marry a noble wife

Chapter 350 Design of Medicinal Diet

Chapter 350 Design of Medicinal Diet (1)
The two talked and walked, and they had reached the kitchen.The kitchen in Hou's mansion is quite large, and a whole row of rooms, from east to west, are all places for steaming and frying in the kitchen.On both sides of the house, there is a place for each house to simmer.The place Jiuya arranges to cook porridge is in Xiewu to the west.

At this time, the people in front of the kitchen were all busy, choosing and washing vegetables, fetching water, killing chickens and cutting fish, all of them were so busy that they didn't touch the ground.Jiuya and Yudie avoided them all the way. At this moment, someone shouted from behind: "Let Rang, Rang Rang, be careful not to touch them."

As soon as Jiuya turned around, she saw two big men dragging a big sack over, and she could smell the stench from afar, and there was something in the sack that seemed to be wriggling.

Yudie also saw it, and couldn't help asking curiously: "Dare to ask Brother Cook, what kind of living things are in this sack?"

One of the men with a scarred face smiled Weihe and said: "It's a bag full of snakes. Not only will I make snake soup today, but I will also use snake skin to serve dishes for those noble ladies. I heard that snake skin is very good for beauty. It is very popular." People like it, it was ordered by my aunt."

Yudie was so frightened that she backed up a few steps, the snake looked scared, she really didn't know how people could eat it.

Jiu Ya looked thoughtfully at the two big men dragging the snake away, her brows frowned even tighter.

When I got to the Xitou kitchen, I saw Chunju busy in front of the stove, her face was red from the fire, and Bash.

When she saw Jiuya coming, she seemed relieved, and shouted: "Young Mistress, you are finally here, and stay here as you ordered, and the servants dare not leave even a single step, and they are so worried, okay? Be sure."

Yudie went over to take over her work, put firewood in the stove, and scolded: "You little hoof, what's the point of asking you to keep a kitchen? Isn't it too worthless."

Chunju laughed and stuck out her tongue, Jiuya lifted the wooden lid of the big sand jar, and saw that the porridge with some medicinal ingredients inside had gradually become thicker, and it was estimated that the fire throat was approaching, so she asked, "You didn't know what to do just now?" Have you ever left?"

Chunju shook her head nervously, "No, slaves will do as the young mistress orders."

Jiu Ya cautiously said: "Is there anyone here?"

Chun Ju said angrily: "Yes, the lady in charge of the kitchen over there just said that she wanted to use the kitchen, so she had to come in. The slaves stopped her by blocking her from left to right. Just like what the young lady said, the slaves are afraid that someone will come in." Don’t dare to be careless about adding medicine to the porridge.”

Jiuya smiled slightly, "Good job."

Then she motioned Chun Ju to close the kitchen door, and after carefully checking all around the kitchen, she took out the bag that contained the ingredients before. Inside was a small gauze bag, which smelled like medicine. Yu Die and Chun Ju didn't understand this. She only said that she was seasoning according to what she had prepared before.

Jiuya just put the medicinal materials wrapped in gauze into the sand pot, and after a while, they immediately smelled a strange fragrance.Chun Ju exclaimed: "Young Mistress, did you put Xihai flowers just now? I heard that Xihai flowers are extremely difficult to buy. Unexpectedly, not only were they bought by Young Mistress, but they can also be used to make porridge. They are really delicious."

Jiu Ya smiled lightly and remained silent.Just as she was closing the lid, someone kicked open the back window of the kitchen. Before the three of them could react, they saw three thin, vicious men attacking them with their fingers.Jiu Ya was taken aback, before she could think, she raised her hand and threw the shovel in her hand at a man who locked her throat.

The man sneered, caught the shovel, and swung at Jiu Ya.Jiuya exclaimed, and within a short time, two extremely fast blue shadows also jumped in from the window, one drew a sword and stabbed the man's back of the neck, and the other rushed towards Yudie who hit Yudie with a palm. man.

But in the blink of an eye, Yu Die and Chun Ju had been beaten to the ground, there was no blood on their bodies, and they didn't know whether they were dead or alive.

Tsing Yi Phantom fought with two of them, and the other wanted to attack Jiu Ya. Jiu Ya kept yelling and retreating, trying to attract the attention of the busy cooks outside. Believe it or not, these killers are not afraid in broad daylight.Then no matter how loud her cry was, no one outside seemed to hear it, and no one came to knock on the door to ask anything.

She gritted her teeth secretly, it seems that some people want to kill themselves completely, and they have reached the point of madness.The people outside must have received the order. Even if the kitchen is on fire, they will pretend not to know and turn a deaf ear to it.And I have been working on anti-virus, and I never expected that someone would send an assassin to directly assassinate him.

In the blink of an inch, she had already drawn out the poisonous needle in her hand, and even though she was injured, she wanted to kill this person under the needle.The killer hooked his fingers to the lock, and Tsing Yi, who was fighting fiercely beside him, was in a hurry. Although the opponent's martial arts were evenly matched with his, he still turned around in mid-air and stabbed with his sword horizontally. The door on his back was wide open, revealing flaws. Hitting the back of his heart, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

At the same time, the body of the assassin who was stabbed was hindered and he bent back. Jiu Ya was brave enough to stab the opponent's throat with a needle, and at the same time backed away again and again.The man clutched his neck and exclaimed: "The wind is tight, tearing up."

The three assassins retreated at the same time, leaping out of the window like a cheetah, Phantom yelled secretly, "Tsing Yi, take care of this place, I will notify the people outside to intercept them."

Tsing Yi struggled to get up from the ground, glanced at Yu Die and Chun Ju who were unconscious on the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and asked Jiu Ya, "Young Mistress, are you okay?"

Jiuya didn't care about his fears, and hurried over to help him, "I'm fine, do you want to be okay?"

Tsing Yi pushed her away and stood up slowly, "I don't mind, these people are very skilled, I don't know if people outside can catch them. You go and see the two of them, don't be shot to death. "

Jiuya's heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly went to check Yudie and Chunju's breath, took their pulse again, and said with a long sigh of relief: "Fortunately, those few seem to want to deal with me with all their strength, and they didn't hit them hard. hand."

While she was talking, she suddenly found that Tsing Yi had lost her voice, she looked back strangely, Tsing Yi was about to open the door, but at this time his eyes were condensed, staring at the east corner and retreating step by step.Looking at the past, Jiuya couldn't help gasping for air. From the east corner, a hole had been opened at some point, and countless round-headed or flat-headed snakes of various colors swam towards this side with their red letters. Coming over, they stretched their necks upwards, with fierce eyes, and surrounded the four of them one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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