marry a noble wife

Chapter 349 Charm

Chapter 349 Charm (2)
Empress Ma frowned when she saw that she had been kneeling for questioning, and now she knew that Concubine Yang Gui was deliberately tripping her up.He smiled and said: "You are still young, so don't worry. You are a doctor yourself, so you should know when to conceive better than others, right? Don't talk about it, get up and ask Ben Gong to take a look. The sun is gone, it seems that it looks fresh again, doesn't it?"

She wakes up Jiu Ya without a trace, how can Jiu Ya be ignorant of style?Immediately thanked him, and walked to Empress Ma with a low eyebrow.For some reason, since the first time she met Empress Ma, she had a very cordial feeling.People say that queen mothers are all majestic in the world, but Empress Ma gave her the impression that, apart from being extravagant, she is also kind and amiable, as if seeing a long-lost relative.I can't help but feel warmth flowing in my heart, and the feeling of admiration arises spontaneously.

Jiuya stood up without her permission, and Concubine Yang's eyes flashed coldly, it was clear that Empress Ma wanted to refute her face in public, so as not to make her face look good.

Just such a small action has already made all the people sitting here see something.But they just pretended not to understand, and only listened to Empress Ma and Jiu Ya talking about the commonplace.

Empress Ma patted Jiu Ya's hand and said with a smile: "Sure enough, he has grown taller. If this continues, it will be very easy to grow this figure. Maybe next year, we will have wedding wine again."

Standing in front of her, Jiuya was not timid, her expression was submissive, and she was full of kindness, "Your Majesty is joking."

Concubine Yang frowned when she saw it, and said with a fake smile: "Actually, if my grandniece is still alive, she might already be pregnant by this time. It's a pity, but she was killed."

At such a happy time, when she suddenly said such words, no one could answer them.And when she mentioned Yang Shuxian's death, it clearly had nothing to do with Jiuya, but she deliberately wanted to draw it together with Queen Ma's words, and she was also singing an opposite scene with Queen Ma secretly.

The atmosphere suddenly turned cold, and Wen Caihe's face turned pale.Empress Ma acted as if she didn't know about this, and she was very surprised: "Is the concubine's grand-niece gone? They said she was killed by someone, but who killed her? Have you arrested her?"

"The concubine's grand-niece happened in the county lord's yard. At that time, the two nuns were also killed together. It was a very serious incident. No matter how many people were arrested, they were caught left and right. You are a decent person, and you can't just find someone to take the blame, alas, people have died unjustly." Concubine Yang Gui sighed, speaking as if she had been wronged.

There was something in her words, she alluded to Jiuya killing someone, and no one caught her, and let her get away with it.

Empress Ma suddenly smiled and said, "So it was about this, but I heard that it was the imperial concubine's grand-niece who had some friction with the county magistrate. Regardless of who is right or wrong, once she sues you, you There is no reason to give the county head to death. Concubine, I never knew that you could still be in charge of the inner house of the Houfu. What's more, the Yang family is just a concubine. Shi is also reasonable, this is something allowed by the Great Xia Code of Law. So after all, the noble concubine made a mistake at the beginning, and ended up hurting people's lives. It seems that this is the destiny, who can go against the sky?"

Concubine Yang Guifei was not annoyed by being robbed by Empress Ma, she just looked at Jiuya with a smile, changed the subject and said: "I heard that your medicinal porridge is very good, before the banquet, can you let everyone follow the old lady?" Have a good time?"

Jiu Ya leaned slightly and said, "The medicinal porridge is already prepared, it's still early, and the porridge has a particular time to eat, so it's still cooking on the stove, and when the minister's wife goes over, I can adjust the seasoning, and it's almost ready to serve. Come up."

The old lady laughed beside her and said: "My daughter-in-law's porridge is really good. I have a lot of illnesses with my old bones. It is because of her porridge that I get better every day. It is rare that everyone When we get together, we are all honored guests, and I told her a long time ago that she will show her hand no matter what."

Jiuya pursed her lips and smiled, "Grandma won the prize, how can it be as good as you said? It's just an ordinary porridge that can't be more ordinary. When you say that, I don't know. I thought my granddaughter-in-law gave you an elixir. No. So amazing."

"The county lord, don't be humble. I heard that you have cured many people who have been treated for many years. The medicine you prescribed is simply a magic medicine, an elixir. How can it not be miraculous?" A lady half-jokingly said .

Fu Jingwen, who has been silent all this time, has frowned and got up slightly: "I just want to wait for my sister-in-law's porridge, but the result is not good yet, empress empress, this concubine is not feeling well now, I want to get out of company and go to lie down first, okay ?”

At this time, her belly was already pregnant, and it must have been five or six months. Empress Ma looked kindly, and hurriedly said, "Are you feeling uncomfortable? Could it be that you are tired? It's okay, you can sleep here first." Lie down for a while, and when it's time to sit down, someone will call you."

Fu Jingwen thanked her, and then said to Jiuya: "Grandma praises you every day, and when the porridge is ready, send me a bowl later, my mouth is hungry too."

Jiuya responded, and she backed out after she left first.

Outside the door, Yudie was already waiting, and when she saw Jiuya coming out, she hurriedly said: "Just now Chunju sent Xiaoshi to say that the porridge is almost ready, we just wait for young mistress to add more ingredients."

Jiuya glanced at her, "What's the hurry? Those empresses and wives are very patient, do you think they will wait?"

Yudie shook her head and said: "It's not that the servants are in a hurry, it's that there is always an ominous sign in my heart, and I am afraid that something will happen later. I always feel that this time the medicinal porridge will not be so simple. Could it be that the young lady didn't feel it?"

Jiuya looked around, "I can't see the direction at all now. I feel that something will happen, but I don't know where it will happen. I just try my best to prevent it now. I hope the direction is not wrong. All of them are extremely noble people, and hurting one of them will make me eat and walk around?"

Yudie lowered her voice and said, "Young Mistress, is she worried that someone will poison the porridge? That's why you have to let Chun Ju stay there without taking a step away?"

Jiuya sighed, "I thought about it, and it seems that only the porridge will cause problems, so I dare not pretend to others. Forget it, don't think too much, just take one step at a time, adapt to the situation, and believe that nothing will happen."

(End of this chapter)

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