marry a noble wife

Chapter 355 Design of Medicinal Diet

Chapter 355 Design of Medicinal Diet (6)
Eunuch Luo hurriedly left, and at the moment of inviting someone, Jiu Ya walked slowly to the bowl of porridge, smelled it, nodded and said: "It really is the aroma of the porridge cooked by Xihaihua."

She then called out to Yudie who had been waiting outside: "Yudie, come in, first take my porridge and compare it with this, and see if there is any difference."

Yudie immediately brought in the sand jar and put it aside. Xiao Shi felt that Jiuya was terribly calm at this moment, worried that she would play some tricks, snatched the porridge bowl from Jiuya's hand, and said coldly: "Daughter-in-law Yu, you're the most suspect right now, it's best not to touch this evidence."

Jiuya glanced at her, and said with a half-smile: "Why do I feel that my aunt is guilty? What's the point of just looking at a bowl? Is there something shady in it?"

Xiao said angrily: "I am guarding against villains, so why would I harm my daughter?"

Jiuya raised her eyebrows, and said in a rage, "It's hard to say."

Xiao's eyes were red, and his blood was surging. The princess coughed beside her, and scolded: "Song Jiuya, now that there are all witnesses and evidences, I don't know what else you want to quibble about? Lord Hou, you heard it all just now. I see, this poison is all from her hands, you are indifferent, do you want the emperor to deal with this matter?"

An Pinghou's face was ashen, to be honest, he didn't want to deal with Jiuya at all, and seeing Jiuya talking and laughing, he also believed that she must have some tricks, so he just helped drag the time, and only hoped that Imperial Doctor Hong would come soon.He was about to speak slowly, which was rare, but Fu Yu smiled and pointed outside, "Look, Doctor Hong is here."

Seeing Hong Yuyi from a distance, Jiu Ya smiled broadly, stepped forward and said, "I have heard that Hong Yuyi is the number one expert in poison identification in the palace. I'm sorry, because I was accused of poisoning, but I It’s true that I haven’t done it, so I can only ask you.”

Hong Shilei was not polite to her either, "The county lord wants me to identify what kind of poison, as long as I can do it, I must tell the truth."

Jiuya was overjoyed, and went straight to the topic: "Dr. Du said just now that the empress dowager concubine saw the red because she ate the Xihai flower porridge I cooked, and then there were Jun Xiaozui's flowers in this room. The two are mixed together. , it becomes an abortion drug."

Hong Shilei nodded, "What does the county lord mean?"

The corners of Jiuya's mouth curled up slightly, "What I mean is that I hope Doctor Hong will test the bowl of porridge eaten by the Empress Dowager and Concubine in front of everyone, to see if there are really Xihai flowers in it."

Imperial Physician Du was extremely displeased when he heard this. It is obvious that Jiu Ya is questioning his medical skills, isn't it?Dang even sullenly said: "County Lord, I have stayed in the Imperial Hospital for many years, could it be that I can't even tell if there is Xihaihua in that bowl?"

Jiuya glanced at him and sneered, "I didn't say that, I just wanted to make Hong Yuyu's confirmation. I'm not afraid of the shadow, so what's so excited about Du?"

Doctor Du was so angry that his nostrils were blown.

Doctor Hong had already received a hint from Empress Ma, so he searched with all his heart. He took the porridge bowl snatched by Mrs. Xiao and sniffed it, and quickly came to the conclusion, "There are indeed Xihai flowers in it... "

Before he could finish his sentence, Xiao Shi became distressed and said with a sneer, "Daughter-in-law Yu, you can hear clearly now that there are indeed Xihai flowers in this bowl, how do you want to argue now?"

Jiu Ya smiled slightly, "Auntie, Doctor Hong finally came here, you have to let him investigate the matter, why are you so eager to convict me? Are you really guilty?"

"You..." Xiao Shi suppressed the anger in his heart, and finally kept silent.

Jiu Ya looked at Hong Yu doctor with a smile, "Then I would like to ask Hong Yu doctor to see if there is Xihai flower in this sand jar?"

What she was referring to was the sand pot that Yudie brought in, and it was also the sand pot that helped everyone cook porridge before.

As soon as she heard her question, Empress Ma knew it. It seemed that there was no Xihai flower in Jiuya's porridge, but there was in Fu Jingwen's porridge bowl. Naturally, someone made a trick out of it.So who is this person?She saw Xiao Shi and Concubine Yang by accident, but found that the two of them didn't look panicked at all, instead they were smiling. Could it be that things are not as Jiuya expected?
Her heart couldn't help but raised again.

Doctor Hong sniffed and sniffed, and then took a sip with a spoon. After savoring carefully, he said with a smile: "There are some medicinal materials in it, such as jasmine, honeysuckle, bark, cistanche, etc., but there is no Xihai flower. This porridge The scent that comes out of the pot seems to be similar to the rich scent of Xihai flowers, but as long as you carefully identify them, you can tell the difference. Using these kinds of medicinal materials to cook porridge is really the best product, prolonging life and refreshing brain, and will not affect the fetus."

Everyone was startled, and the princess lost her voice, "What? There are no Xihai flowers? Then why are there Xihai flowers in this bowl? Isn't the porridge in the bowl coming from this jar?"

Doctor Hong laughed and said, "The porridge in the bowl is completely different from the porridge in the sand jar. Obviously, the porridge in the bowl did not come from the sand jar."

The old lady said in astonishment: "Is the imperial doctor really sure? There are medicinal herbs in the world that smell similar to Xihai flowers when they are mixed together. I have never heard of it before."

Physician Hong said: "If you want to make other medicinal materials have the same fragrance as Xihai flowers, you really need a person who is quite proficient in pharmacology. I am surprised that this county lord has done it. It seems that the county lord's The name of a genius doctor is definitely not something to brag about, it’s admirable.”

"Excellent award." Jiuya smiled slightly, glanced at Xiao Shi and Fu Jing's increasingly ugly faces, and then looked at Empress Ma, "Please prove it to the empress, it was obvious to all just now that I served the porridge myself and handed it over to the rain Yan took it out of her hand, and it turned into porridge of Xihaihua. What's more, I don't know if you have noticed that this lotus leaf bowl seems to be exactly the same as my set of lotus leaf bowls , but in essence, let’s take a look, each of my lotus leaf bowls has a tiny golden serial number engraved on the corner, everyone can come and see, does this bowl have a golden serial number?”

She asked Yudie to bring over all the porridge bowls in the flower hall, and then let people identify them one by one. Anpinghou looked at them most carefully, and said coldly: "Although I don't know these symbols, they are obviously made by a craftsman. .But there is no..."

(End of this chapter)

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