a half-aged lady, sitting on the left side in a decent silver-red palace dress, and the old lady is wearing a gown with auspicious patterns of blessings and longevity inlaid with red gold flowers, which looks very Futai, and she is sitting on the table with a smile on her face. The upper head on the right side, and the rest, were all seated according to the pinnacle. There were Crown Princess, Empress Dowager Concubine, Princess Jin, Mrs. Ning Guogong, Mrs. Luo Guogong, etc. There were about ten people sitting up and down. lady.

Some juniors in the mansion first came to celebrate the old lady's birthday, all the noble ladies were talking and laughing around the empress, when they saw a junior coming, they all stopped and looked sideways.

First, Wen Caihe led Xueqing to kowtow to the old lady, and the third lady and Aunt Mingyao also brought Brother Xuan and Sister Bi to kowtow to send a congratulatory message, followed by Yuyan, and Jiuya passed by. At that time, they just finished their ceremony.

Her appearance immediately made everyone's eyes bright. She only had a jade hairpin on her head today. She was wearing a gold silk thin smoky emerald green shirt and a skirt of pink narcissus scattered flowers and green leaves that stretched to the ground. elegant.

Jiu Ya didn't dare to push her too hard, so she first paid her respects to Empress Ma, who was generous, so she quickly got her up.When she went to visit Concubine Yang next to her, Concubine Yang didn't hesitate to ask her to get up first, she just smiled and said to Jiuya: "Look, this daughter-in-law is so beautiful, I have heard about you in the palace." Daming, I only know that your medical skills are excellent, and your appearance is also one of the best, no wonder our Yu'er is reluctant to let you go after marrying you in."

She had a smile on her face, but there was a hint of sarcasm in that tone, if she didn't pay attention, it would be considered that she was really praising someone.

Jiu Ya didn't make a sound, but Xiao Shi, who was standing behind the old lady, raised a cold smile.

Mrs. Ningguo, who was at the side, was a kind woman with slender eyebrows and fine eyes. She immediately agreed: "This third young lady doesn't even talk about her medical skills. I like it just by looking at it. I just don't know when the Houfu Where did you see such a wonderful person, I wonder if you can help our family, Shaoling, find one?"

Mrs. Luo Guogong took the conversation, and jokingly said: "I said you are too greedy, the youngest of your family has just married the number one talented woman in the capital, and later you want to find a beautiful girl for the second youngest of your family. It’s time to think that your grandson is talented and good-looking? But what if your family takes all the good things?”

Everyone laughed.The concubine here has met Jiuya a few times, and she asked like an elder, "I've been married for a few months, you look pretty good, is there any movement?"

Even though she was kneeling all the time, Jiuya still looked calm and respectful, raised her eyes slightly and said, "I haven't gone back to my aunt."

(End of this chapter)

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